Arheološka najdišča Ptuja / Archaeological sites of Ptuj

Book Description

Na griču Panorama na Ptuju, kjer leži eden pomembnejših predelov antičnega mesta Poetovio, so geofizikalne raziskave razkrile urbanistično zasnovo s potekom ulic in pravokotnimi stavbnimi parcelami. V knjigi je združeno dozdajšnje vedenje o Panorami, hkrati gre za nadaljevanje sistematične predstavitve arheoloških najdišč Ptuja. Uvodna poglavja prinašajo zgodovino arheoloških raziskav, izhodišča analize in potek geofizikalnih raziskav z uporabljenimi metodami ter glavnimi rezultati. V osrednjih poglavjih smo povezali arheološke podatke različne kakovosti (naključne najdbe, zaščitna izkopavanja, stara in moderna arheološka raziskovanja, geofizikalne preglede) in jih umestili v prostor s pomočjo številnih načrtov. Celovito sliko dopolnjuje dodatek – Katalog kamnitih spomenikov z osnovnimi podatki, opisi, literaturo, komentarjem in fotografijami.

Archaeological sites of Ptuj

Book Description

Na griču Panorama na Ptuju, kjer leži eden pomembnejših predelov antičnega mesta Poetovio, so geofizikalne raziskave razkrile urbanistično zasnovo s potekom ulic in pravokotnimi stavbnimi parcelami. V knjigi je združeno dozdajšnje vedenje o Panorami, hkrati gre za nadaljevanje sistematične predstavitve arheoloških najdišč Ptuja. Uvodna poglavja prinašajo zgodovino arheoloških raziskav, izhodišča analize in potek geofizikalnih raziskav z uporabljenimi metodami ter glavnimi rezultati. V osrednjem poglavju Opisi arheoloških ostankov so povezani arheološki podatki različne kakovosti (naključne najdbe, zaščitna izkopavanja, stara in moderna arheološka raziskovanja, geofizikalni pregledi) in umeščeni v prostor s pomočjo številnih načrtov. Glavne ugotovitve o razvoju poselitve so povzete v poglavju Panorama v antiki. Celovito sliko dopolnjuje dodatek - Katalog kamnitih spomenikov z osnovnimi podatki, opisi, literaturo, komentarjem in fotografijami. V angleščino so prevedeni povzetki prvih treh poglavij in v celoti zaključno poglavje Panorama v antiki. Katalog kamnitih spomenikov je dvojezičen - slovenski in angleški.

Fingerprinting the Iron Age: Approaches to identity in the European Iron Age

Book Description

Archaeology has long dealt with issues of identity, and especially with ethnicity, with modern approaches emphasising dynamic and fluid social construction. The archaeology of the Iron Age in particular has engendered much debate on the topic of ethnicity, fuelled by the first availability of written sources alongside the archaeological evidence which has led many researchers to associate the features they excavate with populations named by Greek or Latin writers. Some archaeological traditions have had their entire structure built around notions of ethnicity, around the relationships existing between large groups of people conceived together as forming unitary ethnic units. On the other hand, partly influenced by anthropological studies, other scholars have written forcefully against Iron Age ethnic constructions, such as the Celts. The 24 contributions to this volume focus on the south east Europe, where the Iron Age has, until recently, been populated with numerous ethnic groups with which specific material culture forms have been associated. The first section is devoted to the core geographical area of south east Europe: Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, as well as Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The following three sections allow comparison with regions further to the west and the south west with contributions on central and western Europe, the British Isles and the Italian peninsula. The volume concludes with four papers which provide more synthetic statements that cut across geographical boundaries, the final contributions bringing together some of the key themes of the volume. The wide array of approaches to identity presented here reflects the continuing debate on how to integrate material culture, protohistoric evidence (largely classical authors looking in on first millennium BC societies) and the impact of recent nationalistic agendas.

Roman urban landscape

Book Description

Knjiga predstavlja nove elemente urbanističnih vidikov rimskih mest in manjših naselij na območju Caput Adriae, Norika in Panonije. V 26 prispevkih 54 avtorjev iz osmih držav (Italije, Slovenije, Avstrije, Madžarske, Hrvaške, Srbije, Črne gore in Severne Makedonije) poskuša razširiti védenje o razvoju mest in nekaterih drugih pomembnih naselij. Prva dva članka predstavljata širše, a različne poglede na urbanizacijo. V naslednjem delu je obravnavanih 22 naselij. Skrajni severovzhod X. regije predstavljajo štiri naselja (Aquileja, Tergeste, Emona in Nauport). V knjigo je vključena večina avtonomnih mest v Noriku ter nekatera druga naselbinska območja (Celeja, Flavia Solva, Virunum, Štalenska gora, Teurnija, Aguntum, Iuvavum, Ovilava, Lauriacum, Stein). Iz provinc Panonija Superior (Vindobona, Carnuntum, Strebersdorf, Savarija, Poetovio, Aquae Iasae) in Panonija Inferior (Mursa, Bassiane) so predstavljena izbrana mesta in manjša naselja. Območje se nahaja na stičišču med vzhodno in zahodno polovico cesarstva in zajema dele treh geografskih enot (tj. sredozemskega, alpskega in celinskega sveta), zaradi česar bi lahko bila knjiga zanimiva za širše razumevanje delovanja rimskega imperija.

