Oxygen Transport To Tissue XXIII

Book Description

The ISOTT 2001 local organizing committee was pleased to welcome over 140 delegates from around the world to the 29th annual general meeting of the International Society for Oxygen Transport to Tissue. The meeting was held in historic Philadelphia, USA, on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania from August 11 to 15, 2001. In the tradition of ISOTT, the conference was a total immersion experience. Attendees were encouraged to eat together and spend their evenings relaxing together in a style that maximized exchange of ideas and interactions of younger scientists with their more senior colleagues. Delegates participated in a total of 122 presentations including poster displays, selected oral presentations, seminars by invited speakers and a round table discussion. In choosing invited speakers and oral presenters, special emphasis was placed on methods for oxygen measurement in living tissue and application of these technologies to understanding physiological and biochemical basis for pathology related to tissue oxygenation. All of the manuscripts contained in this volume underwent both an editorial and scientific review, and only those meeting both criteria have been published. However, while all efforts have been made to eliminate editorial errors, some have undoubtedly been overlooked, for which the editors apologize.

Red Cell Membrane Transport in Health and Disease

Book Description

51 worldwide leading experts in the field of erythrocyte research contributed to this first book on transport processes in red blood cells. It explains the latest findings on the basis of well-established principles, in an accessibly structured and carefully organized compilation.

The Lattice Boltzmann Equation

Book Description

Certain forms of the Boltzmann equation, have emerged, which relinquish most mathematical complexities of the true Boltzmann equation. This text provides a detailed survey of Lattice Boltzmann equation theory and its major applications.


Book Description

The motivation for writing aseries ofbooks on biomechanics is to bring this rapidly developing subject to students of bioengineering, physiology, and mechanics. In the last decade biomechanics has become a recognized disci pline offered in virtually all universities. Yet there is no adequate textbook for instruction; neither is there a treatise with sufficiently broad coverage. A few books bearing the title of biomechanics are too elementary, others are too specialized. I have long feIt a need for a set of books that will inform students of the physiological and medical applications of biomechanics, and at the same time develop their training in mechanics. We cannot assume that all students come to biomechanics already fully trained in fluid and solid mechanics; their knowledge in these subjects has to be developed as the course proceeds. The scheme adopted in the present series is as follows. First, some basic training in mechanics, to a level about equivalent to the first seven chapters of the author's A First Course in Continuum Mechanics (Prentice-Hall,lnc. 1977), is assumed. We then present some essential parts of biomechanics from the point of view of bioengineering, physiology, and medical applications. In the meantime, mechanics is developed through a sequence of problems and examples. The main text reads like physiology, while the exercises are planned like a mechanics textbook. The instructor may fil1 a dual role: teaching an essential branch of life science, and gradually developing the student's knowledge in mechanics.

Red Blood Cell Aggregation

Book Description

Red blood cells in humans—and most other mammals—have a tendency to form aggregates with a characteristic face-to-face morphology, similar to a stack of coins. Known as rouleaux, these aggregates are a normally occurring phenomenon and have a major impact on blood rheology. What is the underlying mechanism that produces this pattern? Does this really happen in blood circulation? And do these rouleaux formations have a useful function? The first book to offer a comprehensive review of the subject, Red Blood Cell Aggregation tackles these and other questions related to red blood cell (RBC) aggregates. The book covers basic, clinical, and physiological aspects of this important biophysical phenomenon and integrates these areas with concepts in bioengineering. It brings together state-of-the-art research on the determinants, mechanisms, and measurement and effects of RBC aggregation as well as on variations and comparative aspects. After an introductory overview, the book outlines factors and conditions that affect RBC aggregation. It presents the two hypotheses—the bridging model and the depletion model—that provide potential mechanisms for the adhesive forces that lead to the regular packing of the cells in rouleaux formations. The book also reviews the methods used to quantify RBC aggregation in vitro, focusing on their importance in clinical practice. Chapters discuss the effect of RBC aggregation on the in vitro rheology of blood as well as on tube flow. The book also looks at what happens in the circulation when red blood cells aggregate and examines variations due to physiological and pathophysiological challenges. The concluding chapter explores the formation of red blood cell aggregates in other mammals. Written by leading researchers in the field, this is an invaluable resource for basic science, medical, and clinical researchers; graduate students; and clinicians interested in mammalian red blood cells.

The Red Cell Membrane

Book Description

Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research

Book Description

Cutting edge research in cell and tissue research abounds in this review of the latest technological developments in the area. The chapters are written by excellent scientists on advanced, frontier technology and address scientific questions that require considerable engineering brainpower. The aim is to provide students and scientists working in academia and industry new information on bioengineering in cell and tissue research to enhance their understanding and innovation.

Applied Physiology in Intensive Care Medicine

Book Description

Te practice of intensive care medicine is at the very forefront of titration of treatment andmonitoringresponse. Te substrateofthiscareisthe criticallyill patientwho,by defnition, is at the limits of his or her physiologic reserve. Such patients need immediate, aggressive but balanced life-altering interventions to minimize the detrimental aspects of acute illness and hasten recovery. Treatmentdecisionsandresponsetotherapyareusually assessed by measures of physiologic function, such as assessed by cardio-respiratory monitoring. However, how one uses such information is ofen unclear and rarely supported by prospective clinical trials. In reality, the bedside clinician is forced to rely primarily on physiologic principles in determining the best treatments and response to therapy. However, the physiologic foundation present in practicing physicians is uneven and occasionally supported more by habit or prior training than science. A series of short papers published in Intensive Care Medicine since 2002 under the heading Physiologic Notes attempts to capture the essence of the physiologic perspectives that underpin both our understanding of disease and response to therapy. Tis present volume combines the complete list of these Physiologic Notes up until July 2006 with the ass o cia t ed r e vie w a r tic les o v er t h e s a m e in t er val t ha t a ls o addr ess e d t hes e cen tral issues.

Handbook of Hemorheology and Hemodynamics

Book Description

This publication primarily focuses on the macro- and micro-rheological behavior of blood and its formed elements, on interactions between the formed elements and blood vessel walls, and on the microvascular aspects of hemodynamics. Since many aspects of hemorheology and hemodynamics are affected by disease or clinical states, these effects are discussed as are hyperviscosity syndromes, therapy for disturbed blood rheology, and methods in hemorheology and hemodynamics. Sections of the Handbook include History of Hemorheology; Hemorheology, covering basic aspects, blood composition, blood rheology, cell mechanics, pathophysiology, methods and comparative studies; Hemodynamics, covering basic principles, microcirculation, in vivo effects, endothelium and methods; and Clinical Aspects of Hemorheology, covering hyperviscosity, clinical significance and treatment. The goal is to foster greater interchange between workers in the fields so as to promote collaborative efforts and, hopefully, improved health. In selecting topics for this handbook the editors have attempted to provide a general overview of both basic science and clinical hemorheology and hemodynamics. Hemorheology and hemodynamics are closely related, the former dealing with all aspects of the flow and interactions of the individual blood cells mostly studied in vitro, the latter with the in vivo relationships among vessel architecture, driving pressure, flow rate and shear stress. The linkage between the in vitro and in vivo research described in the book will be of interest to both basic science and clinical investigators. The editors of the handbook have each been active in the fields of bio- and hemorheology for many years, and have published extensively. They have successfully achieved their objective to publish a well-written and well-edited handbook that will be valuable for researchers and students in the field.