ANTHROPOGENY – The Esoteric History of Man’s Origin

Book Description

ANTHROPOGENY – The Esoteric History of Man’s Origin: This book and its contents devolve from four great questions :- Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go to from here? In this brilliantly written masterpiece, Dr. Baker has tried as far as possible to avoid a repetition of facts and figures given by The Secret Doctrine except where these are important in elucidating, confirming, contradicting or supporting some point of new detail. When H.P. Blavatsky wrote The Secret Doctrine, the great biological periods which we know so well today were not yet clearly defined in terms of age and extent. Also, by her own admission, many figures given by the Masters to her were inevitably altered in the process of being passed on to others for publication. Instead of loosely referring to time in terms of Rounds and Chains, Root Races and Sub-races, Dr. Baker has endeavoured by correlation, cross-checking and by final resort to questioning the Master Blavatsky directly, to give wherever possible time factors in terms of years, eras and periods. This has not been easy and may not always stand the closest of inspection, but it must be remembered that in eighty per cent of our investigations here, we are dealing with paralleling evolutions sometimes on three different planes at once. The march of science will steadily bring confirmation of broad outlines, correct minor errors, and add supplementary detail. No matter how abstruse, how surrounded with mystery the subject of Man's origin, we should remember the words of Paracelsus:- “Things that are considered now to be impossible will be accomplished; and that which is unexpected will in the future prove to be true, and that which is looked upon as superstition in one century will be the basis of the approved science of the next.” Many drawings, images, tables and references are included to make this fascinating subject more comprehensible to the student who is ready to seek the answers to the four great questions posed above.


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Esoteric Anatomy - Part 1

Book Description

Introduction to: Esoteric Anatomy - Part 1 This is an essential reference book for the seeker of Truth and spiritual progress. It takes a detailed look at the physical structures in you that underlie your spiritual nature, as well as the effects of spiritual awakening on the physiology. H. P. Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey and others attempted in the words of their era, to help us understand what we truly are. They veiled much of it in mystic terms to protect those who might misuse this knowledge. Over one hundred images, diagrams and charts in this book, many in colour, will help you to understand this vast and important subject. In this first of the two part work, Dr. Baker draws on his training as a medical doctor to reveal in masterly fashion the exoteric (physical) and esoteric (less dense/higher) function and interactions within our nature. Many diseases are discussed and their karmic causes explained, making this volume a "must have" for those interesting in healing and for those wanting to "KNOW THY SELF".

Life on other Planets

Book Description

Life on other Planets: Is there life, and in particular human life, out there in the universe? Esoteric teachings affirm that life does indeed exist throughout the cosmos - even within our own solar system, on planets other than the Earth. The author's metaphysics investigations, together with his knowledge of the cutting edge of contemporary thought, have uncovered fascinating details of the history of our planetary neighbours. Life on the Moon reached fairly advanced levels of physical expression, and evidence for this contention lies waiting to be discovered, at deep subterranean levels. A greater question mark exists over the possibility of complex life having been present on Mars. The discovery of the remnants of microbial life on an ancient Martian meteorite will do little to resolve this quandary. A few drops do not make a monsoon . . . but they may foreshadow one! This book is not science fiction. There is a body of teaching on our planet, very ancient and frequently tested, termed the Gupta-Vidya in India, the Sibyl in ancient Rome, the Kabbala, Esoteric Buddhism, the Ancient Wisdom of the Gnostics, the Secret Doctrine of Theosophy, etc., which comments on the way in which nature and the cosmos unfolded. Many descriptions of cosmogenesis flow as a common current through these teachings. Because they are so often masked in mysticism, in symbol and glyph, in mythology and legend, they are not easy to unravel. Dr. Baker in a brilliant way, aided by images, charts and tables, presents these complex principles of Life in an easy to understand, yet very detailed fashion. Many scientific and esoteric references are quoted and several appendices are included which will help the reader through some sections of this work for which there are no simple analogies, equivalents or colloquialisms available in the English language. This book will change the way you think about life and the universe. It will provide glimpses of the true destiny of humanity . . . immortality!

