Arcanna Parigonnus

Book Description

Arcanna Parigonnus is a new vision of tabletop, role-playing games. This RPG makes it easy to build worlds and dive deep into character creation and story arcs or to simply create a character, adventure group and set to gaming. Keep it simple or make it detailed. Whatever the desire of the gamers. This game has an enormous amount of gaming options for character creation, including non-traditional roles such as jesters, dragons, necromancers, fairies, hunter-gatherers, demigods, alchemists, werewolves, peasants and a whole slew of other unconventional creatures and classes. This game includes a system for creating organizations and armies to employ host competition and warring as well as single-player group adventuring and single combat. With over 400 pages of content, original art and no nonsense, all you need is dice and imagination. The content is richer, more unique and just plain more! Future editions will not just be a cut-and-paste money grab with a few words changed, there will be new content and new gaming.

The Long Last Out

Book Description

In the cold hours of darkness on the last out shift, anything can happen. A profound incident occurs in South Philadelphia that affects every cop in the city and generates headlines worldwide. Although the death of his young son still haunts him, fifteen-year veteran Officer Tom Tabbozzi reluctantly agrees to train Nick Avner, a recruit fresh out of the police academy. Twelve years have passed since the rookie's dad was tragically killed in a construction accident, but he still feels the loss of his biggest fan. On the first day patrolling the inner city streets, Nick overcomes his fear when he quickly learns what it means to be a cop from Tommy's patrol wagon philosophy. Working together for five years, the two men become best friends, but after that fateful winter night, as he seeks out the truth, one of these officers will find himself investigating a life-changing case that mystifies the world. Set in the 1980s and 90s, The Long Last Out is a methodical page-turning police mystery featuring a memorable cast of characters and a twisting plot driven by humor, science, and suspense. Michael E. Riley, a retired sergeant from the Philadelphia Police Department, had a twenty-five-year career assigned to the Patrol Bureau, the Narcotics Special Operations Division, and the Detective Bureau. His many years within the law-enforcement field provided him with an abundance of material and characters to draw upon for his first police procedural mystery. He lives in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, with his wife Denise enjoying his retirement and writing novels.

Blooms of Oleander

Book Description

Blooms of Oleander is a collection of poems and one emotional short story that have had a dramatic impact on the author. Tales of loves lost and found as well as lessons learned along the way are included on each page in excruciating and inspirational detail. As noted throughout the work, what the heart wants can often be hazardous to one's health mentally, physically and spiritually.The scars of those experiences stay with us long after the infatuation of the moment has passed. Love has no middle ground. Romance teaches us that we emote in extremes. What once was adored can be loathed in an instance. Expectations and ideals are often unreasonable. The imperfections of those we place on pedestals eventually become evident. More times than not, those personal blemishes become guideposts to something or someone else better suited for our love and lives. Being in love with love can be a dangerous undertaking. Loving the ideal of someone rather their authentic self is the road to lasting heartache. Blessed with the gift of hindsight, I count all of those disappointments as gain. I am grateful to have lived long enough to tell the tale. These are my stories. At times, the pain of it all capsized my vessel on the sea of life. Rather than drown in my own despair, I kicked against the waves of misery and swam for shore. A native of Mississippi, Steve Robertson has worked as a professional writer since 1997. Blooms of Oleander is his fourth book and first in the poetry genre. His previous works Flim Flam, Stark Villains and Alpha Dawgs have all been mainstays on the Mississippi best seller's list for the past few years. Robertson and his family live in Starkville, Mississippi where he covers Mississippi State sports on a full-time basis. Readers can find out more about Robertson and his earlier books at

