Analysis of Oceanic Waters and Sediments

Book Description

The presence of concentrations of organic substances and cations in seawater is a matter of increasing concern to the water industry, environmentalists and the general public alike. It poses a threat of possible health hazards for humans, fish and crustacea. Until fairly recently, the analysis of seawater was limited to a number of major constituen

Analysis of Solids in Natural Waters

Book Description

As only a few books have been published on the matter of toxic materials in water it occurred to the author that a comprehensive volume dealing with all aspects of this subject was overdue. In this book there is a complete discussion of world literature on the determination of metals, non-metals, organic substances, organometallic com pounds, together with organic carbon parameters and radioactive elements in river, stream, lake and pond sediments, marine and estuarine sediments, river and sea fish, crustacea and molluscs, phytoplankton and sea and river weeds. Much very detailed work has been carried out on this subject over the past 20 years and a review of this work is timely in view of the increasing interest to chemists, environmentalists and others concerned with the quality of our environ ment. The presence of organic and inorganic substances in river and oceanic sediments is due in part to man-made pollution, and monitoring the levels of these substances in sediment and sediment core samples provides an indication of the time dependence of element concentration over large time spans. Contamination of sediments is found not only in rivers but also in estuarine sediments and sometimes in oceanic sedi ments, and this sediment analysis provides a means of tracking elements from their sources through the ecosystem.

Oceanic Waters and Sediments

Book Description

Most contaminants are recognized to have a robust tendency to interact with suspended organic and inorganic matter. The sediments, under firm conditions, may form deposits, where the ingredients are deposited and/or mineralized and detached from the external environment. Various phenomena may, however, promote a contaminant discharge from the sediment towards the covering waters. Molecular diffusion, bioturbation, resuspension of bottom sediment and pumping because of low-intensity wave motion are phenomena that cause the transport of chemical species through the water-sediment interface. The aquatic environment with its water quality is deliberated the main factor controlling the state of health and diseases in both cultured and wild fishes. Pollution of heavy metals in aquatic ecosystem is increasing at an alarming rate and has become a vital issue worldwide. Growth in population, urbanization, industrialization and agricultural practices has further aggravated the situation. As heavy metal cannot be degraded, they are deposited, assimilated or incorporated in water, sediments and aquatic animals and thus causing heavy metal pollution in water bodies.This book presents insight into the cutting-edge research and processes available for analyzing sediments in seawater. The contributed chapters are written by authors and scientists working on different aspects of sediment transport and analysis of marine water, covering most recent research results and reviews or examples encompassing different aspects of sediment transport in coastal zones at diverse scales. It also focuses on the determination of the concentrations of organic pollutants in the ocean sediments have been presented.The book will be of immense interest for students, researchers, agriculturalists, chemists, biologists, toxicologists, as well as for all professionals involved in water industry, from river management to fish productions.

Practical Guidelines for the Analysis of Seawater

Book Description

As we discover more about the role of the ocean in global changes and identify the effects of global change on the ocean, understanding its chemical composition and processes becomes increasingly paramount. However, understanding these processes requires a wide range of measurements in the vast ocean, from the sea surface to deep-ocean trenches, fr

Chemistry of Marine Water and Sediments

Book Description

The most important processes on the Earth`s surface occur in the Ocean where materials and energy are primarily exchanged. In the case of marine chemistry different fields of chemistry from organic to inorganic as well as thermodynamics and biochemistry are involved. Analytical Chemistry is a very important tool for the quantification of biogeochemical processes by providing correct and even more sophisticated methodologies. These are often directly applied 'in situ', in order to detect trace and ultra-trace natural and anthropogenic substances. Kinetic and thermodynamic studies allow us to establish whether the process occurs. Once discovered it is then possible to build up general models for environmental systems. This book gathers many aspects with the aim of creating a general picture of the chemical processes occurring in the marine environment

Deep-Sea Sediments

Book Description

'Deep-Sea Sediments' focuses on the sedimentary processes operating within the various modern and ancient deep-sea environments. The chapters track the way of sedimentary particles from continental erosion or production in the marine realm, to transport into the deep sea, to final deposition on the sea floor.

