ANOTHER French False Flag?

Book Description

Apparently the Charlie Hebdo attack was insufficient for the purpose, and now France has had what is called "the Paris attack," an even more unbelievable event, evidence for which is missing. This false flag attack was too much for Kevin Barrett who assembled a collection of skeptical essays from 26 people into a book, Another French False Flag: Bloody Tracks From Paris To San Bernardino.Twenty-four of these contributors do not believe the official story. Does this make them "conspiracy theorists," or does this make them brave souls who are concerned that Reichstag fire type events are replacing Western civil liberty with fascist police states? -Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

False Flags

Book Description

"Howe packs a surprising amount of action and character into the novella's 151 pages, and musings on the importance of personal and professional loyalty (as opposed to arbitrary, dogmatic nationalism) lend this tale a real intelligence and depth." Publishers Weekly

Orlando False Flag

Book Description

The mainstream media's version of the Orlando shooting - RADICAL MUSLIMS HATE GAYS, PLEASE SUPPORT GUN CONTROL - falls apart under critical examination.In this book, former CIA Clandestine Services Officer Robert David Steele offers what he calls "probably the only systematic look at sixty-five anomalies associated with what appears to be a false flag event." Seventeen other leading public intellectuals also weigh in. Some consider the evidence suggesting the event was a false flag; others discuss the historical and cultural background and deconstruct the media propaganda.Following on the heels of We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo and ANOTHER French False Flag, Orlando False Flag brings Kevin Barrett and colleagues' trenchant critique of the "war on terror" back home to the USA.

The Spectacle of the False-Flag

Book Description

Eric Wilson's work poses crucial challenges to social theory, unsettling our understanding of the nature of the liberal democratic state. In The Spectacle of the False Flag, he urges the reader to examine the, often unconsidered, deep state practices that confound conventional notions of the state as monolithic or uniform. This compelling volume traces deep state conflicts and convergences through central cases in the development of American political economic power-JFK/Dallas, LBJ/Gulf of Tonkin, and Nixon/Watergate.Rigorously documented and unflinchingly analyzed, The Spectacle of the False Flag provides a stunning example of a new criminological practice-one that takes the state seriously, making the inner workings of the state rather than its effects the primary object of study. Drawing upon a wealth of historical records and developing the theoretical insights of Guy Debord's writings on spectacular society, Wilson offers a glimpse into a necessary criminology to come.

We are Not Charlie Hebdo!

Book Description


Book Description

This book is based exclusively on documents published by the White House and the U.S. Department of Defense, as well as statements by American civilian and military leaders to the international press.

False Flag

Book Description

Ben Ingram, a CIA officer on R and R leave in Paris, who joined the CIA out of pure patriotism at about the start of the Cold War, is now beginning to think of his painting hobby as a career, but so far is too loyal to his cause to switch. He falls hopelessly in love with an American newspaper reporter named Marian Crowley who, unfortunately for Ben, happens to distrust the CIA and even blames the whole Cold War on her own country - attitudes Ben cannot accept. Andrei Chernov, KGB "illegal," sent to Paris on a political-action mission, is well qualified to pose as an American citizen. Later, he is to "reveal" his membership in the CIA to a "target" person. At stake is a small African country's adherence to one or the other side in the Cold War. The three characters find themselves in what seems to be a completely ill-fated tangle of romance and political intrigue.

False Flags

Book Description

The Extreme Right in France

Book Description

As well as providing a detailed biography of Le Pen, the leader of the National Front in France, this book also explores the wider development of the extreme right as a significant intellectual and political force within France.

9/11 Synthetic Terror

Book Description

For a principled refutation of the 9/11 propaganda myth in all its parts, Tarpley's work is indispensable. This new, fifth edition adds a significant new dimension. Tarpley's documentation of a comprehensive array of 9/11 drills may prove as revolutionary as the thesis of controlled demolition - perhaps even more so. Many people have been unable to see that 9/11 was a false flag. They may seem immune to physical facts like the free-fall speed of the towers, as they take refuge in a lack of engineering qualifications. No math skills are needed to grasp the more familiar, common-sense fact that an act that is rehearsed is also staged. Moreover, when we learn how drills are essential to conduit such operations, we can recognize many types of false flags, such as the London bombings, and not only building collapses. Finally, wider public awareness of the dangerous workings of drills could help prevent terror operations, by making them too difficult to carry out with impunity. The authoritative work on 9/11 and state-sponsored false-flag terrorism. 9/11 Synthetic Terror is the only book to present a working model for the event - a network of moles, patsies, paramilitary pros, privatized intelligence assets and corrupt media corporations. We see how this enormous provocation was successfully executed and exploited as war propaganda. This new, fifth edition reveals a whole new dimension of explosive facts for the first time: the enormous array of drills in which the US defense apparatus rehearsed every aspect of the 9/11 operation. Author Webster Tarpley presents the corpus of 9/11 research - such as the controlled demolition of the three WTC towers - from the perspective of a veteran intelligence expert and historian. The exploit is placed in the geopolitical context of oligarchy and imperialism - in the tradition of precedents such as the Gunpowder Plot, the USS Maine, the Strategy of Tension, and other historically decisive state-sponsored terror subterfuges.