
Book Description

Timius Arbutus is the son of a Roman Legionnaire. Human frailty of others leaves its mark on him in his formative years. At an early age he is taken to a Roman institution equivalent to a boarding school where he remains until his teens. On leaving the institution he has to fi nd work and eventually decides to follow in his father's footsteps and become a legionnaire. Towards the latter end of his army career he is very much disturbed by an event that took place and in which he was tasked. Another more senior legionnaire witnessed the same event and was traumatised by it. It is a work of fi ction based on various facts but written as though most events took place circa AD35. Some place names and those of individuals are fi ctitious and bear no resemblance to the actual places or any living persons.

In Arbutus Light

Book Description

These poems were written in tribute to an island: in praise of solitude, in celebration of the light that emanates from all Being.

A Romance with the Exotic Madrona, Alias of the Arbutus

Book Description

Dr. Martin moved north 115 km to Fidalgo Island after he retired from the University of Washington. There he fell in love, not with another woman, but with an exquisite tree called the Madrona, Pacific Madrone, or Arbutus menziesii. This love extended to the other ten Western and Eastern Hemispheres cousins as well. This fascination grew not only for their torturous shapes, colors, seasonal changing traits, and differences but also for the immense size and age of some of the Arbutus menziesii. This book is a romance, adventure, and discovery story. Travel with him to many places in the world and in North America to learn, study, and photograph these trees. Take a mule ride up the Sierra de la Laguna to find the indigenous Madroña in Baja California. Enjoy his misadventures but also unearthing of the history, literature, images, and scientific facts of this magnificent manifestation of nature.

Arbutus Waltz

Book Description

Arbutus and Dandelions

Book Description

Arbutus Waltz

Book Description

Arbutus Schottisch

Book Description