Physician on a Mission: Dr. Veltmeyer's Rx to Save America

Book Description

In "Physician on a Mission: Dr. Veltmeyer's Rx to Save America," Dr. James Veltmeyer offers his prescription for curing the deepening crisis of our American republic as it is brutally bombarded by cultural revolutionaries in our media and universities and globalist manipulators in New York, Washington, and Silicon Valley. In this book, Dr. Veltmeyer shares his views on a host of critical national and international issues, from health care and COVID-19 to foreign policy, immigration, climate change, China, trade, the federal judiciary, homelessness, education, abortion and the economy that have been addressed in his numerous OpEds and podcasts over the last several years. By seeking to bring the truth of our priceless Constitutional framework of liberty, free markets, and limited government to all Americans who are seeking that truth, he seeks nothing less than to reclaim our heritage, our civilization and indeed our very birthright as American citizens from the very forces who seek to bury them. Dr. James Veltmeyer is one of California's leading physicians, Chief Medical Officer of multiple biotech companies where he is spearheading the development of natural immunity-based cures for COVID-19, and past Chair of the Department of Family Medicine at SGH in San Diego. He is recipient of the 2018 California Hero Award by the California State Senate and five-time recipient of the San Diego Medical Society's "Top Doctor" award and the host of "Physician on a Mission" podcast. He's also the author of numerous OpEds and commentaries which have been published widely, including the Washington Times and the California Political Review. An immigrant to America at the age of eleven whose childhood spent homeless in the streets of Ecuador led to his deep gratitude for America's limitless opportunities and greatness, Dr. Veltmeyer resides with his wife Laura and two children, Olivia and Landon, in La Jolla, California.

Experience Matters: (Here's Mine)

Book Description

You've heard, "Experience is the best teacher" - but the saying doesn't end there. We often forget the important conclusion: "...especially when it's someone else's experience." If you're only learning from your own experience, you're wasting years of time doing all the wrong things. When we learn from the experiences of others, we can save those years and make the right decisions when they count. Who has the experience you should learn from? Anyone and everyone, including the author of this book. Over six decades, Ed Hoffman has gained the experience you need to get through life without: - Student debt - Lost sales - Bad investments - Foreclosure - Marital strife - Parenting regrets - Time-draining hobbies - Information confusion ...And other mistakes you'd like to avoid personally and professionally. Written during the COVID-19 pandemic, Experience Matters is full of (brutal) honesty and humor. From his 800-mile trek to Pelican Bay Prison to do business with one of the LAPD's top 10 most wanted, to hustling his way into a sport and becoming Amateur World Champion, to witnessing the 2008 mortgage meltdown from behind the curtain, Ed's experiences can inspire you to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. Each chapter includes movie dialogue, because films that depict life experiences can be some of our best teachers. Are you ready to get experienced? Ed's life is full of lessons, and he's ready to share them with you. Ed Hoffman has 30+ years of real estate investing and mortgage experience, and more than a decade as a conservative commentator. He's learned lessons the hard way so you don't have to. His weekly radio show/podcast, The Main Event, airs on Salem Radio Network stations and his website He and his wife Dawn live in Southern California.

Intended Consequences

Book Description

During the Viet Nam War the use of Agent Orange, riot control agents and other herbicides greatly affected public opinion regarding the use of biological weapons. In 1969 President Richard M. Nixon ordered an end to the U.S. biological research program and directed all biological weapons be destroyed. Not destroyed were several strains of Coronavirus which had not been weaponized. Research on these viruses was continued until 2019, when the CDC shut down the research at Fort Detrick, Maryland. By then the U.S. viral technology had already been transferred to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, along with 3.6 million dollars to fund additional research. The Chinese were in control of the Coronavirus samples and research technology before 2019. In the early 21st Century technology changed the way people communicated and were given their news. Corporations, referred to as "Big Tech," were in control of what people were told and what was kept from them. Their power was exercised in the 2020 Presidential election. FBI Special Agent Douglas Gregory finds himself cast into positions where he has access to intelligence concerning the cause of the Covid-19 pandemic, reasons for the 2020 election results and the lockdown of Washington, DC after the election. Information he learns gives the reader reason to question the Government and Media explanations of these events. What we learn is the cause and effect of controlled events can result in Intended Consequences. Charles D. George, is a graduate of The Ohio State University and the Air War College. He is a former Special Agent of the FBI, was associated with the Intelligence Community for twenty two years, is a retired U.S. Air Force Director of Intelligence and is a practicing lawyer.

