Applying Institutional Research in Decision Making

Book Description

This collection of essays by current or former directors of institutional research represents the broad spectrum of size, function, and geography within institutional research in the two-year college. The volume contains: (1) "The Role of Institutional Research in Evaluation of Nontraditional Programs: College Preparatory Analysis at Miami-Dade Community College," by Cathy Morris and John Losak; (2) "The Student Information Questionnaire as a Management Tool for Community College Planning," by Judith Moss; (3) "The Impact of Enrollment Research on Marketing Decision Making and Class Offerings," by Gary Rankin; (4) "Strategic Management via Institutional Research," by P. Anthony Zeiss; (5) "Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness," by Kay McCullough Moore; (6) "Institutional Research and Assessment of the External Environment," by Warren Groff; (7) "Campus Leadership: Managing and Marketing through an Effective Institutional Research Program," by J. Terence Kelly and Ann M. Otto; (8) "Meeting the Challenge of Change: An Opportunity for Research in the Community College," by Edith H. Carter; and (9) "Sources and Information: Institutional Research at the Community College," by Diane Zwemer. (UCM)

Enhancing Information Use in Decision Making

Book Description

The idea that information is valuable for decision making constitutes a core value of institutional research. But research on information utilization as well as accumulated practioner wisdom continually raise questions about the validity of this assumption. What preconditions the use of information in decision making in higher education and how might its utilization be improved? The authors of this volume of New Directions for Institutional Research revisit an old topic in some new ways, reviewing what is known about infomation utilization on conceptual grounds, then critically evaluating some common mechanisms for communicating information to decision makers. This volume provides a foundation for the application of broad lesons about information utilization to some actual predicaments that practicing institutional researchers face. The is the 64th issue of New Directions for Institutional Research. For more information on the series, please see the Journals and Periodicals page.

Enhancing Information Use in Decision Making

Book Description

The idea that information is valuable for decision making constitutes a core value of institutional research. But research on information utilization as well as accumulated practioner wisdom continually raise questions about the validity of this assumption. What preconditions the use of information in decision making in higher education and how might its utilization be improved? The authors of this volume of New Directions for Institutional Research revisit an old topic in some new ways, reviewing what is known about infomation utilization on conceptual grounds, then critically evaluating some common mechanisms for communicating information to decision makers. This volume provides a foundation for the application of broad lesons about information utilization to some actual predicaments that practicing institutional researchers face. The is the 64th issue of New Directions for Institutional Research. For more information on the series, please see the Journals and Periodicals page.

Enhancing Information Use in Decision Making

Book Description

The idea that information is valuable for decision making constitutes a core value of institutional research. But research on information utilization as well as accumulated practioner wisdom continually raise questions about the validity of this assumption. What preconditions the use of information in decision making in higher education and how might its utilization be improved? The authors of this volume of New Directions for Institutional Research revisit an old topic in some new ways, reviewing what is known about infomation utilization on conceptual grounds, then critically evaluating some common mechanisms for communicating information to decision makers. This volume provides a foundation for the application of broad lesons about information utilization to some actual predicaments that practicing institutional researchers face. The is the 64th issue of New Directions for Institutional Research. For more information on the series, please see the Journals and Periodicals page.

Building Capacity in Institutional Research and Decision Support in Higher Education

Book Description

This book examines the relevant roles, skills and knowledge needed to build the institutional research capacity across the higher education sector globally. The information contained herein will inform IR practitioners, senior level institution officials, and higher education scholars. With a focus on building the capacity of the IR profession, this book’s primary audiences include senior leaders who wish to introduce or strengthen their understanding for effective decision support and staff members who are currently in decision support units and those who wish to serve in this capacity. However, this book also offers detail on the decision support function to higher education scholars who seek to better address how data can inform policy and planning in higher education. Through a broad discussion about the roles and skills of the practitioners, this book will also enumerate the ways in which decision support practitioners can be valued contributors in shaping the future decisions and direction of specific institutions and higher education broadly.