Disposition of High-Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

Book Description

Focused attention by world leaders is needed to address the substantial challenges posed by disposal of spent nuclear fuel from reactors and high-level radioactive waste from processing such fuel. The biggest challenges in achieving safe and secure storage and permanent waste disposal are societal, although technical challenges remain. Disposition of radioactive wastes in a deep geological repository is a sound approach as long as it progresses through a stepwise decision-making process that takes advantage of technical advances, public participation, and international cooperation. Written for concerned citizens as well as policymakers, this book was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and waste management organizations in eight other countries.

Nuclear Waste

Book Description

Almost 30 years ago, Congress addressed increasing concerns regarding the management of the nation's growing stockpile of nuclear waste by calling for the federal collection of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level nuclear waste (HLW) for safe, permanent disposal. Passed in 1982, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) was an effort to establish an explicit statutory basis for the Department of Energy (DOE) to dispose of the nation's most highly radioactive nuclear waste. The NWPA requires DOE to remove spent nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear power plants, in exchange for a fee, and transport it to a permanent geologic repository or an interim storage facility before permanent disposal. This book explores the effects of a termination of the Yucca Mountain Repository Program with a focus on the need for a comprehensive DOE strategy that supports environmental cleanup decisions.

DOE Nuclear Public Information Program

Book Description

Nuclear Waste

Book Description

Critical in solving the nuclear waste problem are such issues as the techniques needed to equitably select waste repository sites; the implications for economies, populations, public services, social structures, and future generations in siting areas; the best means for mitigating short- and long-term public and private impact of repositories; and the type of citizen involvement that best ensures the full participation of national, state, and local interest groups in the siting process. The contributors to this book examine these and related issues, offering the perspectives of sociology, economics, philosophy, and political science and representing the differing views of various regions of the nation.