Secrets of the Times

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Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Book Description

Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls explores the evidence about calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Hebrew Bible and other ancient Jewish texts.

The Handbook of Biblical Chronology

Book Description

Have you been skipping over references to time in the Bible because they seem too confusing? Jack Finegan's Handbook of Biblical Chronology clarifies those ancient systems of time reckoning and the biblical passages that use them. Part 1 describes the origins of basic units of time and surveys the calendars used in the ancient Near East through the Roman era. Part 2 discusses major periods of the Old Testament, as well as the lives of Jesus, John the Baptist, and the Apostles Peter and Paul. This thoroughly revised edition includes a number of improvements over the classic 1964 edition. The text has been updated, expanded, and retypeset. It features more than 190 helpful tables (including 43 new ones), new sections, new datings, full subject and Scripture indexes, a detailed table of contents, and updated bibliographies.

A New Chronology for Old Testament Times

Book Description

This book brings solutions to a very great list of hitherto unsolved chronological and synchronisation problems. The reason why those solutions could be found lies in the extensive research the author made in old and often rare texts instead of limiting himself to the near exclusive source of the Bible. Ample use has been made of information that is available in works like the Books of Enoch, The Apocrypha, The Legends of the Jews, The Seder Olam, the Book of Jasher and many more, as well as in the texts from known historians like Herodotus and the famous Jewish historian and priest Flavius Josephus Just a few of the many special findings are: The real reason why Joseph was so popular with the Pharaoh. Sarah was not Abrahams (half)-sister. Moses was uncircumcised and even forbade the ritual for 40 years. Terah was not 70 years old when he begat Abraham. The exact period of the Judges: when they started and when they ended. A solution for the verse of the about 450 years of Pauls speech. Why did the Lord God give form and then blew life into Adam? Eve was not made out of Adams rib but from another body part A solution to the impossible synchronism of Judah and his sons. Enoch made not one but 4 trips to Heaven. The definitive answer: why did King Josiah attack Necho II? Why did King Ahab not fight at Qarqar? And many more. The book has a unique style. It has nothing of the study book , difficult to understand texts. The subject is serious, well researched, and treated with respect. But that does not mean that it cannot be presented at a fast moving pace, in easy to read style with here and there even a bit of humour. The purpose of the book is to prove that the promise that the Lord God made to Adam was kept. It held that there would be exactly 5500 years between the arrival of Adam in this world and the arrival of Christ. Every person who was of importance in that timespan has been visited. For every single one there are his years of birth and death or the years of his rule. Every person has a short story about some important part of his life, his actions or the influence he had on the history of the Hebrew people that lived in that period.

Revised Chronology of the Bible

Book Description

This book is a culmination of that research. After trashing his work 10 times and starting over, he managed to get a revised chronology that seemed to be more accurate than that being put out by the status quo universities. It combines secular / world history with Biblical history in a far more even and smoother match than that proposed by former historians who have attempted the same. This is his version 12, which doesn't try to match different histories based on dates, but rather by matching people and events and then applying revised dates to those events and people. This work will call into question the conclusions of historians of the last 200 years, about the ancient periods of time, and provide an alternative dating for those times. It is a World History in that it incorporates the ancient history of India, China, Japan, as well as the traditional Middle Eastern and European societies of ancient times. It re-evaluates the beginnings of civilization and the solar system, refuting common historical and scientific beliefs of the modern world. Documents that have previously been written off as Mythology have been re-evaluated as well, as they give a different perspective of ancient times and what happened back then. The use and creation of calendars is an important feature added to this work which is seldom taken into account by modern histories. Incorporated in this work are many of the more recent archaeological finds that have yet to be incorporated in status quo works and institutions. He makes no apology for the fact that this is Biblically based, and the conclusions that have been reached by this work fit very well in Biblical contexts and adds some understanding to the events that took place in the Biblical narratives.