Country Diagnostic Study on Long-Term Care in Sri Lanka

Book Description

This publication presents findings of a study on the availability and provision of long-term care (LTC) in Sri Lanka, including the need for and supply of LTC, regulatory and policy frameworks, service provision, quality management, human resources, and financing. Analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for the development of LTC systems in Sri Lanka are also included. It contributes to the development of an in-depth knowledge base on LTC policies, programs, and systems. It is one of six country diagnostic studies—the others on Indonesia, Mongolia, Tonga, Thailand, and Viet Nam—prepared under the Asian Development Bank technical assistance 9111: Strengthening Developing Member Countries’ Capacity in Elderly Care.

Social Protection Goals in East Asia

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The book examines the conceptual, economic, and fiscal impact(s) of the Social Protection Floor (SPF) initiative of the International Labor Organisation (ILO) and other policy influencers by first critically examining the methodologies used by the international agencies to estimate the fiscal costs of designated minimum package(s) of social protection programs. The book also briefly reviews the methodologies used and usefulness of the Social Protection Index (SPI) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Second, the book analyses strategies and specific initiatives used by the selected East Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam), designed to progress towards the social protection goals underlying the Social Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, and endorsed by the countries covered in this book. Finally, the book provides a framework for generating fiscal space to fund the social protection programs and initiatives. The country chapters utilise this framework in the context of each specific country to suggest generating fiscal space.

Public Expenditure Analysis for Social Protection in Sri Lanka

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As policymakers gradually (re-)assess social protection systems in the wider context of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is becoming increasingly important to have clear information on country-level programmes. This Research Report examines the country's existing non-contributory (social assistance) and (semi-)contributory (social insurance) social protection programmes.

Social Protection for Unskilled Migrant Workers in Sri Lanka

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This book is about the social protection of lower-skilled migrants from Sri Lanka. It reasons out the importance of protecting Sri Lankan migrant workers considering the significant economic contribution of lower-skilled migrant workers and their higher level of exposure to risks at all stages of international migration: pre-departure, on the job, and after returnee reintegration. The book explores social protection programmes for low-skilled immigrants from three perspectives: legal aspects, national policies, and programmes. The chapter on legal background for protecting migrant workers focuses on declarations and on labour laws on the national and international level. Policies and programmes identify national level labour policies and other related policies that apply to migrant workers, as well as available social protection programmes for Sri Lankan migrant workers. In turn, the solutions for minimizing the related risks faced by Sri Lankan migrant workers. Highlighting the economic contribution of migrant workers and their vulnerability at all stages of migration, this book offers a timely and important contribution for policy makers and practitioners as well as scholars of migration studies, public policy and related fields.

Recommendation on Social Protection Floors

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This book assesses the catalogue of principles included in the ILO Recommendation on Social Protection Floors from a legal perspective. Despite the international community?s recognition of social protection as a human right, the vast majority of the world?s population still has no access to social protection. In a major effort to address this situation, the International Labour Conference unanimously adopted the Social Protection Floors Recommendation 202 of 2012. However, because of the wide variety of possible schemes (and techniques that can be employed to administer them), there is a genuine risk that important values relating to social protection will be overlooked in implementing the Recommendation. This book, a collection of essays, contains an in-depth analysis of the Recommendation and sets forth a clear and practicable set of principles that can be used both as a policy tool and as an assessment framework for the creation, maintenance, and supervision of a national social protection floor.

Social Protection Floors

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This volume presents innovative approaches to expand social protection coverage such as schemes for migrants in China, Bolsa Verde in Brazil, employment injury insurance in Bangladesh and Malaysia, the rural employment guarantee in India, schemes to address climate change in China and Philippines, child benefits in El Salvador and South Africa and a monotax in Uruguay to promote formalization and protection of workers. The volumes in this ILO series present best country experiences, useful for South-South learning, for practitioners, and to provide the basis for better informed policy-making.

Social Protection System Review of Indonesia

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Indonesia has made impressive progress in reducing income inequality and improving living standards since the Asian Financial Crisis but the decline in poverty has slowed in recent years while inequality has risen and a large part of the population remains vulnerable. The Government of Indonesia has recognised the potential of social protection to address these challenges and to underpin a long-term development strategy based on more inclusive economic growth. As a consequence, social assistance programmes have grown significantly in recent years while social insurance has undergone major reforms. The Government is gradually realising its vision of a system of social protection, based on comprehensive and coherent coverage for all age groups.The Social Protection System Review of Indonesia charts the evolution of social protection. It explores the current context for social protection and how this is likely to evolve in the future, analyses the extent to which existing programmes are aligned to those needs and how effective these programmes are at reducing poverty. It also examines the financing of social protection. Finally, it proposes policies to enhance the social protection system across a number of dimensions, including programmes, institutions, financing and information architecture.

Social Protection Floor for a Fair and Inclusive Globalization

Book Description

In many ways the power of the social protection floor lies in its simplicity. The floor is based on the idea that everyone should enjoy at least basic income security sufficient to live, guaranteed through transfers in cash or in kind, such as pensions for the elderly and persons with disabilities, child benefits, income support benefits and/or employment guarantees and services for the unemployed and working poor. Together, in cash and in kind transfers should ensure that everyone has access to essential goods and services, including essential health services, primary education, housing, water and sanitation. This report, prepared under the guidance of Ms Michelle Bachelet and members of the Advisory Group, shows that the extension of social protection, drawing on social protection floors, can play a pivotal role in relieving people of poverty and deprivation. It can in addition help people adapt their skills to overcome the constraints that block their full participation in a changing economic and social environment, contributing to improved human capital development and stimulating greater productive activity. The report also shows how social protection has helped to stabilize aggregate demand in times of crisis and to increase resilience against economic shocks, contributing to accelerate recovery towards more inclusive and sustainable development paths.