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Cuidarme Bien. Quererte Mejor: Aprende a Relacionarte de Manera Sana Y Responsab Le

Book Description

Aprende a cuidar y cuidarte en tus relaciones íntimas - de amistad, familia y parejas - para construir vínculos más sanos y responsables. Ghosting, zombieing, orbiting... son solo algunas de las nuevas conductas que impactan negativamente en nuestras relaciones. Sin embargo, los comportamientos irresponsables han estado presentes desde siempre en la manera en que nos vinculamos. Pasamos por alto muchísimas actitudes que nos hacen sentir mal e, incluso, nos cuesta detectar cuando somos nosotras quienes actuamos de manera poco respetuosa con las personas que nos importan. En este libro, la psicóloga Desirée Llamas nos enseña a construir relaciones afectivas sanas a partir del difícil equilibrio entre expresar cómo nos sentimos y ser conscientes del impacto que nuestros actos tienen en las demás. Este comportamiento -lo que en psicología se conoce como responsabilidad afectiva- nos ayuda a comunicar nuestras necesidades emocionales, siendo respetuosos con las emociones de las demás, para mejorar la calidad de nuestras relaciones. Cuidarme bien, quererte mejor es una guía para aprender a reconocer y evitar comportamientos tóxicos, en nosotras mismas y en las demás, y para reforzar nuestros vínculos afectivos a partir de la comunicación asertiva, del respeto mutuo y de la empatía.

Be Careful and Stay Safe/Tener cuidado y mantenerse seguro

Book Description

In English and Spanish, teach children how to avoid potential dangers, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan ahead. The world can seem like a perilous place. But even very young children can learn basic skills for staying safe in ordinary situations and preparing for emergencies. Without scaring kids (or alarming adults), this English-Spanish bilingual book about safety for kids teaches little ones how to avoid potentially dangerous situations, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan ahead. Includes questions, activities, and safety games that reinforce the ideas being taught, in both English and Spanish. The Learning to Get Along® Series The Learning to Get Along series helps children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life situations, lots of diversity, and concrete examples make these read-aloud books appropriate for home and childcare settings, schools, and special education settings. Each book ends with a section of discussion questions, games, and activities adults can use to reinforce what children have learned. All titles available in English-Spanish bilingual editions.


Book Description

Esta obra conduce al lector a enfrentar su realidad y aprender a sanar las heridas con el fin de lograr un sano desarrollo integral. Gradualmente, y de una manera agradable, el lector irá evaluando su comportamiento y actitud ante la vida, hasta lograr un cambio y crecimiento interior.

Respect and Take Care of Things / Respetar y cuidar las cosas

Book Description

Everything has a place. Things last longer when we take care of them. Showing respect, responsibility, and stewardship are social skills that even young children can relate to—because they have things they value. In both English and Spanish, this book encourages children to pick up after themselves, put things back where they belong, and ask permission to use things that don’t belong to them. It also teaches simple environmental awareness: respecting and taking care of the earth. Includes a special section for adults with discussion questions, games, responsibility role plays, and tips on storing toys and staying clutter-free. Now children and adults can enjoy our most popular Learning to Get Along books in English and Spanish. The series helps children learn, understand, and practice basic emotional and social skills. Real-life situations, lots of diversity, and concrete examples make these read-aloud books appropriate for all homes, childcare settings, and primary classrooms as well as special education, including settings with children on the autism spectrum. Presented in a social story format, each of the bilingual Learning to Get Along books includes a special bilingual section for adults, with discussion questions, games, activities, and tips that reinforce improving social skills.

Respect and Take Care of Things

Book Description

Everything has a place. Things last longer when we take care of them. Respect, responsibility, and stewardship are concepts that even young children can relate to—because they have things they value. This book encourages children to pick up after themselves, put things back where they belong, and ask permission to use things that don’t belong to them. It also teaches simple environmental awareness: respecting and taking care of the earth. Includes ideas for adult-led activities and discussions.

Bella Sin Besti

Book Description

Cuando enfrentamos el duelo de la separación, todos deseamos poder resolverlo, mujeres y hombres van buscando regresar a la vida. Estoy convencida de que, con trabajo amoroso: "... un día, la herida cerrará, dejará una cicatriz que irá tomando fuerza y finalmente, dejará de doler, podrá pasar el dedo sobre la herida y verá que ya no duele; podrá hablar del tema sin desgarrarse, con certezas. Es cuando esta cicatriz deja de doler cuando podrá dar paso al perdón. Entonces el duelo se habrá resuelto". Escrito desde la mujer y para la mujer, la trasciende y alcanza al hombre.

Creada con un propósito

Book Description

God Has a Purpose for You, Daughter of the King! Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, and worthlessness? Do you ever ask yourself: Am I worth anything? Is it wrong to be an introvert? How do I deal with my broken past? Don’t think you’re alone. Millions of others have faced the same battles you do—and have overcome them. They’ve been victorious by learning to see themselves as God sees them—as unique individuals ready to make a special contribution in the world. They’ve come to understand that they were Created for a Purpose. And so were you. That’s the message of this devotional: God made you, loves you, and has a plan for your life. Take that message to heart, then read on and be inspired as you come to know God’s ultimate purpose—to create eternal beauty in your life. Dios tiene un propósito para ti, ¡hija del Rey! ¿Luchas con sentimientos de ser inadecuada, inferior e inútil? ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez: Sirvo para algo? Está mal ser introvertida? Cómo puedo ocuparme de mi pasado roto? No creas que estás sola. Millones de mujeres más se han enfrentado a las mismas batallas que tú... y las han vencido. Han triunfado aprendiendo a verse tal como Dios las ve: como individuos únicos listos para hacer una contribución especial al mundo. Han llegado a comprender que fueron Creadas con un propósito. Y tú también. Este es el mensaje de este devocional: Dios te hizo, te ama y tiene un plan para tu vida. Tómate ese mensaje en serio, sigue leyendo y sé inspirada cuando conozcas el propósito supremo de Dios: crear belleza eterna en tu vida.