Antichrist Silent Takeover of the World and the Fight to Save It

Book Description

Ever since the Apostle John coined the Antichrist title 2,000 years ago, it has been misidentified more often than not. This plays right into Satan's hand of disinformation and deception. Find out exactly who the Antichrist is, how the Devil has used this principle subject to persecute God's people, mislead mankind, and attempt to set up a clandestine New World Order to compete with Jesus upon his return. The battle of evil and good is well underway now and will culminate in the War of Armageddon. Everyone must choose which side they are on. Knowing his techniques, specific individuals he is using, and how his secret organizations operate is critical, so that true Christians don't get fooled into being "marked" for destruction.

Prince of Darkness

Book Description

Grant is internationally recognized as an outstanding prophecy teacher. More than a million readers enjoyed his four best-selling prophecy books inspiring them to look for the soon return of Christ. The best-selling author of: Armageddon Messiah Heaven Apocalypse Do you understand world events in light of prophecy? Explore the astonishing prophecies about the mysterious Antichrist who will dominate the earth during the last days. Grant shares his incredible research into the secret groups moving America toward world government. Written in layman’s terms, Prince of Darkness will open up the Bible’s fascinating prophecies about these vital topics: ·The New World Order Global Agenda ·America and the Council on Foreign Relations ·Surviving the coming economic crisis ·The rush to world government ·The PLO–Isreali Agreement–prelude to war ·Zhirinovsky–the KGB and Russion Imperialism ·The surveillance society–an assault on freedom ·The technology of the 666 mark of the beast ·Satan’s prince of darkness in the Temple ·Thirty-eight astonishing prophecies announce the Messiah ·Armageddon–Christ’s ultimate victory

Advent of the Antichrist

Book Description

Advent of the Antichrist offers a thorough explanation of Nostradamus’s famous 1999 king of terror quatrain. Based on this quatrain, August 11, 1999, is an important date in history. On that day, a total solar eclipse took place over Europe. According to Nostradamus, it was also the date for the coming of the Antichrist. For he will be an eighth king (Revelation 17:11), he is the eleventh horn (Daniel 7:8), and his number is 666 (Revelation 13:18). Author K. L. Brady makes the argument that this is the eleventh hour, beginning with this date on a doomsday clock. History will record that the advent of the Antichrist coincided with the advent of the twenty-first century. Nostradamus writes of a great king whose war will give rise to another great king to come. Who are these great Kings? Advent of the Antichrist presents a new revelation that chronicles the birth and rise to power of the one who will head up an army and conquer the world. It also provides a clear explanation of the events behind the symbolic imagery and the biblical passages concerning the coming apocalypse. It is the time to warn and prepare yourself and those around you for what could take place. The clock is ticking toward a time of darkness and light such as the world has never seen before.


Book Description

Amy Simmons follows an account of the film's making with an in-depth consideration of the themes and issues arising from it

The Antichrist Is Here

Book Description

IS THE WORLD LISTENING...For 175 years Heaven has been sending warnings to the world of the consequences for turning our backs on God. Are we heeding those warnings or ignoring them, confident to obstinately push aside the hand of God to grab instead the deceptive hand of human progress?1846, La Salette, France:"Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist."1917, Fatima, Portugal:"If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world."Written in the form of a story, "The Antichrist Is Here" incredibly reveals the actual identity of the Antichrist and explains how he will wreck havoc on God's children. It follows the lives of two sisters who find an obscure journal while on vacation with their family that takes them on a journey of discovery, leading them unexpectedly face to face with the one the book of Revelation refers to as "the beast".

The Antichrist

Book Description

A complete history of the Antichrist, Satan's son, within the context of Western expectations of the end of the world.

