Apologia for the Law and the Sabbath

Book Description

In the Gospels we find that Jesus consistently refers to the first five books of the Old Testament as “the Law.” And on many occasions, the Master extracts legal precedents from this law in order to settle all kinds of disputed matters and even subdue the Tempter. Yet modern believers dogmatically insist that this same law has been “done away” in order to make way for salvation. But is this a helpful and correct understanding of the Holy Scriptures? What are the unintended consequences of promoting a view where the Bible, as it were, devours itself? Is there a cognitive price to be paid? Have contemporary Christians set themselves up for failure and misperception by advancing this view, as we force our square doctrinal peg into the round Scriptural hole? Can we really uproot justice, mercy, and faith from the Old Testament, yet maintain a coherent biblical worldview? The author of Apologia believes that there is a better way. Discover the unbreakable unity of the Holy Scriptures and be free from the cognitive dissonance that plagues modern believers. Discover the encrypted code that runs all through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, the connection between the Old Testament Law and the New Covenant, the difference between legalism and lawfulness, and the Scriptural way of loving God. Apologia for the Law and the Sabbath is an audacious and in-your-faith way of looking at the Bible that causes the heart to burn with passion. It forcefully tears open the veil that separates Old and New Testament Scriptures to reveal a bold and seamless narrative which reveals the Creator’s ancient code of conduct for believers. Tread past salvation’s timid threshold and boldly step into the path of righteousness, where we partner with God as we strive to reach the full measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ and boldly claim your rightful place as sons and daughters of the Almighty. Discover the common denominator which characterized our spiritual ancestors—Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the apostle Paul. Rekindle your new birth passion and strengthen your faith in a way you never thought possible. Grow past the bashful platitudes and learn the way of the Master. Read the book others are calling “tremendous,” “excellent,” and “refreshing.”

The Law and the Sabbath

Book Description

The law-versus-grace controversy has besieged the church for 2,000 years. Now at the time of the end, every Christian must soon decide what the role of obedience and the 10 Commandments should be to the converted life. Using solid biblical support, Allen Walker boldly answers the church's greatest crisis by examining the law's most contentious dictate-the Sabbath commandment. He clarifies the issue of legalism and other arguments to arrive at the only possible conclusion: Only by understanding the profound truths of rightrousness by faith will you find a more intimate walk with the One who fulfilled the law. This classic, newly revised journey into the heart of the Bible remains a powerful blessing to every honest seeker of God's will.

The Sabbath, the Law, and the New Covenant

Book Description

Religion is a hard topic to discuss, especially with family members who do not have the same religious beliefs. This book began as a paper given to family members and friends in an attempt to show them what the scriptures teach about the Sabbath. Though a number of Sabbath-keeping church members and leaders refused to discuss the paper, other ministers and church friends thought it should be published. Years of studying and writing have culminated into "The Sabbath, the Law, and the New Covenant." This book takes the central theme of the Bible, God's redemptive plan for mankind, and walks the reader through the scriptures. It begins with the plan's inception and then explains how the plan was introduced to man, how it began to unfold, and finally how the plan was fulfilled. This book highlights many of the scriptures that teach about the Sabbath, the Old Testament Laws, including the Ten Commandments, and the New Testament covenant of Jesus Christ, while comparing some widely held beliefs with the word of God. For all who truly love the word of God and worship on the seventh-day Sabbath, this book is a must-read. Those who wish to learn about the subject matter will also find the information insightful, coming from one who formerly worshiped on the seventh-day Sabbath.

The Law, the Sabbath and New Covenant Christianity

Book Description

Christians today seem uncertain as to the difference between the Old and New Covenant ways of approaching God prescribed for different periods of history. Paul labored hard, in the face of constant opposition from Jews, to bring both Jew and Gentile into unity on the basis of the one New Covenant. The same resistance to full freedom in the New Covenant is found whenever sections of the Church insist for salvation on elements of the Old Covenant not binding under the New. This book is based on the authors extensive study of what God and the Messiah require of us under the terms of the New Covenant ratified by the blood of Jesus. Our aim is to unify believers under the banner of belief in the One God of Israel, in Jesus as the supernaturally begotten Son of God and in the hope of the coming Kingdom of God at the return of Jesus. Within this theological framework, what is the New Testament teaching in regard to the Sabbath, Holy Days, and the Law of Moses? What under the New Covenant is meant by the obedience which leads to salvation? What indeed is the saving Gospel? Our plea is for unity based on the Gospel teaching of Christ as presented by New Testament Scripture. There is a simplicity and freedom in Gods requirements since the coming of His Son the Messiah. Our hope is that current barriers to unity, based on an unfortunate mixing of the two covenants, will be removed so that the world may know that the Church is indeed one, rather than a confusing assemblage of thousands of denominations in conflict.

Apologia Pro Vita Sua

Book Description