Turismo y cultura: retos y perspectivas en América Latina

Book Description

Este libro es un proyecto académico en el que se presentan diversos debates teóricos, reflexiones, casos de estudio y experiencias en los que se profundiza en diversos ejes de análisis sobre el fenómeno turístico, sus impactos, tensiones y prácticas sociales relacionadas con la cultura. Es un aporte al análisis y profundización de esta temática, dada su importante trascendencia en América Latina. Esperamos que los artículos, que han sido producto de la reflexión teórica o de la práctica investigativa, aporten al avance del conocimiento en la relación entre estos ejes, a partir de reflexiones teóricas, casos de estudio y análisis comparativos en relación con diversos territorios que le apuestan al turismo El libro se estructura en tres ejes de análisis. El primero, relacionado con las “Políticas públicas y el turismo cultural”; el segundo, enfocado a las “Dinámicas sociales, culturales y simbólicas en las relaciones entre turismo y cultura” y, el último, aporta a la comprensión de las “Tensiones e impactos del turismo sobre la cultura”. Con ello se espera cubrir un amplio espectro de enfoques que den cuenta de los retos a los que se deben enfrentar los hacedores de políticas públicas, los gestores, la academia y los actores locales, en relación con la implementación de proyectos y acciones en diversos territorios con múltiples dinámicas sociales asociadas a estos procesos. En este proyecto editorial se vincularon investigadores con 17 artículos que desde diversos lugares del continente aportaron su trabajo para que esta iniciativa fuera una realidad y se tejiera un collage de múltiples y variadas posturas sobre esta temática en la región. El libro aporta un sinnúmero de reflexiones e interrogantes que podrían derivar en un futuro en proyectos de investigación que permitan generar una mayor comprensión de las complejas relaciones entre cultura y turismo.

Migrating to Opportunity

Book Description

Acknowledgements -- Overview -- Workers in southeast Asia are on the move -- Migration in ASEAN -- The determinants of migration in ASEAN and the importance of labor mobility costs -- The impacts of migration in ASEAN -- Trade integration and labor mobility in the ASEAN economic community -- Migration policy in the ASEAN region -- Reducing migration costs in ASEAN -- List of figures

OECD Reviews of School Resources: Colombia 2018

Book Description

This country review report offers an independent analysis of major issues facing the use of school resources in Colombia from an international perspective. It provides a description of national policies, an analysis of strengths and challenges, and a proposal of possible future approaches.

Engineering the System of Healthcare Delivery

Book Description

The US healthcare system has many excellent components; strong scientific input, extraordinary technology for diagnosis and treatment, dedicated staff and top-class facilities among them. But the system has evolved haphazardly over time and although it has not failed entirely, the authors argue that like any system where attention, is paid to individual components at the expense of the system as a whole, it can never hope to succeed. Above all, they point out that the US system does not provide high value healthcare; it has the highest costs in the world and yet many other countries have lower infant mortality rates and better life expectancy. --

Cities of Tomorrow

Book Description

Cities of Tomorrow is a critical history of planning in theory and practice in the twentieth century, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Trenchant, perceptive, global in coverage, this book is an unrivalled account of its crucial subject. The third edition of Cities of Tomorrow is comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new literature published since its original appearance, and to view the 1990s in historical perspective. This is the definitive edition, reviewing the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth century.

Fragments for a History of the Human Body

Book Description

"The first approach can be called vertical since what is explored here is the human body's relationship to the divine, to the bestial and to the machines that imitate or simulate it. The second approach covers the various junctures between the body's "outside" and "inside": it can therefore be called a "psychosomatic" approach, studying the manifestation - or production - of soul and the expression of emotions through the body's attitudes, and, on another level, the speculations inspired by cenesthesia, pain and death. Finally, the third approach ... brings into play the classical opposition between organ and function by showing how a certain organ or bodily substance can be used to justify or challenge the way human society functions ..." - foreword Part 3.

Institutional Frameworks for Social Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

Foreword .-- Introduction .-- Part 1. Social policy institutions. -- Chapter I. Institutional framework for social development / Rodrigo Martínez, Carlos Maldonado Valera .-- Chapter II. Social development and social protection institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean: overview and challenges / Rodrigo Martínez, Carlos Maldonado Valera .-- Part 2. Components and institutional framewoek of social protection. -- Chapter III. Labour market regulation and social protection: institutional challenges / Mario D. Velásquez Pinto .-- Chapter IV. Institutional aspects of Latin America's pension systems / Andras Uthoff .-- Chapter V. Care as a pillar of social protection: rights, policies and institutions in Latin America / María Nieves Rico, Claudia Robles .-- Part 3. Policies for specific populations and their institutional framework .-- Chapter VI. Life cycle and social policies: youth institutions in the region / Daniela Trucco .-- Chapter VII. Disability and public policy: institutional progress and challenges in Latin America / Heidi Ullmann .-- Chapter VIII. Latin American Afrodescendants: institutional framework and public policies / Marta Rangel.

Leadership and Diversity

Book Description

As society becomes increasingly diverse, there is international awareness in education about how this impacts on leaders & leading. For decades the emphasis has been placed on increasing the number of leaders with specific attributes. This text takes a wider view, challenging the reader to recognise the importance of diversity issues.

An Opportunity for a Different Peru

Book Description

For the first time in the republican history of Peru, the presidential transition takes place in democracy, social peace, fast economic growth and favorable world markets. In other words, there has never been a better chance to build a different Peru - a richer country, more equal and governable. There are multiple ways to achieve that goal. New reforms must stem from a widespread and participatory debate, one of a common vision conceived for and by Peruvians. This book aims at making a technical and independent contribution to such debate; it summarizes the knowledge available about the challenges to be faced by the new administration. The study does not recommend silver bullets, but suggests policy options. It is based on the analysis of the current reality and in six decades of relationships with Peru, in which the Bank has implemented more than 100 projects and prepared more than 500 technical reports covering the wide range of development topics. When necessary, the study provides lessons that the Bank has learned elsewhere. The study provides a conceptual framework to the analysis of the country's 34 economic sectors and the two historical perspectives behind them. In doing so, it offers a comprehensive reform agenda that sheds light on possible priorities and courses of action.