And to All a Good Night: Christmas Folklore

Book Description

Did you know that today's jolly Santa Claus was originally a Catholic bishop? Or that Santa Claus is connected to Saturn, an ancient Roman god? Or that in some places, Santa rides a camel? Christmas is a holiday of light and giving, and Santa Claus has become a traditional symbol for the season's deepest meanings. Learn more about:• Santa • the Christ Child • Christmas animals • the Wise Men • Christmas plants • Christmas songs and cards. Across North America, Christmas is an occasion for love and joy and celebration. Discover the traditions and folklore that make this holiday so special.

And to All a Good Night: Christmas Folklore

Book Description

Did you know that today's jolly Santa Claus was originally a Catholic bishop? Or that Santa Claus is connected to Saturn, an ancient Roman god? Or that in some places, Santa rides a camel? Christmas is a holiday of light and giving, and Santa Claus has become a traditional symbol for the season's deepest meanings. Learn more about:• Santa • the Christ Child • Christmas animals • the Wise Men • Christmas plants • Christmas songs and cards. Across North America, Christmas is an occasion for love and joy and celebration. Discover the traditions and folklore that make this holiday so special.

And To All A Good Night

Book Description

Here are five classic Christmas stories in a special holiday collection. Adapted from the audiobook of the same name, this ebook contains: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore; Papa Panov's Special Christmas by Leo Tolstoy; Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus by Francis B. Church; Merry Christmas by Stephen Leacock; Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night?

Book Description

Identifies the loss of a belief in Santa Claus as a rite of passage from childhood to adolescence. Discusses the history and origin of the Santa Claus legend, as well as the preservation of it. Explains that children think about Santa logically, as evidenced their questions about incongruities in the legend. Explains that adolescents' participation in the ritual of gift-giving and the propagation of the Santa legend helps them overcome their sense of disillusionment.

Black Cats and White Wedding Dresses: Folk Customs

Book Description

Did you know that if you drop a spoon, someone will kiss you soon? Did you ever hear that three spiders crawling on the wall are a sign you will soon hear of a death? Or did you know that if rabbits play in a dusty road, rain is on its way? These beliefs are folk customs found in North America. Discover more, including: • ways to predict the future • weather lore • good luck superstitions. Folklore is shared through customs and traditions. These are patterns that shape our lives. Even in today's world, we still depend on these old ways to make sense out of life.

Sirens and Smoke: Firefighter's Folklore

Book Description

Do you know who started the first volunteer fire company in the United States? Do you know who the first woman firefighter was? Or did you know that firefighters trace their heritage back to the knights of the Crusades? Sirens and Smoke is full of stories of bravery and tradition. You'll read about: • the brave guards who fought fire in ancient Greek and Roman communities.• the long-ago firefighters who battled the great fires that swept through Europe's big cities.• the community spirit that grew in the New World.• the African Americans and women who added their strengths to fighting fires.• September 11, 2001, when firefighters demonstrated their heroism. Fire can be an enemy—but down through the ages, firefighters have risked their lives to protect others against it. Their folklore reveals a long tradition of courage.

Campfire Songs, Ballads, and Lullabies: Folk Music

Book Description

You may turn on the CD player or the radio when you want to hear music—but once, in the days before modern technology, music was enjoyed whenever groups of people got together. You probably know some folk songs, a song that was passed along from person to person. Learn about: • types of folk songs • folk instruments • folk music's European and African roots • Cajun music • the music of Appalachia • Hispanic music • today's folk music. Modern music—Rock, Country, R&B, and more—is rooted deep in North America's musical folklore. And folk music is still alive and well today.

Tell Me a Story: Family Folklore

Book Description

Does your family have a favorite holiday meal? What are your birthday traditions? Do the older people in your family tell stories about their childhood and what life was like when they were young? All these are parts of family folklore. Tell Me a Story will help you better understand: • what family is.• the ways the generations are linked together.• how families relate to each other.• how families pass along a heritage for the future. We get strength from our family's past—and this sort of folklore also gives us hope for the future.

You're It! Tag, Red Rover, and Other Folk Games

Book Description

Have you ever played cards on a rainy afternoon? Do you and your friends play jump rope, play hide-and-go-seek, or play Red Rover? If you did, then you were enjoying a folk game. Learn more about these games, including the long history behind: • face cards • tag • hide-and-go-seek • some board games • baseball. Games help us deal with life. They give us physical exercise. They challenge our minds . . . and most of all they fill our lives with fun.