Kundalini Yoga

Book Description

For thousands of years, many have wondered at the tales of the mysterious force called the serpent power or the kundalini, yet the method to attain this power has been hidden, misunderstood, or sometimes, intentionally sabotaged. Now, like a refreshing spring breeze, Samael Aun Weor wipes away the dust and reveals the sacred mysteries of our most ancient and holy science. With a firm foundation in scripture and practical knowledge, the method to awaken and develop the root energy of life is made clear and accessible to all. It is no longer necessary to theorize or debate: through the practice of the techniques in this book, one can know. You will find terrific secrets within this book, secrets that never in the history of life were published. - Samael Aun Weor

Secrets of Kundalini in Panchastavi

Book Description

Serpent of Light

Book Description

“Serpent of Light is a masterful description of the great Earth activations that are occurring during the end of the Mayan Calendar.” —Barbara Hand Clow, author of The Mayan Code Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth’s Kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet’s core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. Once at home in ancient Lemuria, it moved to Atlantis, then to the Himalayan mountains of India and Tibet, and with every relocation changed our idea of what spiritual means. And gender. And heart. This time, with much difficulty, the “Serpent of Light” has moved to the Andes Mountains of Chile and Peru. Multi-dimensional, multi-disciplined and multi-lived, for the first time in this book, Drunvalo begins to tell his stories of thirty-five years spent in service to Mother Earth. Follow him around the world as he follows the guidance of Ascended Masters, his two spheres of light, and his own inner growing knowledge. His story is a living string of ceremonies to help heal hearts, align energies, right ancient imbalances, and balance the living Earth’s Unity Consciousness Grid—in short, to increase our awareness of the indivisibility of life in the universe. We are all—rocks and people and interdimensional beings—one! “Life may seem to be business as usual, but it is not. We are changing fast . . . Remember this for life is going to present stranger things to you in your lifetime, and they all have meaning and purpose . . . Only Mother Earth and ancient Maya know what’s going to happen.” —from Serpent of Light

A Meditator’s Guidebook to The Secret of the Golden Flower

Book Description

The first book to examine and extract the workable teachings from the The Secret of the Golden Flower. Forget dogma and belief systems… This is DIY meditation method, especially for those individuals tempted to brave the solitary path. It’s only limits are your ability to envision and strive for a new YOU. Since the publication of Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time (ASIN: B001A9TN7Q) in 2008 (DGF), readers have asked for an in-depth guidebook on using The Secret of the Golden Flower (SGF) to awaken kundalini in a manner, and with results, similar to those described in JJ Semple's DGF. The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Kundalini Meditation Method is that book, a much anticipated interpretive guide to the SGF as well as a sequel to his DGF autobiographical kundalini memoir. Kundalini is the formative, biological life force energy in your body. Most people don't realize that kundalini resides within them; they are simply unaware of its actuality and its potential. Which means, of course, that it may never "re-activate" either spontaneously or otherwise, not unless you learn how to induce a Kundalini awakening through meditation practice. Even then, the outcome is never certain. There's a quantum or karmic aspect to the process. Wilhelm, Cleary, and Jung translated the book and commented on its teachings, but not one of them ever practiced the method. This book compares their translations and commentaries with JJ Semple's empirical practice of the method, using his ultimate success in awakening kundalini as the arbiter of its suitability as a method — in essence, the author identifies where the written word deviates from actual practice. He extracts the workable teachings from the esoteric text of the SGF and shapes them into a practical modern method. By cross-referencing both the Cleary and the Wilhelm versions, the author details each version's contribution to the kundalini awakening process. A chapter comparing Golden Flower Meditation (GFM) to the Microcosmic Orbit (MCO) is also included. Says JJ Semple, “Did I take every word and every passage in the Wilhelm version literally? No more than I take every word or passage in the Bible, or in Cleary’s translation, literally. I realized that a successful practice depended on problem solving and detective work, that searching for literal meaning was a waste of time. Success would be found in doing, not in fantasizing.” In fact, the SGF has two objectives. One, it's a manual for kundalini meditation, even though the term "kundalini" never appears in the text. Put aside what you may have been told or read about the SGF and accept this as fact — one borne out by centuries of realized practitioners who practiced the method, a fact vetted by contemporaries such as Gopi Krishna. Two, it's an explanation of ontology, which the dictionary defines as: “the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.” Neither objective is readily understood without practicing the method. Sure, it’s possible to approach the text as an academic challenge, but the best way to reconcile the two objectives is by practicing the method, which, if you are patient, allows you to “grok” the ontological elements as you move forward. The two are not separated in the text; they’re mingled together, which, as you might imagine, makes understanding problematic. Says JJ Semple, “Although the ontological portions obscured the practical aspects to some degree, I decided to forge ahead. Ultimately, once the meditation took its course, once the light started to circulate, I was catapulted out of the limiting duality of the physical world into the metaphysical actuality of ‘the great One...which has nothing above it.’" In short, he learned that enlightenment comes with practice.


