Gauge/String Duality, Hot QCD and Heavy Ion Collisions

Book Description

Heavy ion collision experiments recreating the quark-gluon plasma that filled the microseconds-old universe have established that it is a nearly perfect liquid that flows with such minimal dissipation that it cannot be seen as made of particles. String theory provides a powerful toolbox for studying matter with such properties. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to gauge/string duality and its applications to the study of the thermal and transport properties of quark-gluon plasma, the dynamics of how it forms, the hydrodynamics of how it flows, and its response to probes including jets and quarkonium mesons. Calculations are discussed in the context of data from RHIC and LHC and results from finite temperature lattice QCD. The book is an ideal reference for students and researchers in string theory, quantum field theory, quantum many-body physics, heavy ion physics and lattice QCD.

Applications of the Gauge/Gravity Duality

Book Description

Many open questions in Theoretical Physics pertain to strongly interacting quantum systems such as the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in heavy-ion collisions or the strange-metal phase observed in many high-temperature superconductors. These systems are notoriously difficult to study using traditional methods such as perturbation theory, but the gauge/gravity duality offers a successful alternative approach, which maps strongly interacting quantum gauge theories to computationally tractable, classical gravity theories. This book begins with a pedagogical introduction to how the duality can be used to extract transport properties of quantum systems from their gravity dual. It then presents new results on hydrodynamic transport in strongly interacting quantum fluids, providing strong evidence that the Haack-Yarom identity between second-order transport coefficients holds for all fluids with a classical gravity dual and may be a universal feature of all strongly coupled quantum fluids such as the QGP. Newly derived Kubo formulae, expressing transport coefficients in terms of quantum correlators, hold independently of the duality. Lastly, the book discusses new results on magnetic impurities in strongly correlated metals, including the first dual gravity description of an inter-impurity coupling, crucial for the quantum criticality underlying the strange-metal phase.

Gauge/Gravity Duality

Book Description

Gauge/gravity duality creates new links between quantum theory and gravity. It has led to new concepts in mathematics and physics, and provides new tools to solve problems in many areas of theoretical physics. This book is the first textbook on this important topic, enabling graduate students and researchers in string theory and particle, nuclear and condensed matter physics to get acquainted with the subject. Focusing on the fundamental aspects as well as on the applications, this textbook guides readers through a thorough explanation of the central concepts of gauge/gravity duality. For the AdS/CFT correspondence, it explains in detail how string theory provides the conjectured map. Generalisations to less symmetric cases of gauge/gravity duality and their applications are then presented, in particular to finite temperature and density, hydrodynamics, QCD-like theories, the quark-gluon plasma and condensed matter systems. The textbook features a large number of exercises, with solutions available online at

Gauge, Gravity Duality

Book Description

Gauge/gravity duality which originates from string theory relates strongly coupled gauge theories to weakly coupled gravity theories. This duality allows for computations of non-perturbative results on the field theory side by perturbative calculations on the gravity side. We use gauge/gravity duality to investigate various phenomena of strongly coupled systems. In particular, we consider applications of the duality to real-world systems such as condensed matter systems and the quark-gluon plasma created by heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

QCD Perspectives on Hot and Dense Matter

Book Description

Many facets of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are relevant to the in-depth discussion of theoretical and experimental aspects of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions. Exciting phenomena are being discovered in such ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, notably the increasingly important role of deconfined quark-gluon matter created in the early stage. The book contains lectures on the physics of hot dense matter, the expected phase transitions and colour superconductivity, recent developments in the treatment of nonlinear effects at large parton densities, fundamental issues in the phenomenology of ultrarelativistic heavy collisions. The latest data on heavy ion collisions are also presented. A unique collection of lectures on the many facets of QCD relevant to the physics of hot dense matter.

From Gravity to Thermal Gauge Theories: The AdS/CFT Correspondence

Book Description

The AdS/CFT correspondence is a powerful tool in studying strongly coupled phenomena in gauge field theories, using results from a weakly coupled gravity background studied in the realm of string theory. AdS/CFT was first successfully applied to the study of phenomena such as the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy ions collisions. Soon it was realized that its applicability can be extended, in a more phenomenological approach, to condensed matter systems and to systems described by fluid dynamics. The set of tutorial reviews in this volume is intended as an introduction to and survey of the principle of the AdS/CFT correspondence in its field/string theoretic formulation, its applicability to holographic QCD and to heavy ions collisions, and to give a first account of processes in fluid dynamics and condensed matter physics, which can be studied with the use of this principle. Written by leading researchers in the field and cast into the form of a high-level but approachable multi-author textbook, this volume will be of benefit to all postgraduate students, and newcomers from neighboring disciplines wishing to find a comprehensive guide for their future research.

Applications Of Perturbative Qcd

Book Description