The complete travel guide for Slovenia

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At YouGuide™, we are dedicated to bringing you the finest travel guides on the market, meticulously crafted for every type of traveler. Our guides serve as your ultimate companions, helping you make the most of your journeys around the world. Our team of dedicated experts works tirelessly to create comprehensive, up-todate, and captivating travel guides. Each guide is a treasure trove of essential information, insider insights, and captivating visuals. We go beyond the tourist trail, uncovering hidden treasures and sharing local wisdom that transforms your travels into extraordinary adventures. Countries change, and so do our guides. We take pride in delivering the most current information, ensuring your journey is a success. Whether you're an intrepid solo traveler, an adventurous couple, or a family eager for new horizons, our guides are your trusted companions to every country. For more travel guides and information, please visit

The Complete Travel Guide for Slovenia

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"The Complete Travel Guide Series" offers a comprehensive exploration of diverse destinations worldwide. Each book provides detailed insights into local culture, history, attractions, and practical travel tips, ensuring travellers are well-prepared to embark on memorable journeys. With vibrant illustrations, beautiful pictures and up to date information, this series is an essential companion for any type of traveller seeking enriching experiences.

Between Ravenna and Constantinople

Book Description

Knjiga predstavlja naselbinsko podobo prelomnega časa (konec 3. do začetka 7. st.) v zgodovini Evrope na izpostavljenem geografskem območju med prestolnicama poznoantičnega sveta Raveno in Konstantinoplom. Politične, vojaške, gospodarske in socialne razmere so ob močnem pritisku barbarov izza limesa povzročile propad nekdanjih naselbinskih oblik: mesta so bila v celinskem delu največkrat opuščena ali pa so obstajala le še v močno skrčenih in ruraliziranih skeletih nekdanjih mest. Bolje so se ohranila le urbana središča v mediteranskem pasu. Tudi nižinske naselbine, predvsem nekdaj močne rimske vile, so prenehale obstajati že do sredine 5. st. Prebivalstvo se je zato začelo postopno umikati v odročne kraje in na naravno zavarovane hribovske naselbine avtarkičnega značaja, kjer pa so še vedno ohranjali antične civilizacijske pridobitve vse do konca 6. st. Predstavljene so tudi utrdbe iz Justinijanovega časa, ki dokazujejo domišljen sistem varovanja komunikacij med obema prestolnicama. Delo podaja temeljni pregled množice značilnih mest, nižinskih zaselkov in utrjenih naselbin z načrti, zemljevidi in fotografijami, kot tudi interpretacijo celovite preobrazbe naselbinske slike.

Magdalenska gora

Book Description

The finds and preserved grave groups from its tumulus cemeteries, which are kept in several museums in different countries (Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana~Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien~Peabody Museum of Harvard University in Cambridge, USA), give a good insight into the cultural and social processes of the time. Together with notes on the circumstances of find and contents of graves, they represent a valuable source for the study of social structure and differentiation, as well as cultural identity.

Drobci ledenodobnega okolja

Book Description

The monograph Drobci ledenodobnega okolja ("Fragments of Ice Age environments") presents a compilation of seventeen chapters in which experts from different scientific fields discuss specific topics related to the Ice Age in Europe. Ten of them are devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of palaeontological data concerning various large mammal species ranging from mastodon and mammoth to the cave hyena, ibex, cave lion and bears, with the emphasis being placed on the cave bear. Several chapters address the topic of Last Glacial climatic conditions in the Southeastern Alps by studying fossil micromammal and palaeobotanical remains as well as geoarchaeologiocal data. A special article is devoted to a comprehensive review of previous analysis of the bone flute from Divje babe I, but includes also new musicological research findings on the extraordinary technical capabilities of this oldest musical instrument. The concluding chapter presents a study of old manuscripts and printed sources, providing some interesting insights into the discovery of one of the most significant palaeontological sites in Slovenia - the cave of Mokriška jama.The monograph is dedicated to the anniversary of the prominent researcher of the Slovenian Palaeolithic - Ivan Turk. His work, main achievements and selected bibliography are briefly presented in the introductory chapter.


Book Description

Estratto da ARCHEOLOGIA MEDIEVALE. Cultura materiale. Insediamenti. Territorio. XLVI, 2019. Mitja Guštin, THE FORMATIVE PERIOD OF SLOVENIAN EARLY MEDIEVAL ARCHAEOLOGY