Book Description


Book Description

Kundalini's power lies dormant in humans until it is awakened. The awakened Kundalini expresses the primal divine impulse and ultimately joins the individual with the divine. The development of the book parallels the development of the Kundalini within. Part One exposes the awakening and unfolding of the Kundalini; Part Two describes the piercing of the energy centers and the stages of ascent through the body; and Part Three examines Kundalini's relation to sexual expression. The book provides a deep understanding of Tantra and of the underlying purpose of Tantracism. The author carefully considers the Caryakrama practices of sexual expression as a means of awakening and controlling Kundalini. Silburn draws together passages from the Trika, Krama, and Kaula systems ranging through Abhinavagupta and Lalla and provides both translation and commentary for them. Chapters on the Chakras, the Nadis, and on mantras further elucidate the topic and lead to a forceful conclusion: Kundalini is the source of ultimate human knowledge and power.

The Secret of Sabarimala Temple and Kundalini

Book Description

What is the reason women of menstruation age are not allowed at Sabarimala? Do the customs and traditions set by rishis of ancient India have a scientific basis? Why did ancient rishis and saints start the practice of not allowing menstruating women to meet saints and visit temples during their cycles? The book discusses the following questions -What is the Kundalini Shakti? How does this spiritual evolutionary power aid the evolution of mankind? What are siddhis, Self Realisation and Enlightenment? Was Shiva an Alien ? What is the role of the coming Kalki avatar? . The astral and causal bodies of man. The limits of logic. This book provides a first-person perspective into what the Kundalini Shakti is and how it manifests in each individual. While modern scientists experiment with matter, ancient rishis were also considered scientists whose area of expertise was the human mind and soul. The knowledge they divined was compiled into various texts namely the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and Epics. In this book the author brings a fresh perspective to the Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas along with his unique views and opinions about how ancient rishis had written down valuable information in the texts for the benefit of mankind. It talks about the severe efforts taken by various contemporary philosophers and spiritual gurus to unravel the multitude of mysteries contained in these texts. This book also reveals the existence of deities or Devas and Devis on divine planes of higher vibratory levels, the rituals and customs in various Shakti cults and temples and thoughts on esoteric Hinduism.

Secrets of Shakthipāth and Kundalini Yoga

Book Description

Shakthipāth is an ancient yoga technique used to awaken kundalini energy in a person. The technique can be applied remotely from any distance on a person living anywhere on the planet. The cosmic energy emanates from the body of the shakthipāth Guru, and after awakening the kundalini energy, it returns to the Guru. Thus, the process defies the rational explanation by modern science.The author is a shakthipāth Guru who has given initiation to many persons into kundalini yoga. He has compiled a variety of questions asked by the practitioners, along with his answers in great detail in this book. He has also compiled the various experiences of the practitioners along with his comments.He has explained the numerous intricacies involved in the practice of kundalini yoga along with the detailed working of the shakthipāth technique. The secrets revealed in this book can be of immense help to anyone practicing kundalini yoga in general and also to the spiritual Gurus giving shakthipāth initiation to people in particular.