Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America’s Soul

Book Description

This book is a psychotherapist's reflections on the relationship between psychotherapy, truth, ancestry, tribe, and democracy. Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America's Soul provides a way to relate to the silence that is passed from one generation to the next by offering: insight into the wisdom of our elders and the influence of their lives on ours; consciousness regarding the consequences of unacknowledged truth in our families and country; a compassionate look at American history through the eyes of a psychotherapist who works with transgenerational loss and trauma; a unique perspective on the place of psychotherapy in American culture; and a framework for observing and interacting with life, inspired by our ancestral blueprints.

Whole Systems Design

Book Description

Whole Systems Design: Inquiries in the Knowing Field is an open invitation and an inspiration for Innovators, System Designers, Leaders, Change Agents, and Constellators—anyone who wishes to live and work from a whole systems perspective. It is for people new to working with complex systems as well as for those who will enjoy engaging with its practitioners, its concepts, and its emerging history. It is a book of stories, conversations, and interviews, about finding ways to serve Life, to serve humanity, to serve the Whole, through a process which has been emerging through the author—Constellating for the Collective—a process that itself has emerged from Systemic Constellation Work and the Knowing Field. Whole Systems Design opens with the author’s journey, letting readers behind the curtain of facilitation. She describes the pragmatic steps and tools she has developed with deep dedication over many years. She includes a succinct description of the impact of this work on participants and for the Collective. Lively conversations with colleagues trace the collaboration and co-creation vital in this evolving field. Nine interviews with long-time facilitators and trainers of Constellation Work—who share their insights about Collective Constellation Work—provide a rich resource.

Connecting to Our Ancestral Past

Book Description

Connecting to Our Ancestral Past is a pragmatic, spiritual journey that introduces a variety of specific rituals and conversations in connection with Constellations work, an experiential process that explores one's history and powerful events of the past in order to understand and resolve problems of the present. Constellations facilitator and author Francesca Mason Boring presents this therapeutic method in the context of cultures like the Shoshone, of which she is a member, that have seen the world through a prism of interrelationships for millennia. In Constellations work there is an organic quality that requires a discipline of non-judgment, one that is embraced in traditional native circles, where the whole truth of a person's life, roots, and trans-generational trauma or challenge is understood and included. Mason Boring provides a transformational walk through the universal indigenous field— that place of healing and knowledge used by Native healers and teachers for centuries—by describing stories and rituals designed to help people with their particular struggles. These rituals, such as "Facing the Good Men"—designed to help women who have suffered abuse in relationships with men—reject Western notions of over-the-counter medication. Instead, they stress a comfortable environment whereby the "client," with the help of a facilitator, interacts with people chosen to represent concepts, things, and other people. In Western culture the word "medicine" is thought of as a concrete object, but Mason Boring explains that indigenous cultures favor a process of healing as opposed to an itemized substance. She re-opens doors that have been closed due to the exclusion of indigenous technology in the development of many Western healing traditions and introduces new concepts to the lexicon of Western psychology. A range of voices from around the world—leaders in the fields of systems constellations, theoretical physics, and tribal traditions—contribute to this exploration of aboriginal perspectives that will benefit facilitators of Constellations work, therapists, and human beings who are trying to walk with open eyes and hearts.

Whiteness Is Not an Ancestor:

Book Description

For over two decades, family constellations facilitator and therapist Lisa Iversen has been working with groups, including the descendants of those who have perpetrated harm or been victimized in circumstances of injustice. Here she brings together a collection of twelve essays written by white women cultivating consciousness on the role of whiteness in the collective movements of immigration, colonialism, slavery, and war. Their stories disentangle themes of innocence, grief, race, privilege, and belonging in their families and ancestries.Essays written by Sonya Lea, Karin Konstantynowicz, Anne Hayden, Summer Starr, Kate Regan, June BlueSpruce, Sabine Olsen, Carole Harmon, Christina Greené, Sharon Halfnight, Una Suseli O'Connell, and Pam Emerson.Lisa Iversen, MSW, LCSW, lives in the Pacific Northwest where she directs the Center for Ancestral Blueprints. She is the author of the book, Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America's Soul.

Primordial Psyche: a Reliving of the Soul of Ancestors

Book Description

Primordial Psyche (iUniverse 2011) introduces innovative perspectives to the etiology of personality disorders and their connection with the unconscious phenomena,tribal rituals in pre-ancestral religions,magical thinking and animistic thought,visionary revelations in ancient worldviews reviewed from an archetypal perspective as reorganization of the archaic depth of the psyche in psychosis.This Jungian synthesis by Diego Pignatelli introduces a new positive evolutionary theory of borderline psychosis,the relationship between the creative individual and the society,creativity as well as the Hero archetype and the archetype of meaning,the methods and avenues of cutting-edge explorations of transpersonal psychology to primordial psyche and shamanic experiences for healing,insight and growth,including holotropic therapy and consciousness research and some difference with Jungian therapy in coping with the archetypal experiences through a revaluation of Jungian thought and analytical psychology.

Acknowledging what is

Book Description

Hellinger sheds light on his unique use of family constellations to reveal hidden often destructive family dynamics and to active healing resources. Hellinger also speaks freely and frankly about his observations of the forces at work in family systems and the controversy that surrounds some of those observations.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Book Description

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.

Hermead: Philosophers

Book Description

Hermead of Surazeus is an epic poem about the development of philosophy over 600 years in the lives and ideas of 26 of the greatest philosophers who contributed to the growth of civilization. This single volume edition presents in 126,680 lines of pentameter blank verse the tales of Hermes, Prometheus, Kadmos, Asklepios, Zethos Hesiodos, Thales, Anaximandros, Pythagoras, Herakleitos, Parmenides, Anaxagoras, Empedokles, Leukippos, Philolaos, Demokritos, Aristokles Platon, Aristoteles, Demetrios Phalereus, Epikouros, Arkhimedes, Ktesibios, Eratosthenes, Krates, Hipparkhos, Philodemos, and Lucretius.

Awakening the Truth Frequency

Book Description

Laura Eisenhower is a master astrologer and the great granddaughter to five-star general and 34th president Dwight D. Eisenhower. As a child, she intimately sensed the resistant forces working around her and embarked on her own journey into the underworld, only to discover her own truth frequency and overcome the many challenges in life by the remembrance of the divine feminine energies in union with the masculine, which is encoded in our DNA. Her experience has included extreme wilderness training and an attempted recruitment into living off-planet on Mars as part of the secret space program, which revealed to her many things. She declined, to stay true to her purpose here on Earth. She is quite informed of our galactic history, the different timelines of humanity, and the window period in which we are ascending in the Great Awakening.

Popular Science

Book Description

Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.