Annual Report

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Facilitating Injustice

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Nearly the entire Japanese American population was incarcerated by the federal government during World War II, and social workers were heavily involved in all parts of the process: they vetted, registered, counseled, and tagged all affected individuals; staffed social work departments within the concentration camps in which the Nikkei were held; and worked in the offices administering the "resettlement," the planned scattering of the population explicitly intended to prevent regional re-concentration. Though the broader history of the forced removal and incarceration has been analyzed by scholars, the role of social work has been entirely overlooked. Facilitating Injustice highlights the profession's contradictory role as well as the dilemma's continued relevance in contemporary social work.

Annual Report of the SEC.

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Cataloguing Culture

Book Description

How does material culture become data? Why does this matter, and for whom? As the cultures of Indigenous peoples in North America were mined for scientific knowledge, years of organizing, classifying, and cataloguing hardened into accepted categories, naming conventions, and tribal affiliations – much of it wrong. Cataloguing Culture examines how colonialism operates in museum bureaucracies. Using the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History as her reference, Hannah Turner organizes her study by the technologies framing museum work over two hundred years: field records, the ledger, the card catalogue, the punch card, and eventually the database. She examines how categories were applied to ethnographic material culture and became routine throughout federal collecting institutions. As Indigenous communities encounter the documentary traces of imperialism while attempting to reclaim what is theirs, this timely work shines a light on access to and return of cultural heritage.