Analyse des connaissances actuelles sur les impacts de la certification forestière

Book Description

Les avantages sociaux et environnementaux de la certification forestière, souvent allégués, restent à évaluer empiriquement. Les publications sur les impacts de la certification des forêts tropicales sont nombreuses, mais presque toutes s’appuient sur des sources d’information secondaires plutôt que des mesures de terrain. Cet article propose une grille de recherche empirique pour une analyse de terrain rigoureusement menée des impacts écologiques, sociaux, économiques et politiques de la certification de la gestion des forêts tropicales en prenant en compte les facteurs contextuels spécifiques de chaque localisation, ceux-ci influant sur les résultats de la certification. Cette publication préconise aussi d’utiliser des approches méthodologiques quantitatives et qualitatives solides pour établir les scénarios contrefactuels adéquats qui permettent de faire les comparaisons servant à déduire les impacts ; ces approches s’appuyant toutes sur une théorie complète du changement et des modalités de rassemblement des acteurs. La grille de recherche proposée représente la première étape de la conception et de la réalisation future de travaux d’évaluation appliquée au contexte de la certification des forêts tropicales à l’échelle de la planète. Nous espérons qu’elle contribuera à tirer les leçons des erreurs passées, utiliser les acquis pour aller de l’avant et améliorer la prise de décision de manière à favoriser la pérennisation des valeurs liées aux forêts au profit de la société toute entière.

Incidences de la Certification sur les UFA dans le Dept. de la Sangha

Book Description

Dans le departement de la Sangha en Republique du Congo, il existe une exploitation forestiere intense. Ceci pourrait avoir des impacts sur la foret si les activites d'exploitation ne se conforment pas aux lois et reglements qui protegent les ecosystemes et les populations qui en dependent. Une gestion durable des concessions forestieres conformement a la legislation en vigueur s'impose donc pour minimiser ces impacts et permettre le developpement economique et social dudit departement. L'application de la loi forestiere et l'application des normes du Forest Stewarship Council au Congo sont donc un enjeu tres important pour la gestion durable des forets. Car la certification ajoute de la credibilite a la gestion forestiere, encourage le developpement economique et ameliore la stabilite sociale a long terme. L'objectif global de l'etude a porte sur l'analyse de l'impact de la certification forestiere sur les modes de gestion forestiere et de respect de la legislation forestiere au Congo. Il s'est agit de maniere specifique d'evaluer: le niveau de transparence des informations forestieres des societes; le niveau de respect de la legislation forestiere et de paiement des taxes."

An overview of current knowledge about the impacts of forest management certification

Book Description

The often-claimed environmental and social benefits of forest certification remain to be empirically evaluated. Despite numerous publications on the impacts of tropical forest certification, virtually all are based on secondary sources of information and not on field-based measurements. This paper proposes an empirical research framework for a carefully designed field-based evaluation of the ecological, social, economic, and political impacts of tropical forest management certification taking into account location-specific contextual factors which shape certification outcomes. The paper also suggests that solid methodological quantitative and qualitative approaches be used to build proper counterfactuals on which to base the comparisons for inferring impacts, all informed by a thorough theory-of-change and through processes that bring stakeholders together. The proposed research framework represents a first step towards the design and future implementation of evaluation research in the context of tropical forest certification on a global basis. It is hoped the research framework proposed contributes to learning from past mistakes, building on lessons learned and enhancing decision-making towards the maintenance of forest values over the long term, and for the benefit of society as a whole.

Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalized World

Book Description

Many countries around the world are engaged in decentralization processes, and most African countries face serious problems with forest governance, from benefits sharing to illegality and sustainable forest management. This book summarizes experiences to date on the extent and nature of decentralization and its outcomes - most of which suggest an underperformance of governance reforms - and explores the viability of different governance instruments in the context of weak governance and expanding commercial pressures over forests. Findings are grouped into two thematic areas: decentralization, livelihoods and sustainable forest management; and international trade, finance and forest sector governance reforms. The authors examine diverse forces shaping the forest sector, including the theory and practice of decentralization, usurpation of authority, corruption and illegality, inequitable patterns of benefits capture and expansion of international trade in timber and carbon credits, and discuss related outcomes on livelihoods, forest condition and equity. The book builds on earlier volumes exploring different dimensions of decentralization and perspectives from other world regions, and distills dimensions of forest governance that are both unique to Africa and representative of broader global patterns. The authors ground their analysis in relevant theory while drawing out implications of their findings for policy and practice.

The Mountain Pine Beetle

Book Description

"This book presents a synthesis of published information on mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins [Coleoptera: Scolytidae]) biology and management with an emphasis on lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) forests of western Canada. Intended as a reference for researchers as well as forest managers, the book covers three main subject areas: mountain pine beetle biology, management, and socioeconomic concerns. The chapters on biology cover taxonomy, life history and habits, distribution, insect-host tree interactions, development and survival, epidemiology, and outbreak history. The management section covers management strategy, survey and detection, proactive and preventive management, and decision support tools. The chapters on socioeconomic aspects include an economic examination of management programs and the utilization of post-beetle salvage timber in solid wood, panelboard, pulp and paper products."--Publisher's description.

Rethinking Forest Concessions

Book Description

This report forms part of a review aimed at providing advice on improving forest concession systems in tropical forests. The review was carried out by FAO in cooperation with the International Tropical Timber Organization, the Brazilian Forest Service, the Center for International Forestry Research and Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement. The report is based on three regional reports produced by consultants, discussions at an expert meeting in Rome in November 2015, and a literature review

Organic Farming, Prototype for Sustainable Agricultures

Book Description

Stakeholders show a growing interest for organic food and farming (OF&F), which becomes a societal component. Rather than questioning whether OF&F outperforms conventional agriculture or not, the main question addressed in this book is how, and in what conditions, OF&F may be considered as a prototype towards sustainable agricultures. The book gathers 25 papers introduced in a first chapter. The first section investigates OF&F production processes and its capacity to benefit from the systems functioning to achieve higher self-sufficiency. The second one proposes an overview of organic performances providing commodities and public goods. The third one focuses on organics development pathways within agri-food systems and territories. As well as a strong theoretical component, this book provides an overview of the new challenges for research and development. It questions the benefits as well as knowledge gaps with a particular emphasis on bottlenecks and lock-in effects at various levels.

Speed Management

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Speeding is the number one road safety problem in a large number of OECD/ECMT countries. It is responsible for around one third of the current, unacceptably high levels of road fatalities. Speeding has an impact not only on accidents but also on the ...

The European Landscape Convention

Book Description

This important and insightful book provides, for the first time, a broad presentation of ongoing research into public participation in landscape conservation, management and planning, following the 2000 European Landscape Convention which came into force in 2004. The book examines both the theory of participation and what lessons can be learnt from specific European examples. It explores in what manner and to what extent the provisions for participation in the European Landscape Convention have been followed up and implemented. It also presents and compares different experiences of participation in selected countries from northern, southern, eastern and western Europe, and provides a critical examination of public participation in practice. However, while the book’s focus is necessarily on Europe, many of the conclusions drawn are of global relevance. The book provides a valuable reference for researchers and advanced students in landscape policies and management, as well as for professionals and others interested in land-use planning and environmental management.