The True Face of the Antichrist

Book Description

This book that you're holding in your hands will do what it was said about the two olive trees in Revelation and believe it, what is written in it will torment the inhabitants of the earth, just like it is described in the book of Revelation. I am not a theologian, but in this book you will find all the evidences, all the necessary proofs, which expose the true face of the antichrist, the true face of the devil, the one Jesus talked about in Matthew 13, 39. "And the enemy who sows them is the devil." In this book you will also find the name of the beast, finally. Name that millions have tried in vain to identify. The devil sowed the lies, but we have believed in them despite all of Jesus and his disciples' warnings and this causes our lost. Only the key of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus gave to Peter, the truth, the word of God can save us. Read very carefully 2 Thessalonians 2, 10. "They perish because they refused to love the truth and to be saved." If you really have love for the truth, you will read; The True Face of The Antichrist to the end, even though it is very shocking and troubling as you have never been, but remember one thing, it is for your own salvation. I already have my salvation, because I saw and I believed the truth and I have accepted it. So, I wish you the same joy, the same happiness. The truth that is in this book is a knife straight to the heart of the beast. The more it will be sold and the more the truth will be known and accepted, the more the beast will be destroyed. What gives the power to the beast are the ignorance and the hypocricy of its members. The beast has its foundation on lies and this is why it will be destroyed by the truth, by the word of God, just like the prophecy says. See 2 Thessalonians 2, 8. "And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth (the word of God) and destroy by the splendor of his coming." James Prince

Antichrist in the Midst

Book Description

"Lloyd Mosemann uses God's word to educate concerning the history of the church through today -- a history that reveals a church that has been in bondage, laboring under an anti-Christ world system."--Cover [p. 4].

The Silence Is Broken! God Hooks Ezekiel's Gog & Magog

Book Description

What is the Silence of God? How and when will God's silence be broken? What will that mean to the people living in the world at the time? Discover how the Silence of God will finally be broken and how the End Times will begin. Learn how the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 & 39 is the key to understanding the events that God will use to initiate His Day of the Lord. "The Silence is Broken!" reveals groundbreaking new insights into the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and its relationship to the book of Revelation and God's Day of the Lord judgments. This book challenges many scholarly conclusions regarding Ezekiel's prophecy as well as the views of prophecy skeptics. It offers a logical and systematic solution to the dilemma this prophecy poses for many readers of the Bible. Discover how and why the beginning of the End Times will be misinterpreted as the end of the Tribulation; how the War of Gog and Magog will be misunderstood as the War of Armageddon; and what that will mean for the nations of the world.

The Rise of the Antichrist

Book Description

Does the idea of Biblical Prophecy seem ... well, laughingly absurd, galactically improbable? Good! It's supposed to seem that way. In fact, for Biblical prophecy to work properly, its readers have to be highly skeptical. Biblical prophecy requires, even promotes uber-skepticism at times to evoke the intended response in its readers. The credibility of its message, that its words were authored by God, gains increased potency as the highly improbable happens again and again. When the absurdly improbable actually occurs, over and over, in documented, historically verifiable situations, our fundamental assumptions are challenged. We are confronted with the possibility that, on a truly foundational level, everything we thought we knew may really be wrong or radically incomplete. That's what Biblical prophecy is about on a macro level. That's its big idea. Biblical prophecies also seek to warn about particularly important slices of future history. Not because that future can be changed, but so it can be met with integrity and intact faith. This book is obviously focused on those Biblical prophecies involving the Antichrist's rise to power. By using careful time honored traditional methods of Biblical investigation, we'll have a serious and sober look at what the Scriptures really say about this future world ruler. There are also some new discoveries that many would find surprising, even shocking. Now, that's a lot to swallow all at once. That the future is knowable on some level, and that it's going to be so horrible. Why would anyone want to believe this could happen? Deep down, I don't want to believe it. It's so much easier to reject it, than to allow it to threaten your whole frame of reference. That tug of war, that vague unease, that's supposed to happen too. It's Biblical prophecy doing its thing. It takes a lot of guts to consider ideas that have the power to explode your comfortable world view. If you decide to read this book, remember, it's ok to be skeptical. It's absolutely required for a healthy mind. But resist the awful temptation to reject out-of-hand. Aside from being an addictive and lazy habit, it just may deprive you someday of knowing that wonderful excruciating panic of having your mind blown open.