Ancient and Modern Initiation by Max Heindel Illustrated Edition

Book Description

Hidden secrets within the life of Christ and the Christian religion, revealed by Max Heindel, as he gives a mystical insight into the alchemical process of the initiation of man. Chapters include The Atlantean Mystery Temple, East Room Of The Temple, The Ark Of The Covenant, The Sacred Shekinah Glory, The Last Supper And The Footwashing and The Stigmata And The Crucifixion.

Ancient and Modern Initiation: a Classic Illustrated Edition

Book Description

Initially published in 1909, spanning three editions, Max Heindel's Ancient and Modern Initiation is a roadmap that leads to the Inner-Christ. With stops along the way, Heindel describes in simple details the symbology of the words used in the Holy Scriptures and lays bare for the reader the secrets to Christian Mystic Initiation. Few works will connect the reader to the mystical process explained herein and to Max Heindel himself. This Special Edition is complete with a short biography on Max Heindel, as well as an epilogue that will make you understand the man behind the work. Heindel's transformative work, embellished with care and diligence by the always-to-the-point Robert H. Johnson, makes this version of Ancient and Modern Initiation the one to read. Johnson's work into the history of Heindel himself adds poignancy to the life and work of this famed Christian Mystic. Whereas it was already a must-have for those interested in the concepts of Initiation and Self-Actualization, Johnson's edition of this text is a better and more timely carrier of the universal message to humanity. - Joe Martinez, Refracted Light, Co-Host of Mid-Atlantic Esotericon

Ancient and Modern Initiation:( Illustrated Edition)

Book Description

Hidden secrets within the life of Christ and the Christian religion, revealed by Max Heindel, as he gives a mystical insight into the alchemical process of the initiation of man. Chapters include The Atlantean Mystery Temple, East Room Of The Temple, The Ark Of The Covenant, The Sacred Shekinah Glory, The Last Supper And The Footwashing and The Stigmata And The Crucifixion.

Ancient and Modern Initiation (Illustrated)

Book Description

Ancient and Modern Initiation, by Max Heindel, author of The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception with original illustrations.

Ancient and Modern Initiation by Max Heindel Illustrated

Book Description

Hidden secrets within the life of Christ and the Christian religion, revealed by Max Heindel, as he gives a mystical insight into the alchemical process of the initiation of man. Chapters include The Atlantean Mystery Temple, East Room Of The Temple, The Ark Of The Covenant, The Sacred Shekinah Glory, The Last Supper And The Footwashing and The Stigmata And The Crucifixion.

Ancient and Modern Initiation

Book Description

STUDY VERSION: With contents, figures and fully indexed. Within the pages of this little volume are to be found some of the most priceless gems belonging to the deepest phases of the Christian religion. These gems are the result of the spiritual investigations of that inspired and illumined Seer, Max Heindel, the authorized messenger of the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross, who are working to disseminate throughout the Western World the deeper spiritual meanings which are both concealed and revealed within the Christian religion.

Ancient and Modern Initiation

Book Description

Hidden secrets within the life of Christ and the Christian religion, revealed by Max Heindel, as he gives a mystical insight into the alchemical process of the initiation of man. Chapters include The Atlantean Mystery Temple, East Room Of The Temple, The Ark Of The Covenant, The Sacred Shekinah Glory, The Last Supper And The Footwashing and The Stigmata And The Crucifixion.

Ancient and modern initiation

Book Description

Ever since mankind, the prodigal spirit sons of our Father in Heaven, wandered into the wilderness of the world and fed upon the husks of its pleasures, which starve the body, there has been within man's heart a soundless voice urging him to return; but most men are so engrossed in material interests that they hear it not. The Mystic Mason who has heard this inner voice feels impelled by an inner urge to seek for the Lost Word; to build a house of God, a temple of the spirit, where he may meet the Father face to face and answer His call.

Ancient and Modern Initiation

Book Description

This is a new release of the original 1931 and 1927 edition. 162