Ocean Acidification

Book Description

The ocean has absorbed a significant portion of all human-made carbon dioxide emissions. This benefits human society by moderating the rate of climate change, but also causes unprecedented changes to ocean chemistry. Carbon dioxide taken up by the ocean decreases the pH of the water and leads to a suite of chemical changes collectively known as ocean acidification. The long term consequences of ocean acidification are not known, but are expected to result in changes to many ecosystems and the services they provide to society. Ocean Acidification: A National Strategy to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Ocean reviews the current state of knowledge, explores gaps in understanding, and identifies several key findings. Like climate change, ocean acidification is a growing global problem that will intensify with continued CO2 emissions and has the potential to change marine ecosystems and affect benefits to society. The federal government has taken positive initial steps by developing a national ocean acidification program, but more information is needed to fully understand and address the threat that ocean acidification may pose to marine ecosystems and the services they provide. In addition, a global observation network of chemical and biological sensors is needed to monitor changes in ocean conditions attributable to acidification.

Occurrence, Toxicity & Analysis of Toxic Compounds in Oceanic Biota

Book Description

The presence of concentrations of organic substances and cations in sea water is a matter of increasing concern to the water industry, environmentalists and the general public alike. There is a threat of possible health hazards to both human, fish and crustacea. Occurrence, Toxicity and Analysis of Marine Biota discusses bioaccumulation in biota as well as occurrence and analysis of toxicants in biota. The main thrust of this book will be a review of the levels of toxicants found in the tissues of fish and invertebrates at various sites throughout the world. In addition, results will be reported on the levels of toxicants found in marine biota enabling ill health or death to occur. This will involve a discussion of toxicity index LC50 and percentile S95 concentration of toxicants and their implications on animal health and mortality, also that of humans who eat these sea creatures. The book will be a complete logical survey of this topic.

Physics of Sound in Marine Sediments

Book Description

The phenomenon of sound transmissions through marine sediments is of extreme interest to both the United States civilian and Navy research communities. Both communities have conducted research within the field of this phenomenon approaching it from different perspectives. The academic research community has approached it as a technique for studying sedimentary and crustal structures of the ocean basins. The Navy research community has approached it as an additional variable in the predictability of sound trans mission through oceanic waters. In order to join these diverse talents, with the principal aim of bringing into sharp focus the state-of-the-science in the problems relating to the behavior of sound in marine sediments, the Office of Naval Research organized and sponsored an invited symposium on this subject. The papers published in this volume are the results of this symposium and mark the frontiers in the state-of-the-art. The symposia series were based on five research areas identified by ONR as being particularly suitable for critical review and for the appraisal of future research trends. These areas include: 1. Physics of Sound in Marine Sediments, 2. Physical and Engineering Properties of Deep-Sea Sediments, 3. The Role of Bottom Currents in Sea Floor Geological Processes, 4. Nephelometry and the Optical Properties of the Ocean I'laters, S. Natural Gases in Marine Sediments and Their Mode of Distribution. These five areas also form some of the research priorities of the ONR program in Marine Geology and Geophysics.

Chemical Reference Materials

Book Description

The accuracy of chemical oceanographic measurements depends on calibration against reference materials to ensure comparability over time and among laboratories. Several key parameters lack reference materials for measurements in seawater, particles in the water column, and sediments. Without reference materials it is difficult to produce the reliable data sets or long-term baseline studies that are essential to verify global change and oceanic stability. Chemical Reference Materials : Setting the Standards for Ocean Science identifies the most urgently required chemical reference materials based on key themes for oceanographic research and provides suggestions as to how they can be developed within realistic cost constraints. Chemical analyses of seawater are uniquely difficult given the poorly known speciation and the low concentration of many of the analytes of interest. Analyses of suspended and sedimentary marine particulate materials present their own distinct challenges, primarily due to potential interference by predominant mineral phases of different types. Of all the analytical methods applied to marine waters and particles, at present only a small fraction can be systematically evaluated via comparison to reference materials that represent the appropriate natural concentrations and matrices. Specifically, the committee was charged with the following tasks: - compile from available sources a list of important oceanographic research questions that may benefit from chemical reference standards; - create a comprehensive list of reference materials currently available for oceanographic studies; - identify and prioritize the reference materials needed to study the identified research questions; - determine for each priority analyte whether reference materials and/or analytic methods should be standardized; and - identify the most appropriate approaches for the development and future production of reference materials for ocean sciences.