The Apostolic Minister's Manual

Book Description

A full guide for both new ministers and veterans of the Gospel. It is intended to assist in various services and ceremonies and to be used along with the Bible. Many Jewish ceremonies are also included in this manual.

Apostolic Ministerial Manual

Book Description

The modern day minister faces a multitude of tasks that are both electrifying and challenging. He must conduct funerals and weddings, often on the same day. He must be a shepherd, a scholar, a public speaker, an educator, a CEO, a counselor, and at times a family man. The manual is a breath of fresh air and an invaluable resource.

Gospel Light Church of God in Christ Jesus Apostolic Inc.

Book Description

Acts 2:38-39, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children and all are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists and some; pastors and some teacher; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Gospel Light Apostolic Ministries Ministerial Manual Committee Published.

Minister's Manual

Book Description


Book Description

From Church-Dom to Kingdom, is a revelation that will take you into the depth of Kingdom Living. This is more than a Book, it is a Kingdom resource and training manual with Help tools and Kingdom Practical Applications, Worksheets, Kingdom Precepts and Spiritual Protocol. A Practical Application Guide, fi lled with Humor, Power and Teaching revelations. It will inspire you, instruct you, cause you to come into Kingdom governmental order, and mental physical, emotional, and fi nancial Kingdom Prosperity. Truly it is "All about the Kingdom." Under an Apostolic Order, Chief Apostle Dr. J. G. Rice inspires us with Spiritual Protocol for Kingdom citizens, bringing to light that Nothing comes "before the King and the Kingdom." The Covenants and Restoration” of our Kingdom Destiny Comes to Light with a deep sense of awe of our Kingdom authority. Dr. Rice one of the Nations Chief Apostles and Ambassador of Grace, will impact, and impart to you a "Kingdom Mindset, Kingdom Vision, Kingdom Harvest, and Kingdom Fruit.” This is a must have resource. With over 32 years of ministerial wisdom, truth, hope, and prolifi c insight. This experience will pull you into another realm and level of Kingdom Wisdom and Kingdom Creativity. This Book, a must have, ongoing ministerial and laymember training and resource tool, of Kingdom Dynamics and Directions to succeed in your Kingdom Lifewalk. (Matthew 16:19)

The Pastor's Manual

Book Description

Suggestions for performing the various tasks of the pastor. Includes vital information and examples for all types of services and ceremonies.