Divide & Conquer

Book Description

"That's racist!" No statement in the twenty-first century triggers such a raw, polarizing, impassioned response as that short accusation. Racism is finding itself being applied to almost everything these days - politics, statues, history, graduations, books, movies, even math. Its role is no longer to describe oppression or genuine injustices in the world, but rather to promote and glamourize a political campaign, social movement, or fundraising effort in its name. In Divide & Conquer, author Jay Buenger analyzes the use of the political left's oldest and most trusted weapon - racism. He also dissects a number of other tools, from cancel culture, to government mandates, to propaganda, to mere feelings, that progressives and Washington elites are using to achieve their ultimate goal: power through division. Through the eyes of a long-time educator, Buenger warns of the true intentions of these weapons, and the effectiveness their use is having on our society - particularly on our minority communities and next generations. A cabal comprised of Democratic office holders, mainstream media, and the world of big tech are implementing a coordinated campaign to promote chaos and division, opening the door for excessive government reach and a one-way route to socialism. Divide & Conquer serves as a cautionary tale of the imminent dissolution our Republic faces if awareness and patriotism do not prevail. Jay Buenger was born and raised in the rural Texas town of Industry, TX - population 304. The son of a lifelong elementary teacher and country veterinarian, he developed the God-fearing, conservative values that he carries with him to this day. A love for sports and shaping America's youth led him into a career in teaching and coaching, a profession he has enjoyed for almost twenty years. Buenger currently resides just outside Brenham, TX with his beautiful wife, Elizabeth - also an educator of more than two decades. Along with a passion for writing, the two enjoy world-wide travel, cooking, and spending time outdoors in the tranquil Texas countryside. Jay is proud and excited to unveil Divide & Conquer, his debut publication.

Forging a New America

Book Description

IS THE AMERICAN DREAM STILL ALIVE? Young Americans and their Progressive Liberal educators have engaged a significant number of politicians and pundits into pushing their agenda towards America becoming a Socialist nation. After all, isn't that the fairest for all? But follow the personal struggles and internal conflicts of a wide cast of characters in this compelling story of deciding our American future. Have some gone all the way to Siberia to restart the American Dream? Or stayed put? Maybe some win, and some lose. Will the left, the right, or the large American middle to have the last word, or is there an American founder who really had the right solution? This intriguing story can be a warning, and it can also be a solution as America is currently embroiled in political division, controversy, and social upheaval. Every American voter not of the few hard left or the few hard right will find this tale entertaining but more importantly essential in their Forging a New America. ROGER COLLEY has lived the American Dream. Born in South Philadelphia, he became president of two public companies and a trustee of the famed The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He attended Duke University and graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Semi-retired, he resides in suburban Philadelphia and Santa Barbara, California. Website:

The Gated Community

Book Description

Fear, fun and friendship are some of what you encounter in prison. There are women of different ages, backgrounds, races, religions, politics. The biggest problems are Government rules and regulations that run these establishments. Apathy and neglect bottled with ignorance and self promotion....and that's not the inmates! Gloria was 72 when she went to Carswell Federal Prison for Women. She quickly learned that it's not what you see in movies. You spend the next 4 to 5 years, 24/7/365 with these women. You laugh, cry, like and hate them. She decided to write a book about the experiences and hopefully call attention to a need for prison reform as well as to share some fun and not so fun happenings in prison. It is a totally enlightening life that a majority of people don't have a clue about. It is not an experience for the faint of heart, and she doesn't recommend it to anyone! She wanted answers to questions like: Why can't felons vote? Gloria thought it is something that people should know about and understand what we Americans have created or allowed to be created. That probably has a lot to do with all of the things that are wrong with the system and society, and also the things that are right. Gloria was born in Dallas to an upper middle class Jewish American family. Families ate dinner together, schools were segregated, and coke was a drink. She went to the University of Texas. She has a son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter in LA, 2 siblings, a stepdaughter and son-in-law and stepson, daughter-in-law and granddaughter in Dallas. She owned an event planning company, was on Good Morning, Texas, was written up in a magazine. That was all before she became Chief Administrative Officer for a company created by a client that led her to a "wire fraud conspiracy" conviction. 4 1/2 years in prison taught Gloria more than she anticipated and led to her determination to help women in prison get a second chance.

Welcome Home Long John Silver

Book Description

Long John Silver, the antagonist of Robert Louis Stevenson's book, 'Treasure Island', disappeared two and a half centuries ago and his further wanderings have remained a mystery-until now. We learn that Long John Silver survived, as his descendants are discovered on a deserted Caribbean island and brought to 21st century America. It's a story of conflict between pirates of the past and pirates of the present, as Silver's people face pirates at nearly every turn; in business, government, in the streets, at school, and in the newspaper. Regardless, the story is not all about conflict. Most people they meet have hearts of gold. And the interaction between people from different centuries will cause many a reader to laugh out loud. But in the end, Long John Silver and his people find civilization today is not as civil as they hoped, nor is America the place they wish to make their home.