Rational extended thermodynamics

Book Description

Ordinary thermodynamics provides reliable results when the thermodynamic fields are smooth, in the sense that there are no steep gradients and no rapid changes. In fluids and gases this is the domain of the equations of Navier-Stokes and Fourier. Extended thermodynamics becomes relevant for rapidly varying and strongly inhomogeneous processes. Thus the propagation of high frequency waves, and the shape of shock waves, and the regression of small-scale fluctuation are governed by extended thermodynamics. The field equations of ordinary thermodynamics are parabolic while extended thermodynamics is governed by hyperbolic systems. The main ingredients of extended thermodynamics are • field equations of balance type, • constitutive quantities depending on the present local state and • entropy as a concave function of the state variables. This set of assumptions leads to first order quasi-linear symmetric hyperbolic systems of field equations; it guarantees the well-posedness of initial value problems and finite speeds of propaga tion. Several tenets of irreversible thermodynamics had to be changed in subtle ways to make extended thermodynamics work. Thus, the entropy is allowed to depend on nonequilibrium vari ables, the entropy flux is a general constitutive quantity, and the equations for stress and heat flux contain inertial terms. New insight is therefore provided into the principle of material frame indifference. With these modifications an elegant formal structure can be set up in which, just as in classical thermostatics, all restrictive conditions--derived from the entropy principle-take the form of integrability conditions.

Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

Book Description

The book begins with a brief review of equilibrium systems and transport and rate processes, then covers the following areas: theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics; dissipation function; entropy and exergy; analysis and case studies on using the second law of thermodynamics; economic impact of the nonequilibrium thermodynamics theory; analysis of transport and rate processes; membrane transport; dissipative structures and biological systems; and other thermodynamic approaches and extended nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Summarizes new applications of thermodynamics as tools for design and optimisation Covers second law and exergy analysis for sustainable development Promotes understanding of the coupled phenomena of natural processes

Understanding Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

Book Description

Discover the many facets of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The first part of this book describes the current thermodynamic formalism recognized as the classical theory. The second part focuses on different approaches. Throughout the presentation, the emphasis is on problem-solving applications. To help build your understanding, some problems have been analyzed using several formalisms to underscore their differences and their similarities.

Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

Book Description

Natural phenomena consist of simultaneously occurring transport processes and chemical reactions. These processes may interact with each other and may lead to self-organized structures, fluctuations, instabilities, and evolutionary systems. Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Third Edition emphasizes the unifying role of thermodynamics in analyzing the natural phenomena. This third edition updates and expands on the first and second editions by focusing on the general balance equations for coupled processes of physical, chemical, and biological systems. The new edition contains a new chapter on stochastic approaches to include the statistical thermodynamics, mesoscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamics, fluctuation theory, information theory, and modeling the coupled biochemical systems in thermodynamic analysis. This new addition also comes with more examples and practice problems.

Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics

Book Description

Covers a wide spectrum of applications and contains a wide discussion of the foundations and the scope of the most current theories of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The new edition reflects new developments and contains a new chapter on the interplay between hydrodynamics and thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes

Book Description

Thermodynamics of irreversible Processes provides a thorough treatment of the basic axioms of irreversible systems and deals with specific applications to diffusion of liquids and matter in flow. This volume will prove to be invaluable reading for anyone working in the field of irreversible phenomena. Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes, presents :- A lucid review of classical thermodynamics Rigorous derivations of the fundamental principles of irreversible thermodynamics In-depth studies of multicomponent diffusion, with applications to non-ideal systems Thorough treatments of relaxation phenomena and linear viscoelasticity An essential text for anyone working with irreversible thermodynamics, rheology and multi-component mixtures Thermodynamics of irreversible Processes is the first advanced text dealing with the applications of irreversible thermodynamics to multicomponent diffusion and viscoelasticity. Gerard Kuiken has written a book which will appeal to students and researchers in chemistry, chemical technology, polymer and materials science, physics and rheology.

Information Dynamics and Open Systems

Book Description

This book has a long history of more than 20 years. The first attempt to write a monograph on information-theoretic approach to thermodynamics was done by one of the authors (RSI) in 1974 when he published, in the preprint form, two volumes of the book "Information Theory and Thermodynamics" concerning classical and quantum information theory, [153] (220 pp.), [154] (185 pp.). In spite of the encouraging remarks by some of the readers, the physical part of this book was never written except for the first chapter. Now this material is written completely anew and in much greater extent. A few years earlier, in 1970, second author of the present book, (AK), a doctoral student and collaborator of RSI in Toruli, published in Polish, also as a preprint, his habilitation dissertation "Information-theoretical decision scheme in quantum statistical mechanics" [196] (96 pp.). This small monograph presented his original results in the physical part of the theory developed in the Torun school. Unfortunately, this preprint was never published in English. The present book contains all these results in a much more modern and developed form.