Analysis of Logic and Sanity

Book Description

Through the ages man has been pre-occupied with logic, sanity and moral standards, probably more than other concepts. Societies through their various stages of evolution varied the theme with distinct differences in their demands on standards, dogmas, and regional culture. These variations of morality place a big demand on science. Individuals from different cultures, social groups, of known and unknown social norms may occupy the practitioner's couch; the significance of this being the understanding demanded of the therapist. People live in groups and humans choose to live in groups, simply for what they can get out of society. Those who choose to live in solitude become recluse in monasteries and nunneries, or become thinkers in isolation high up in mountains. The causation theory regarding the logic and sanity analysis in this book includes the seemingly necessary connection between one event (the cause) and the other (the effect).

Asynchronous Sequential Machine Design and Analysis

Book Description

Asynchronous Sequential Machine Design and Analysis provides a lucid, in-depth treatment of asynchronous state machine design and analysis presented in two parts: Part I on the background fundamentals related to asynchronous sequential logic circuits generally, and Part II on self-timed systems, high-performance asynchronous programmable sequencers, and arbiters. Part I provides a detailed review of the background fundamentals for the design and analysis of asynchronous finite state machines (FSMs). Included are the basic models, use of fully documented state diagrams, and the design and characteristics of basic memory cells and Muller C-elements. Simple FSMs using C-elements illustrate the design process. The detection and elimination of timing defects in asynchronous FSMs are covered in detail. This is followed by the array algebraic approach to the design of single-transition-time machines and use of CAD software for that purpose, one-hot asynchronous FSMs, and pulse mode FSMs. Part I concludes with the analysis procedures for asynchronous state machines. Part II is concerned mainly with self-timed systems, programmable sequencers, and arbiters. It begins with a detailed treatment of externally asynchronous/internally clocked (or pausable) systems that are delay-insensitive and metastability-hardened. This is followed by defect-free cascadable asynchronous sequencers, and defect-free one-hot asynchronous programmable sequencers--their characteristics, design, and applications. Part II concludes with arbiter modules of various types, those with and without metastability protection, together with applications. Presented in the appendices are brief reviews covering mixed-logic gate symbology, Boolean algebra, and entered-variable K-map minimization. End-of-chapter problems and a glossary of terms, expressions, and abbreviations contribute to the reader's learning experience. Five productivity tools are made available specifically for use with this text and briefly discussed in the Preface. Table of Contents: I: Background Fundamentals for Design and Analysis of Asynchronous State Machines / Introduction and Background / Simple FSM Design and Initialization / Detection and Elimination of Timing Defects in Asynchronous FSMs / Design of Single Transition Time Machines / Design of One-Hot Asynchronous FSMs / Design of Pulse Mode FSMs / Analysis of Asynchronous FSMs / II: Self-Timed Systems/ Programmable Sequencers, and Arbiters / Externally Asynchronous/Internally Clocked Systems / Cascadable Asynchronous Programmable Sequencers (CAPS) and Time-Shared System Design / Asynchronous One-Hot Programmable Sequencer Systems / Arbiter Modules

The Myth of Sanity

Book Description

Why does a gifted psychiatrist suddenly begin to torment his own beloved wife? How can a ninety-pound woman carry a massive air conditioner to the second floor of her home, install it in a window unassisted, and then not remember how it got there? Why would a brilliant feminist law student ask her fiancé to treat her like a helpless little girl? How can an ordinary, violence-fearing businessman once have been a gun-packing vigilante prowling the crime districts for a fight? A startling new study in human consciousness, The Myth of Sanity is a landmark book about forgotten trauma, dissociated mental states, and multiple personality in everyday life. In its groundbreaking analysis of childhood trauma and dissociation and their far-reaching implications in adult life, it reveals that moderate dissociation is a normal mental reaction to pain and that even the most extreme dissociative reaction-multiple personality-is more common than we think. Through astonishing stories of people whose lives have been shattered by trauma and then remade, The Myth of Sanity shows us how to recognize these altered mental states in friends and family, even in ourselves.

Theology and Sanity

Book Description

Vatican II issued an urgent call for the laity to take a more active role in the life of the Church. What should the life of the Christian believer be like? How are average lay Christians called to help save the world? How does theology fit into the picture? One of Frank Sheed's most popular books, this ideal volume for the layman shows the practical aspects of theology in the life of a Christian believer. Logic, clarity, and simplicity permeate this eminently readable book. Drawing from his fifty years of street-corner preaching, as well as his long career as an author, lecturer and publisher, Sheed understands and communicates better than anyone the importance of theology and its relationship to living sanely in today's world. A brilliant synthesis of the Catholic view of life.


Book Description

Although creativity is considered a rare personality attribute, found only in gifted individuals, worthwhile innovations are often produced by 'ordinary' people. Thought is a philosophical method used for the analysis of concepts (most notably the concept of personal identity). It works by testing our intuitions in an imagined situation. Thought experiments are also used in the natural sciences: Isaac Newton used them when considering the nature of light, and Albert Einstein relied on them for the development of his theories of relativity. Ideology is a form of social or political philosophy in which practical elements are as prominent as theoretical ones. It is a system of ideas that aspires both to explain the world and to change it. A distinction is often drawn between the ideological and the pragmatic approach to politics, the latter being understood as the approach that treats particular issues and problems purely on their merits and does not attempt to apply

Instincts and Mechanism of Behaviour

Book Description

An instinct is the mechanism by which animals and humans can perform complex behaviour patterns without learning or conscious effort. Instinctive behaviours are inherited and have evolved to be adaptive, fitting the organism to its particular role. Instinct is of particular importance in animal behaviours such as courtship, mating, and other reproductive activities. More general behaviours such as feeding and defence may have an instinctive base. Many birds, some grasshoppers, frogs, and a number of other animals have song or call patterns that attract mates and are based upon instinct. Instinctive behaviours often require a stimulus or releaser to initiate them. The herring-gull chick pecks the red spot on the adult's bill, releasing its instinctive feeding behaviour. A releaser will operate only if conditions, both internal and external to the organism, are suitable.

Science and Sanity

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Mine own Ideology Idealism Politics

Book Description

Concepts and writings are not timeless and should instead be understood in terms of the historical context in which they developed. Ideology is a political belief-system which explains the world as it currently is and suggests how it should be changed. The term describes social classes, especially that of capitalism or bourgeoisie. Ideology is recognised as the means by which people perceive the social world and consciously subscribe to a political creed. Idealism is a set of views according to which the physical world is dependent upon the mind; we somehow create the world. Idealists are not saying that our experience of the world is other than what it is; simply a collection of 'ideas' that are coherent. Politics is the study and practice of how people are governed. Efforts are made to influence, gain, or wield power at various levels of government, internally and internationally, including dispute resolution, formal elections to the threat or use of outright coercion or force.

Sanity of Mind

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