Anti-terrorism Discourse and the War on Dissent

Book Description

"This study examines the criminalization of dissent that is occurring through official anti-terrorism discourse (and associated policies) in Canada. While there is vast scholarly work on the war on terrorism and attendant anti-terrorism campaigns, research on the discourse of terrorism and anti-terrorism is urgently needed, not least because discourse is a key medium of power and social control. To date, very little research exists on Canadian anti-terrorism laws and the criminalization of dissent. By examining the Canadian context and focusing largely on policies, this dissertation adds two important dimensions to the critical study of the war on terrorism. Employing Critical Discourse Analysis, a methodology designed to expose the ideological effects of discourse, the study reveals the hidden power at work behind anti-terrorism discourse in Canada, and the processes by which it hides and reinforces itself. Through a multi-text, critical discourse analysis of official anti-terrorism documents (parliamentary speeches, anti-terrorism laws, and public police documents on terrorism), the research demonstrates how these documents, purportedly aimed at combating terrorism, discursively serve to criminalize particular types of dissent and opposition by conflating it with terrorism and/or terrorist violence. By deconstructing various discursive practices (i.e., Canadian anti-terrorism texts), the study's critical analysis uncovered the larger socio-historical practices, contexts, and interests that inform and guide these practices. The study employs leading CDA scholar Norman Fairclough's three-part analytic method (description, interpretation, analysis) to build a descriptive analytic base, which is then used to build and inform the other two levels of analysis. The novel analytic framework developed -- that of threat and threatened -- unifies the different texts as well as Fairclough's different stages of analysis. By critically examining who/what the texts construct as a threat and as threatened (i.e., as villain or victim), and how each category is constructed, the study sheds light on the power and interests behind Canadian anti-terrorism discourse. Analytically, the duality of threat and threatened constitutes a powerful motif that can be used descriptively, interpretively, and for larger explanation and social analysis. By uncovering who and what the anti-terrorism texts target, the research reveals who and what it actually serves to protect. Overall, the dissertation demonstrates that Canadian anti-terrorism discourse and associated policies ultimately protect the power and relations of global capitalism, by specifically targeting and criminalizing opposition and/or resistance to it. This has serious implications for civil liberties and political participation in Canada.In addition, the study is related to and informs the field of Educational Studies insofar as it expands the notion of "education" to include the ideological functions of public policy. The anti-terrorism laws and associated discourses illustrate the manner in which the Canadian State is engaged in a broader educational project aimed at shaping individuals' hearts and minds over how to interpret and understand what constitutes terrorism. One intention of anti-terrorism discourse and policy appears to be to "normalize" a particular way of thinking about both terrorism and dissent (in a manner that conflates the two), and thus promote public support for the war on terror abroad and war on dissent at home. " --

Terror and the War on Dissent

Book Description

Located within wider debates about ‘security versus liberty’ in our post 9/11 world, the book analyses the new landscape of UK counter terrorism powers and offences and focuses upon the deleterious consequences of the so-called ‘war on terror’ on freedom of political expression and association. Questioning the compatibility of recent speech-limiting measures with liberalism’s established commitment to free speech and international human rights norms, the book takes a critical look at new powers to proscribe ‘extremist’ political parties, possession offences and other criminal controls (eg. Official Secrets Act prosecutions) as well as new offences such as ‘glorification’ of terrorism. Less visible, extra-legal forms of censorship are also evaluated. The monograph concludes by asking how a more vigorous defence of unorthodox and unpopular forms of expression might be safeguarded in the UK.

Australia's 'war on terror' Discourse

Book Description

Too often, existing literature has conflated the discourses that enabled the 'War on Terror', ignoring the contextual specificities of the states that make up the ’Coalition of the Willing’. Australia's 'war on terror' Discourse fills this gap by providing a full and sustained critical analysis of Australian foreign policy discourse along with the theoretical synthesis for a specific model of critical discourse analysis of the subject. The language of then Prime Minister Howard is the primary focus of the book but attention is also paid to the language of key ministers, political opponents and other prominent actors. The voices of those who challenged the dominant discourse are also considered to shed light on the ways in which discourses can be destabilised. Kathleen Gleeson shows how Howard successfully invoked narratives of identity and sovereignty that resonated with his audience and promoted his reworked narrative of Australia whilst facing dissent from many actors who voiced their opposition most successfully when they capitalised on inconsistencies within the discourse.

Counterterrorism Strategies in Egypt

Book Description

This book reveals how counterterrorism discourses and practices became the main tool of a systematic violation of human rights in Egypt after the Arab Uprising. It examines how the civic and democratic uprising in Egypt turned into robust authoritarianism under the pretence of counterterrorism and the ‘war on terror’. By interrogating Egypt’s counterterrorism legislation, the book identifies a correlation between counterterrorism narratives and the systemic violation of human rights. It examines the construction of a national security state that has little tolerance for dissent, political debate or the questioning of official policy, and how the anti-terrorism measures undertaken are actually anti-democracy strategies. The book also traces 150 years of Egyptian counterterrorism and counterinsurgency discourse, and analyses how this links with these practices of human rights assaults. By investigating how this discourse constructs and reproduces knowledge and meaning about terrorism and counterterrorism practices in Egypt, the book highlights how the government legitimises these violations against the population in the interests of the ruling elite. This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism studies, critical terrorism studies, discourse theory, Middle Eastern politics, decoloniality, and International Relations.

