Annuaire de l'Association Européenne des femmes pour la recherche théologique

Book Description

Een bundel artikelen over: Kosmisch bewustzijn en geheiligde ruimte, integratie van vrouwelijke symboliek in Indische christelijke kunst en architectuur / Caroline Mackenzie ; Feministische ethiek en de ecologiekwestie / Ina Praetorius ; Transmutatie van theologie, ecofeministische alchemie en de christelijke traditie / Elizabeth Green ; Vrouwen en de politiek van de diversiteit / Elisabetta Donini, reakties hierop door Celia Deane-Drummond, Aruna Gnanadason, en Lene Sjorup en Elisabetta Donini. Een artikel over Teresa van Avila / Harriëtte Blankers ; een korte biografische schets van Frl. Rabbiner Regina Jonas / Katherina von Kellenbach en een bijdrage over ecofeminisme in de Nordische landen / Dagny Kaul. De inleiding is van Anne Primavesi. Dit jaarboek is opgedragen aan de herinnering aan Fokkelien van Dijk-Hemmes, mede-oprichtster van het Europese Genootschap voor Theologische Vrouwenstudies.

Critique Scandinave de la Théologie Féministe Anglo-américaine

Book Description

Scandinavian Critique of Anglo-American Feminist Theology is a collection of articles by scholars in various theological disciplines from five Scandinavian or Nordic countries. The articles cover a wide range of topics, including feminist sexual ethics, ecofeminist theology, gender perspectives on European welfare systems, Birgitta of Sweden and a search for Mary beyond stereotypes. As the title implies, a critical dialogue with US feminist theology is a recurrent theme throughout the book, but the essays also include constructive work from different theological perspectives. The journal also includes a bibliography that shows the diversity of Scandinavian and Nordic feminist theological research.

Femmes, la Liturgie Et Le Rituel

Book Description

This volume offers a broad reflection on women's engagement in ritual and liturgy. The Central Theme section opens with a multi-faith dialogue on women and ritual. Denise J.J. Dijk discusses the Feminist Liturgical Movement in the Netherlands and the US. Teresa Berger explores the implications of the ancient axiom "lex orandi, lex credendi" for women's liturgical practice. Brigitte Enzner-Probst considers the role of the body in worship. Annette Esser encourages dynamic dialogue between women artists and women engaged in liturgy. Gabriella Lettini examines the concept of syncretism in the light of the relationship between gospel and culture. The Forum focuses on translation: Judith Hartenstein and Silke Petersen highlight the problems of inclusive-language translation of St John's Gospel, while Caroline Vander Stichele presents recent discussions of the Dutch translation of JHWH. In Women's Traditions, Rosine Lambin traces the adoption of the veiling of women in the early church. Bettina Kratz-Ritter discusses the decline and modern renewal of ancient Jewish women's birth rites intended to protect the newborn child. From the countries, Angela Berlis tracks the evolution of the German Old Catholic 'Women's Sunday' service from 1920 to the present. Charlotte Methuen reflects on issues of power and authority raised by women's presidency at the Eucharist. Finally, the Book Market lists recently-published works as well as reviews.

Brücken Bauen in Einem Vielgestaltigen Europa

Book Description

Building bridges has been and still is the main task of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR). It aims to facilitate theological and academic religious debate transcending the borders between languages and countries, as well as those resulting from religions, confessions, cultures or traditions, in order to offer constructive future perspectives. This volume has now adopted "building bridges" as its main theme. It reflects the contributions to the 11th International Conference of ESWTR held in 2005 in the unique historical and cultural setting of Budapest. European women in the lead of theological research discuss the subject on the basis of their different specialist approaches and thus provide a unique spectrum of contemporary discourse from very varied disciplines in theology and religious studies.

Befreiung Am Ende? Am Ende Befreiung!

Book Description

This volume collects the key-note addresses on feminist theology and feminist theory given at the international conference of the ESWTR held in Salzburg in August 2001, together with other papers given at that conference and relating to this theme. It explores the interactions between liberation theology and feminist theory in European and other contexts, considering particularly aspects crossing boundaries: gender, national, disciplinary. The papers are complemented by a comprehensive bibliography of relevant literature and by an extensive review section.

Recherche Théologique Des Femmes en Europe Méridionale

Book Description

This volume with its emphasis on "Southern Europe" is devoted now for the second time to theological research by women in a particular region of Europe. Women doing research in France, Italy, Spain and Greece provide evidence of and reflection on the history of women's theological studies in their countries and present the results of their studies. These reveal an impressive spectrum of theological research which sometimes has been and must be conducted in difficult structural contexts and under very different economic conditions. This makes the vitality of the research presented all the more convincing; in the different contexts of the individual countries it demonstrates specific and very varied emphases in academic theory and method. Precisely because of their complex and diverse points of departure, the articles evidence a fundamental, interdisciplinary approach and a creative way of seeing things which is concerned to ensure a fundamental openness for debate and dialogue. This volume thus provides an insight into the fascinating diversity and complexity of theological research in Europe.

New Serial Titles

Book Description

A union list of serials commencing publication after Dec. 31, 1949.