Esoteric Healing - Part 2

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Esoteric Healing - Part 2, Stress Disorders: Amongst its many topics, this book includes expanded sections on healing with the Bach Flower Remedies, Alcoholism and Stress Disorder, including their treatments. For centuries men have sought healing, and obtained it, long before our methods of treatment were elaborated. The methods used then have remained esoteric or veiled and only the outer shell, mainly nonsensical, has survived for history to ridicule. In centuries to come men will also marvel at how we healed in our own day with so many drugs that were later put on the poison list. Now, for the first time, the field of the esoteric healer is being revealed by scientific devices. This field of operation for the esoteric healer is the etheric body, the vitalising matrix underlying all tissue described by contemporary yogis who, even at this moment, are revealing facts about man's nature which are not only able to be demonstrated in the neurophysiologic laboratories of such esteemed medical establishments as the Meninger Foundation at Topeka and the World Health Organisation, but facts which don't yet exist in our medical, physiology and anatomy textbooks. Animals suffer intense stress but do not die from coronaries, duodenal ulcers and hypertension because of it. Many a man will suffer stress persistently and not die from it. Disciples all suffer stress, but their disciplines enable them to thrive on such situations. Only those who are unable to cope or to receive feedback on their reactions to stress, or are unable to stop thinking about their troubles or believe themselves to be continuously subject to them, go down. The difference between all these is not physical; it is supraphysical. It lies in those realms whose laws are understood, obeyed and used by esoteric healers. After twenty-five years of patient research in the ways of Orthodox Medicine and its esoteric counterpart, I have no reason to change my firm belief that the cause of ninety per cent of all disease lies in the inability of Man to express himself according to the purposes of his own Soul whether he be aware of these purposes or not... the inability to express in his way of life Truth, Beauty and Goodness which, after all, is not saying anything new, for this was the belief of Socrates and Plato twenty-five centuries ago. What will eventually be practised as Preventive Medicine is already established, in great measure, in the daily living of students of esoteric sciences, i.e. care about diet and nutrition, breathing exercises, relaxation and meditation.

STRESS DISORDERS - Esoteric Meaning and Healing.

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STRESS DISORDERS - Esoteric Meaning and Healing. The traditional orthodox attitude with regard to the growing problem of stress has invariably been to find ways of relieving that stress by whatever means possible. Usually this has been through excessive smoking and drinking which, in the end, has served only to aggravate the problem. For Man on the Path however, the factor of stress is not something which must be eliminated at all costs, but, on the contrary is something which he must learn to thrive on, for without it he would be incapable of evolving spiritually. The problem arises when he is confronted with excessive amounts of stress which result in dis-stress. Here, for the first time, a medical practitioner deals with the subject of stress from an esoteric viewpoint. He discusses how these stress disorders may arise and gives us practical advice as well as exercises on how to treat them.

Esoteric Psychology - The Seven Rays

Book Description

Esoteric Psychology - The Seven Rays: The knowledge of the Seven Rays provided by this book will prove of immense value to all who seek to understand human nature, and to achieve enhanced self awareness and integration of personality, in themselves and others. This masterly written and illustrated manual is an absolutely essential starting and reference work for all those who finally respond in this lifetime to their Purpose and Inner Voice! This book emphasises that all is energy and that Man is an energy unit affected from both without and within. It demonstrates that Ray Psychology is essentially practical and shows how the qualities of these energies may be understood and embraced in human behaviour and today's language. It is plain that psychology will play an ever increasing role in the development of new age consciousness. Already today millions of people, who would be regarded as laymen, practise their own psychology in everyday life. This tendency has been boosted by the general interest in astrology. A glimpse into the future will show that the new psychology will be based on many emerging astrological factors. Esoteric psychology takes into account not only hereditary and environment, but draws also upon that massive third factor which is the psychic and spiritual nature of Mankind. The effect of karma, the influence of previous lives, etc., are major contributions to the behaviour of those who seek to tread the path towards spiritual enlightenment. Esoteric Psychology is based on two major precepts. Firstly, there is a cosmic force conveying seven streams of energy into our solar system that affect the nature, behaviour and evolution of all forms within the ring-pass-not of this system. These streams are termed the Seven Rays. Secondly, spiritual qualities emerging from the immortal component of Man's structure affect his behaviour and modify the contributing factors of his hereditary equipment and the environment into which it is thrust.


