Horizontes en la práctica docente. Complejidad, TIC y mediación educativa

Book Description

Pensar la docencia desde la complejidad educativa. Esta obra reúne una serie de capítulos en los que se abordan temáticas relacionadas con la educación superior desde una mirada académica, destacándose como premisas el pensamiento complejo, las TIC, así como el trabajo estratégico que desempeña el docente como facilitador de procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a nivel universitario. Para ello, se toma como contexto la llamada «sociedad de la información y el conocimiento», en donde se ha definido una nueva ordenanza global que deviene en marco de referencia para entender los procesos de transformación que se les requieren a las universidades, en términos de políticas educativas, para la innovación de su currículo, los modelos educativos, como la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de sus académicos. Lo obra integra una serie de textos en donde se analiza el fenómeno educativo, con énfasis en el papel que jueganlos docentes en la configuración de ambientes educativos que contribuyan al aprendizaje de sus estudiantes, para lo cual se proponen tres capítulos: «Perspectivas en la educación y el pensamiento complejo», «Comunicación, diversidad y mediación educativa» y «Sujetos de la educación y ámbitos emergentes para la enseñanza». Cada uno de los cuales se compone de textos que, en lo particular, abordan temáticas que permiten ampliar el horizonte desde el cual pueden se comprendidas problemáticas que caracterizan a la educación contemporánea en el nivel superior.

Evaluación Educativa en la Formación de Profesores: Brasil, Colombia, Chile, España, Inglaterra, México, Nueva Zelanda y Uruguay

Book Description

El libro Evaluación educativa: diálogos con formación inicial de profesores – Brasil, Colombia, Chile, España, Inglaterra, México, Nueva Zelanda y Uruguay da una nueva mirada a un tema complejo que rara vez se aborda en la producción académica mundial, a saber, la forma en que la evaluación educativa se ha enseñado, apropiado y practicado en los cursos de formación docente de diferentes universidades y países. El libro propone explorar el tema a partir de diversas referencias teórico-metodológicas y objetos de análisis, tales como: producción académica en revistas; la enseñanza de evaluación en los planes de asignaturas; y experiencias evaluativas vividas en la formación inicial y proyección para el desempeño profesional. Por su carácter integral combinado con un esmerado trabajo de organización y análisis, esta lectura se convierte en una excelente fuente de investigación para todos aquellos interesados en el área de Educación, especialmente aquellos que pasan por la evaluación educativa, la formación docente y el currículo. Además, la lectura de este libro puede orientar y calificar las prácticas educativas en el ámbito de la formación inicial y continua del profesorado, especialmente ayudando a comprender la evaluación educativa y cómo se puede enseñar en los cursos de formación del profesorado.

Insights in Healthcare Professions Education: 2023

Book Description

We are now entering the third decade of the 21st Century, and, especially in the last years, the achievements made by researchers across the world have been exceptional, leading to major advancements in the fast-growing field of Healthcare Profession Educations. Frontiers has organized a series of Research Topics to highlight the latest advancements in science to be at the forefront of knowledge in different fields of research. This editorial initiative of particular relevance, led by Dr. Jacqueline Bloomfield and Lynn Monrouxe, Specialty Chief Editors of the Healthcare Professions Education section, focuses on new insights, novel developments, current challenges, latest discoveries, recent advances, and future perspectives in the field of Healthcare Professions Education. The Research Topic solicits brief, forward-looking contributions from scholars that describe the state of the art, outlining, recent developments and major accomplishments that have been achieved and that need to occur to move the field forward. Authors are encouraged to identify the greatest challenges in the sub-disciplines, and how to address those challenges.

Teacher Evaluation Around the World

Book Description

This book presents some of the leading technical, professional, and political challenges associated with the development and implementation of teacher evaluation systems, along with characterizing some of these systems in different countries around the world. The book promotes a broader comprehension of the complexities associated with this kind of initiatives, which have gained relevance in the last two decades, especially in the context of policies aimed at improving the quality of education. The first section of the book includes conceptual chapters that will detail some of the central debates around teacher evaluation, such as a) performance evaluation versus teaching effectiveness; b) tensions between formative and summative uses of evaluation; c) relationship between evaluation and teacher professionalization; and d) political tensions around teacher evaluation. In the second section, the book addresses specific examples of national or state-wide initiatives in the field of teacher evaluation. For this section, the authors have invited contributions that reflect experiences in North America, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and Latin America. In each chapter, a teacher evaluation system is presented, including their main results and validity evidence, as well as the main challenges associated with its design and implementation. This wide-ranging presentation of teacher evaluation systems around the world is a valuable reference to understand the diverse challenges for the implementation of teacher evaluation programs. The presence of conceptual chapters with others that illustrate how teacher evaluation has been implemented in different contexts gives the reader a comprehensive view of the complex nature of teacher evaluation, considering their technical and political underpinnings. It is a valuable source for anyone interested in the design, improvement, and implementation of teacher evaluation systems.

