Fundamental and Applied Nano-Electromagnetics

Book Description

This book presents the most relevant and recent results in the study of “Nanoelectromagnetics”, a recently born fascinating research discipline, whose popularity is fast arising with the intensive penetration of nanotechnology in the world of electronics applications. Studying nanoelectromagnetics means describing the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and quantum mechanical low-dimensional systems: this requires a full interdisciplinary approach, the reason why this book hosts contributions from the fields of fundamental and applied electromagnetics, of chemistry and technology of nanostructures and nanocomposites, of physics of nano-structures systems, etc. The book is aimed at providing the reader with the state of the art in Nanoelectromagnetics, from theoretical modelling to experimental characterization, from design to synthesis, from DC to microwave and terahertz applications, from the study of fundamental material properties to the analysis of complex systems and devices, from commercial thin-film coatings to metamaterials to circuit components and nanodevices. The book is intended as a reference in advanced courses for graduate students and as a guide for researchers and industrial professionals involved in nanoelectronics and nanophotonics applications.

Applied Computational Electromagnetics

Book Description

@EOI: AEI rEOMETPEI Epigram of the Academy of Plato in Athens Electromagnetism, the science of forces arising from Amber (HAEKTPON) and the stone of Magnesia (MArNHLIA), has been the fOWldation of major scientific breakthroughs, such as Quantum Mechanics and Theory of Relativity, as well as most leading edge technologies of the twentieth century. The accuracy of electromagnetic fields computations for engineering purposes has been significantly improved during the last decades, due to the deVelopment of efficient computational techniques and the availability of high performance computing. The present book is based on the contributions and discussions developed during the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Applied Computational Electromagnetics: State of the Art and Future Trends, which has taken place in Hellas, on the island of Samos, very close to the birthplace of Electromagnetism. The book covers the fundamental concepts, recent developments and advanced applications of Integral Equation and Metliod of Moments Techniques, Finite Element and BOWldary Element Methods, Finite Difference Time Domain and Transmission Line Methods. Furthermore, topics related to Computational Electromagnetics, such as Inverse Scattering, Semi-Analytical Methods and Parallel Processing Techniques are included. The collective presentation of the principal computational electromagnetics techniques, developed to handle diverse challenging leading edge technology problems, is expected to be useful to researchers and postgraduate students working in various topics of electromagnetic technologies.

A Concise Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Book Description

Assuming a background in basic classical physics, multivariable calculus, and differential equations, A Concise Introduction to Quantum Mechanics provides a self-contained presentation of the mathematics and physics of quantum mechanics. The relevant aspects of classical mechanics and electrodynamics are reviewed, and the basic concepts of wave-particle duality are developed as a logical outgrowth of experiments involving blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, and electron diffraction. The Copenhagen interpretation of the wave function and its relation to the particle probability density is presented in conjunction with Fourier analysis and its generalization to function spaces. These concepts are combined to analyze the system consisting of a particle confi ned to a box, developing the probabilistic interpretation of observations and their associated expectation values. The Schrödinger equation is then derived by using these results and demanding both Galilean invariance of the probability density and Newtonian energy-momentum relations. The general properties of the Schrödinger equation and its solutions are analyzed, and the theory of observables is developed along with the associated Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Basic applications of wave mechanics are made to free wave packet spreading, barrier penetration, the simple harmonic oscillator, the Hydrogen atom, and an electric charge in a uniform magnetic fi eld. In addition, Dirac notation, elements of Hilbert space theory, operator techniques, and matrix algebra are presented and used to analyze coherent states, the linear potential, two state oscillations, and electron diffraction. Applications are made to photon and electron spin and the addition of angular momentum, and direct product multiparticle states are used to formulate both the Pauli exclusion principle and quantum decoherence. The book concludes with an introduction to the rotation group and the general properties of angular momentum.

Computer Field Models of Electromagnetic Devices

Book Description

Computer Field Models of Electromagnetic Devices, volume 34 in the book series Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics is devoted to modeling and simulation, control systems, testing, measurements, monitoring, diagnostics and advanced software

Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (X)

Book Description

This publication aims to discuss the technical advances and the developments of the basics of electromagnetic NDT. Though one of the main topics is the Eddy Current Testing which is put to practical use in industry now as one of the approved methods of crack detection in steels and metallic structures, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (X) emphasizes magnetic NDE method according to the concept of NDE & Science Research Center. The book contains thirty-three technical papers, covering topics on eddy current testing and technique, industrial applications, new methods, NDE by magnetism and magnetics, inverse problem and benchmark. The material is important for scientists and engineers working in the field of electromagnetic nondestructive testing or nondestructive evaluation, in defect detection and sizing, as well as in material characterization.

Research Directions in Distributed Parameter Systems

Book Description

Written by the plenary speakers for the Conference on Future Directions in Distributed Parameter Systems (October 2000), the volume addresses the state of the art, open questions, and important research directions in applications modeled by partial differential equations and delay systems. Topics include electromagnetic theory for dielectric and conductive materials, flow control, cardiovascular and respiratory models, homogenization and systems theory, optimal and geometric control, reduced-order models for large-scale systems, smart materials, and nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring for systems, including nuclear power plants.