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Introduction to: ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY - VOL. 7 THE SOUL’S PURPOSE, CASES 1 - 16 By Dr. Douglas M. Baker This very important work is based on an analysis of the horoscope, placing emphasis on the Rising Sign as it expresses the Soul’s Purpose and its nuances. Thus, the universal approach is yet maintained but brought to bear on the specific or existential features of the individual’s horoscope. Via 16 detailed analyses in this volume, the earnest student or professional astrologer is given in-depth information regarding Karma, previous lives, chakras, myth, objects for meditation, the Ray of the Soul and of course, the Soul’s purpose for the personality. (Vol. 8 treats cases 17 – 33.) The introductory section explains: Symbols and Methods used Planetary Rulers Chart Interpretation Permutations in Basic Symbols Compound Complexes The Rising Sign House Cusps Sun — Earth Opposition Astrological Parsing Literal Parsing Aspects Use of Angular Aspects Planet — Sign — House Influences Intercepted Signs Retrograde Planets Karmic Indications in the Horoscope Whilst esoteric astrology is primarily concerned with the hegemony of the soul as it progressively asserts itself in the life of the individual, it is also capable of providing the personality with direction and useful advice. When we are dealing with Man on the Path, a far, far more accurate an interpretation of his situation, its potentials and limitations for expression is given here by using the esoteric rulers of the Signs of the Zodiac as demonstrated in esoteric astrology. The development of the computer has made the horoscope available to the millions, and it is but a matter of time before the same computers begin to sieve out the “real from the unreal.” In the end, however, the real is only discovered within, and the fullest exposition of esoteric astrology gives the keys to such discoveries within and their correlation to wide and more universal principles. To ignore the individual horoscope is to leave astrology, esoteric or exoteric, with feet of clay. What this writing represents is a wiser and more psychosynthetic interpretation of the horoscope. Thus, providing the interpreter views the horoscope from a point of higher synthesis, the most accurate interpretation of a personality matter may be gauged from particular astrological aspects. Bailey herself, or the Tibetan Master through her, gave the key to the psychosynthetic approach by allocating esoteric rulerships to the Signs for Man on the Path and a further set of rulers, called “hierarchical”, which apply to those disciples who are initiate and engaged in the work of the Hierarchy of this planet, as It implements the Divine Plan for the Earth.


Book Description

THE SPIRITUAL DIARY: Dr. Baker has maintained a spiritual diary for fifty years, and using examples from his own entries demonstrates how it is possible, through the language of symbols, to establish a dialogue with one's own Higher Self. This is a perfect companion text book to The Diary of an Alchemist by the same author. The diary lays down a channel for the transmission of advice and direction from the higher Self that can bring about a transformation of the personality, its attachments and limitations. It is a textbook for esoteric students seeking to express themselves more fully about subjective matters as a preliminary to their acting subjectively in the inner planes before and after their initiations. The diary is meant to highlight those difficulties that arise from the adjustments which the disciple must make in the outer world if he is to live the philosophical and meditative way of life. Once posited, the higher Self can make suggestions through meditation and the dream life as to how these adjustments can be effected. An absolutely essential guide to those of you wanting answers to questions like: Who am I? Where do I come from? Why am I here? Where do I go to from here? Why do I have to suffer pain? This volume also contains the full text of “The Voice of the Silence” as translated by H. P. Blavatsky

The Psychology of Spirit

Book Description

A book on the psychology of the soul, blending modern transpersonal psychology, ancient myth, and years of experience with past-life regression. The Psychology of Spirit presents the results of over 20 years of study of esoteric philosophy, psychology, world mythology and religions, reincarnation and past-life rgression - all coming together in a new psychological paradigm for the purpose of clearing the soul rather than the personality of ancient trauma and enabling the transition to enlightenment.