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2, provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account of the main methodologies, contexts and resources in Spanish Language Teaching (SLT), a field that has experienced significant growth world-wide in recent decades and has consolidated as an autonomous discipline within Applied Linguistics. Written entirely in Spanish, the volume is the first handbook on Spanish Language Teaching to connect theories on language teaching with methodological and practical aspects from an international perspective. It brings together the most recent research and offers a broad, multifaceted view of the discipline. Features include: Forty-four chapters offering an interdisciplinary overview of SLT written by over sixty renowned experts from around the world; Five broad sections that combine theoretical and practical components: Methodology; Language Skills; Formal and Grammatical Aspects; Sociocultural Aspects; and Tools and Resources; In-depth reflections on the practical aspects of Hispanic Linguistics and Spanish Language Teaching to further engage with new theoretical ideas and to understand how to tackle classroom-related matters; A consistent inner structure for each chapter with theoretical aspects, methodological guidelines, practical considerations, and valuable references for further reading; An array of teaching techniques, reflection questions, language samples, design of activities, and methodological guidelines throughout the volume. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching contributes to enriching the field by being an essential reference work and study material for specialists, researchers, language practitioners, and current and future educators. The book will be equally useful for people interested in curriculum design and graduate students willing to acquire a complete and up-to-date view of the field with immediate applicability to the teaching of the language.

Systematic Observation: Engaging Researchers in the Study of Daily Life as It Is Lived

Book Description

Assessment in natural contexts through observation is unquestionably complex. Systematic observation grounded in observational methodology offers a wide range of possibilities to the rigorous study of everyday behavior in their natural context. These possibilities have been enriched in recent decades with the explosion of information and communication technologies. In this eBook we assemble 23 articles from several researchers who have made important contributions to this evolving field. The articles included in this eBook has been organized with a first part on general methodological developments and a second part with methodological contributions that emphasize different application areas. Considering the enormous possibilities of the systematic observation in the study of daily life, we hope this eBook will be useful to understand innovative applications in different fields.

Bilingual Special Education for the 21st Century: A New Interface

Book Description

Bilingual students with disabilities have an established right to be educated in their most proficient language. However, in practice, many culturally and linguistically diverse students still do not receive the quality of education that they are promised and deserve. Multilingual learners with disabilities must be acknowledged for the assets they bring and engaged in classroom learning that is rigorous and relevant. Bilingual Special Education for the 21st Century: A New Interface addresses the complex intersection of bilingual education and special education with the overlay of culturally and linguistically sustaining practices. This work provides practical solutions to current dilemmas and challenges today’s educators of multilingual learners with disabilities face in the classroom. Covering topics such as dual language education, identification practices, and transition planning, this book is an essential resource for special education experts, faculty and administration of both K-12 and higher education, pre-service teachers, researchers, and academicians.

Educación 4.0 en la época de pandemia y pospandemia : retos y oportunidades

Book Description

El libro que aquí se presenta Educación 4.0 en la época de Pandemia y Pospandemia: retos y oportunidades representa un esfuerzo consistente y pertinente que expone lecciones, aprendizajes y áreas de oportunidad que tienen las organizaciones de educación superior a partir del uso generalizado de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic), durante y posterior a la pandemia por COVID-19. Esta obra está dirigida a los docentes y actores involucrados en los procesos educativos, pues no es conveniente dar vuelta a la hoja y retomar las antiguas prácticas presenciales y tradicionales después de todo el aprendizaje acumulado que se gestó durante esta etapa de contingencia, sino que estas experiencias nos conduzcan hacia escenarios de la Educación 4.0, indispensable para la conformación de ciudadanos del México del siglo XXI. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52501/cc.164