Theory of Microwave Generation by an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam in a Rippled Magnetic Field

Book Description

Motivated by the recent results of Friedman and Herndon the authors have investigated theoretically the stability of a waveguide enclosed relativistic electron beam in a rippled magnetic field. The presence of the ripple can couple negative energy beam modes to positive energy waveguide modes to produce instability and thereby generate microwaves. In the experiment the thickness of the beam is small compared to all other relevant lengths. The nonlinear dynamics of an infinitessimally thin sheet beam is analyzed. The system is described by the orbit equations for the particles, Maxwell's equations, a set of nonlinear boundary conditions across the moving surface and a continuity equation for the moving surface. (Author).

Relativistic Electron Beam Interactions for Generation of High Power at Microwave Frequencies

Book Description

During the last few years, the application of intense, relativistic- electron beams to the generation of electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths ranging from 10 cm down to fraction of a millimeter has enabled significant advances to be made in peak power capabilities. The purpose of this review is to summarize the status of these advances and to describe briefly the nature of the several mechanisms involved.

The Generation of High-Power Microwave Radiation from Intense Relativistic Electron Beams

Book Description

This report provides a basis for evaluating the current and near- future development of relativistic-electron-beam (REB) technology for the generation of microwave radiation. Magnetrons, gyrotrons, and Raman scattering are examined in some detail and references are cited for several other conversion schemes. The status of repetitively pulsed REB generation is then reviewed and two hypothetical systems are constructed from the conversion schemes and generators that were considered earlier. Finally, some of the advantages (such as high power and compact size) and disadvantages (such as unproven technology) are summarized. (Author).

Gigawatt Microwave Emission from an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam

Book Description

Microwave generation experiments were carried out on a multimegavolt electron accelerator (3.3 MV, 80 kA). X-band microwave power as high as about 1 GW was measured. Results are compared with a non-linear theory of unstable resonant interaction between a TE waveguide mode of the electron drift tube and an electron cyclotron wave on the beam.

Simulations of Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Generation by Foilless Diodes

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Foilless diodes used to produce intense annular relativistic electron beams have been simulated using the time-dependent, two-dimensional particle-in-cell code CCUBE. Current densities exceeding 200 kA/cm2 have been obtained in the simulations for a 5 MeV, 35 .cap omega. diode. Many applications, including microwave generation, collective ion acceleration and high-density plasma heating require a laminar electron flow in the beams. The simulation results indicate that foilless diodes immersed in a strong external magnetic field can achieve such a flow. Diodes using technologically achievable magnetic field strengths (approx. 100 kG) and proper electrode shaping appear to be able to produce beams with an angular scatter of less than 35 mrad at the current densities and energies mentioned above. Scaling of the impedance and temperature of the beam as a function of geometry, magnetic field strength and voltage is presented.

Study of Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Modulation by Wakefield Effects

Book Description

An experimental study has been undertaken in order to investigate plasma wakefield effects produced in intense electron beam propagation in a background plasma. A 2 MeV, 1 kA, electron beam is used for this experiment. A 50 cm diam., 3.6 m long drift tube is filled with a background gas, typically trimethylamine (TMA). This gas is ionized by electrons emitted from heated tungsten filaments which are biased at approximately -100 Volts. The resultant plasma density is fairly uniform and is adjustable in the range 10 to the 8th power to 5 x 10 to the 9th power per cubic cm. A higher density Ion Focused Regime (IFR) channel for electron beam propagation is generated by KrF-laser (248 nm) ionization of the background TMA gas. The intense electron beam propagating on an IFR channel in this background plasma experiences wakefield effects due to the natural oscillations of the background plasma which are excited by the beam current risetime. The Ez component of the induced field is responsible for producing beam current modulation near the background plasma frequency. The results scale with plasma density as expected and current modulation is nearly complete for a certain parameter range. This technique may be amenable to a high power microwave generation technique analogous to the relativistic klystron. Detailed experimental results of beam modulation will be presented.

Theory of Microwave Emission by Velocity-Space Instabilities of an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam

Book Description

The stability of waveguide modes in a waveguide along which is propagated an unneutralized, intense beam of relativistic electrons guided by an applied axial magnetic field is considered. It is found that the waveguide mode can interact unstably with the beam by resonating with the Doppler shifted cyclotron frequency of the beam. This instability appears to be the mechanism by which microwaves are produced in some recent experiments which are discussed. (Author).