Apa Adanya

Book Description

Otak gue udah mulai berat dan pening. Tapi tahan dulu, ini bagian akhir yang harus lo tau banget. Bicara tentang berbuat baik kepada diri sendiri barang kali terdengar seperti nasihat guru di taman kanak-kanak. Tetapi bahkan orangsinis pun harus peduli tentang menyayangi diris endiri atau self-compassion terutama jika mereka ingin menjadi tangguh.

A Comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary

Book Description

An Indonesian-English Dictionary.

Book Description

United We Brand

Book Description

"In United We Brand, Moser unveils a hands-on tool he has developed over the course of two decades of branding experience with organizations ranging from brand giants like Reebok and Dell Computers to fledgling startups to nonprofit firms. The "Brand Roadmap" puts insights and strategies once available only through top-flight consulting and advertising agencies in the hands of every executive, small business owner, and entrepreneur."--BOOK JACKET.

Roti Mayo

Book Description

Toko roti ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1939. Generasi pertama kami adalah peranakan Tionghoa yang hijrah untuk membuka peluang usaha di kota Garut. Dari masa ke masa pesaing kami banyak yang gugur. Namun, toko kami mampu bertahan sampai dengan hari ini. Memang kami sebagai penerus sengaja tidak membuat toko ini ekspansi ke daerah lain. Kami ingin toko roti ini seperti sediakala pertama didirikan oleh leluhur kami. Saat ini, kami memang memiliki segudang masalah keuangan. Karena sudah hampir satu dekade penjualan kami menurun. Kondisi ini menjurus dalam kondisi kami yang nyaris bangkrut. Keuangan toko kami seperi kain tambal sulam, atau seperti gali lobang tutup lobang.


Book Description

Aku berjalan di tengah udara malam yang dingini daerah Barbés di utara Paris, tidak jauh dari Montmartre. Tak terasa, lamunan dan emosiku membuatku berjalan terlalu jauh menuju taman yang sepi dan gelap. Saat kusadari aku berada di tempat yang gelap dan sunyi aku mulai merasa khawatir. Seolah-olah langkah kakiku diawasi oleh seseorang. Lalu aku memberanikan diri untuk duduk di sebuah bangku taman. Lampu taman yang teman dan semilir angin dingin membuat bulu romaku berdiri. Kemudian tiba-tiba muncul seorang pria negro berbadan tinggi besar menghampiriku.

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE 2023)

Book Description

This is an open access book. The biennial Conference of Language, Linguistics, and Literature (Colalite) always attempts to accommodate intriguing themes. This year, the 5th International Colalite presents "Dressed to Kill: Fashion, Body, and Identity" as a theme to accommodate the growing interest in fashion and lifestyle in the fields of language, literature, cultural studies, translation, and business communication. For this reason, the 5th Colalite encourages researchers, authors, academic practitioners, and those who are interested in exploring this issue to participate in the conference.

Islām and the People of the Book Volumes 1-3

Book Description

Islam and the People of the Book features three dozen scholarly studies on the treaties that the Prophet Muhammad concluded with Jewish, Samaritan, Christian, and Zoroastrian communities, along with translations of Six Covenants of the Prophet in over a dozen languages. The combined effort of over forty-five academics, intellectuals, and translators from around the world, this work powerfully confirms the conclusions drawn by Dr John Andrew Morrow in his critically-acclaimed book on The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World, offers unprecedented insight into the original intent of the Messenger of God, and sheds light on the pluralistic nature of the constitutional state that he created.

Bertekuk lutut New Marriage Life

Book Description

Edisi exlusive Idr : 125 552 halaman. Terdapat kertas bergambar ilustrasi tokoh pada novel. Emerald genius putri kembali. Ia kembali setelah tujuh tahun kepergiannya. Ia kembali demi mempertanyakan kembali status pernikahannya. Dulu, ia hanya seorang gadis tamat lulusan SMA Eka Perwira Amran tak mau di bantah. Ia berniat secepatnya mengakhiri pernikahan dengan wanita yang dulu dinikahinya, karena telah menemukan wanita yang lebih sepadan bersanding dengannya. Namun siapa yang menduga jika semuanya berjalan tidak sesuai rencana saat mereka dipertemukan kembali setelah beberapa tahun lamanya. Terkadang kita hanya bisa berencana, namun Tuhan sebaik- baiknya penyusun rencana. Bahkan sekali lagi saat mereka berpisah sang penyusun rencana sudah membuat banyak masalah yang tak henti membelit keduanya.


Book Description

In an effort to implement the curriculum, it is urgent that material development be synergized with the curriculum so as to meet its proper and applicable implementation. A number of grants have been awarded to our faculty members for designing instructional materials. Systematical arrangement of instructional materials is to minimize the gap between planned curriculum and implemented curriculum. FTTE UMM keeps striving to develop curriculum through a long-listed agenda: designing course outlines, materials, media, and evaluation instruments. Those four key components fulfill the National Standard of Higher Education. Until recently, FTTE UMM has developed instructional materials for 27 selected courses, comprising 9 pedagogy courses and 18 content specific courses. This Speaking book is the manifestation of our incessant contribution to the field of education. Not only does it contain several relevant topics, but it is equipped with various activities to accommodate students with active, meaningful, and independent learning as well. It is then specially wrapped in the form of hybrid learning materials. Finally, it is highly expected that FTTE UMM, through its continuous efforts, could achieve the standards as stipulated by the Curriculum of Higher Education, aiming for the National Standard of Higher Education in Indonesia.