Annuaire européen. 42.1994(1996)

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of European organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject and name, and a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the "Yearbook," are included in every volume and provide direct access to the "Yearbook"'s subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions. It is bilingual (English and French).

European Yearbook 1996

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations, including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject and name, and a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the "Yearbook," are included in every volume and provide direct access to the "Yearbook"'s subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.

Annuaire Europeen

Book Description

Avec ce quatrieme volume, I' Annuaire europeen entre dans 1a seconde phase de son existance. A l'origine, la pUblication de' cet Annuaire avait ete, a titre d'experience, prevue pour trois ans. Cette periode est deja depassee, et Ie succes de l'experience est demontre par de nombreuses critiques elogieuses comme par l'accueil tres favorable que lui ont reserve les milieux inte resses aux affaires europeennes. En consequence, Ie Comite des Ministres du Conseil de l'Euro pe decida, en mars 1957, que l'Annuaire europeen continuerait a paraitre sans limitation de duree. Ainsi les assises de notre oeuvre sont, pour ainsi dire, devenues permanentes, et ce fait meme prouve les progres realises dans la voie de I'integration europeenne. En effet l'annee 1957 a ete extremement fructueuse en ce qui concerne l'integration europeenne et, alors que, dans l'ensemble, ce volume IV devait etre consacre a I' evolution des faits en 1956, nous avons dll egalement porter notre attention, aussi bien dans les articles que dans la partie documentaire, sur les nouvelles institutions, dont l'impQrtance est capitale. C'est pourquoi Ie Traite instituant la Communaute Economique Euro peenne figure parmi les textes documentaires du present volume; toutefois, en raison du manque de place, Ia publication du Trait6 instituant I'Euratom a ete differee jusqu'au prochain volume. Etant donne l'importance de ces deux nouveaux traites pour l'integration europeenne, Ie Comite de redaction demanda a M.

FAO annuaire 1997

Book Description

This volume presents statistical data on capture production & foreign trade of fishery commodities for all countries & territories worldwide. Recommended in: Walford's Guide to Reference Material.

Islam and the New Europe

Book Description

In the post-9/11 era the complexity of Muslim and non-Muslim relations within Europe has sharpened: Global events have contributed to the reshaping of religious and cultural, in particular Muslim, representations and arenas. The position of Europe as such is in doubt. Much of its future depends on how to deal with the emerging new ideals and realities with respect to religion and the challenges of Islam in Europe. Muslim participation in contemporary European affair has been long standing. But in the past the minority status of such ethnic and religious communities from the Middle East has never been in question. Now they are, Cities and communities now boast Muslim majorities. Questions emerge of bilingualism, political participation, head dress at public institutions of learning, and protection of other minorities, such as the Jewish community. On the other side, European concerns over immigration, unemployment, health and welfare for the newly arrived, and the admission of predominantly Muslim states into the European Community have begun to test the social welfare systems of many nations within Europe. The idea of cultural exchange based on tolerance has lost its magical aura. Volume 6 of the Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam presents a variety of discussions and case studies from different European countries related to how Muslims are responding to this situation, how they and Muslim representation change, and how cultural and public negotiation is involved in shaping new perceptions of Islam and Europe.

The Treaty on European Union (TEU)

Book Description

The major Commentary on the Treaty on European Union (TEU) is a European project that aims to contribute to the development of ever closer conceptual and dogmatic standpoints with regard to the creation of a “Europeanised research on Union law”. This publication in English contains detailed explanations, article by article, on all the provisions of the TEU as well as on several Protocols and Declarations, including the Protocols No 1, 2 and 30 and Declaration No 17, having steady regard to the application of Union law in the national legal orders and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The authors of the Commentary are academics from ten European states and different legal fields, some from a constitutional law background, others experts in the field of international law and EU law professionals. This should lead to more unity in European law notwithstanding all the legitimate diversity. The different traditions of constitutional law are reflected and mentioned by name thus striving for a common framework for European constitutional law.

Annuaire Europeen 1998 / European Yearbook 1998

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject and name, and a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the "Yearbook," are included in every volume and provide direct access to the "Yearbook"'s subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.

Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, Volume 2, 2008

Book Description

This book continues the series Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, containing the proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference organised by ESIL and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in 2008. The conference was entitled 'International Law in a Heterogeneous World', reflecting an idea which is central to the ESIL philosophy. Heterogeneity is considered one of the pillars upon which Europe's contribution to international law is built and the subject was considered in a number of panels, including such diverse topics as migration, the history of international law, the rules on warfare and international environmental law.

Annuaire Des Statistiques D'investissement Direct International

Book Description

Presents data on flows and stocks of incoming and outgoing foreign investment in OECD countries, with some summary trends from 1971. Includes data on foreign investment flows and stocks, by sector, major industry, and partner country, world region, and economic grouping, for individual OECD countries, with summary data for total OECD.

Europe and the Recognition of New States in Yugoslavia

Book Description

Europe's recognition of new states in Yugoslavia remains one of the most controversial episodes in the Yugoslav crisis. Richard Caplan offers a detailed narrative of events, exploring the highly assertive role that Germany played in the episode, the reputedly catastrophic consequences of recognition (for Bosnia-Herzegovina in particular) and the radical departure from customary state practice represented by the EC's use of political criteria as the basis of recognition. The book examines the strategic logic and consequences of the EC's actions but also explores the wider implications, offering insights into European security policy at the end of the Cold War, the relationship of international law to international relations and the management of ethnic conflict. The significance of this book extends well beyond Yugoslavia as policymakers continue to wrestle with the challenges posed by violent conflict associated with state fragmentation.