Writing the War on Terrorism

Book Description

This book examines the language of the war on terrorism and is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand how the Bush administration's approach to counter-terrorism became the dominant policy paradigm in American politics today.

Counterterrorism Strategies in Egypt

Book Description

"This book reveals how counterterrorism discourse became the main tool of a systematic violation of human rights in Egypt after the Arab Spring. It examines how the civic and democratic uprising in Egypt turned into robust authoritarianism under the pretence of counterterrorism and the 'war on terror'. By interrogating Egypt's counterterrorism legislation, the book identifies a correlation between counterterrorism narratives and the systemic violation of human rights. It examines the construction of a national security state that has little tolerance for dissent, political debate or the questioning of official policy, and how the anti-terrorism measures undertaken are actually anti-democracy strategies. The book also traces 150 years of Egyptian counterterrorism and counterinsurgency discourse, and analyses how this links with these practices of human rights assaults. By investigating how this discourse constructs and reproduces knowledge about terrorism and counterterrorism practices in Egypt, the book highlights how the government legitimises these violations against the population in the interests of the ruling elite. This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism studies, critical terrorism studies, discourse theory, Middle Eastern politics, and International Relations"--

Dissent from War

Book Description

The rhetorical presumption of war's necessity makes violence regrettable, but seemingly sane, and functions to shame anyone who opposes military action. Ivie proposes that the presence of dissent is actually a healthy sign of democratic citizenship, and a responsible and productive act, which has been dangerously miscast as a threat to national security. Ivie, a former US Navy petty officer, puts a microscope to the language of war supporters throughout history and follows the lives and memories of soldiers and anti-war activists who have dealt with degrees of confusion and guilt about their opposition to war. Arguing that informed dissent plays out largely in the realm of rhetoric, he equips readers with strategies for resisting the dehumanizing language used in war propaganda. Through his careful study of language strategies, he makes it possible to foster a community where dissenting voices are valued and vital.

Securing Africa

Book Description

This meticulously researched, forcibly argued and accessibly written collection explores the many and complex ways in which Africa has been implicated in the discourses and politics of September 11, 2001. Written by key scholars based in leading institutions in Canada, the United States, the Middle East and Africa, the volume interrogates the impact of post-9/11 politics on Africa from many disciplinary perspectives, including political science, sociology, history, anthropology, religious studies and cultural studies. The essays analyze the impact of 9/11 and the 'war on terror' on political dissent and academic freedom; the contentious vocabulary of crusades, clash of civilizations, barbarism and 'Islamofascism'; alternative genealogies of local and global terrorism; extraordinary renditions to black sites and torture; human rights and insecurities; collapsed states and the development-security merger; and anti-terrorism policies from George W. Bush to Barack Obama. This is a much-needed meditation on historical and contemporary discourses on terrorism.

Neoliberalism and Terror

Book Description

Terrorism and neoliberalism are connected in multiple, complex, and often camouflaged ways. This book offers a critical exploration of some of the intersections between the two, drawing on a wide range of case studies from the United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, and the European Union. Contributors to the book investigate the impact of neoliberal technologies and intellectual paradigms upon contemporary counterterrorism – where the neoliberal era frames counter-terrorism within an endless war against political uncertainty. Others resist the notion that a separation ever existed between neoliberalism and counter-terrorism. These contributions explore how counterterrorism is already itself an exercise of neoliberalism which practices a form of ‘Class War on Terror’. Finally, other contributors investigate the representation of terrorism within contemporary cultural products such as video games, in order to explore the perpetuation of neoliberal and statist agendas. In doing all of this, the book situates post-9/11 counter-terrorism discourse and practice within much-needed historical contexts, including the evolution of capitalism and the state. Neoliberalism and Terror will be of great interest to readers within the fields of International Relations, Security Studies, Terrorism Studies, and beyond. This book was originally published as a special issue of Critical Studies on Terrorism.

When Media Goes to War

Book Description

In this fresh and provocative book, Anthony DiMaggio uses the war in Iraq and the United States confrontations with Iran as his touchstones to probe the sometimes fine line between news and propaganda. Using Antonio Gramsci’s concept of hegemony and drawing upon the seminal works of Noam Chomsky, Edward Herman, and Robert McChesney, DiMaggio combines a rigorousempirical analysis and clear, lucid prose to enlighten readers about issues essential to the struggle for a critical media and a functioning democracy. If, as DiMaggio shows, our newspapers and television news programs play a decisive role in determining what we think, and if, as he demonstrates convincingly, what the media give us is largely propaganda that supports an oppressive and undemocratic status quo, then it is incumbent upon us to make sure that they are responsive to the majority and not just the powerful and privileged few.