The First World Empire

Book Description

This book offers a comprehensive overview of the early modern military history of Portugal and its possessions in Africa, the Americas, and Asia from the perspective of the military revolution historiographical debate. The existence of a military revolution in the early modern period has been much debated in international historiography, and this volume fills a significant gap in its relation to the history of Portugal and its overseas empire. It examines different forms of military change in specifically Portuguese case studies but also adopts a global perspective through the analysis of different contexts and episodes in Africa, the Americas, and Asia. Contributors explore whether there is evidence of what could be defined as aspects of a military revolution or whether other explanatory models are needed to account for different forms of military change. In this way, it offers the reader a variety of perspectives that contribute to the debate over the applicability of the military revolution concept to Portugal and its empire during the early modern period. Broken down into four thematic parts and broad in both chronological and geographical scope, the book deepens our understanding of the art of warfare in Portugal and its empire and demonstrates how the military revolution debate can be used to examine military change in a global perspective. This is an essential text for scholars and students of military history, military architecture, global history, Asian history, and the history of Iberian empires.

The Chivalric Ethos and the Development of Military Professionalism

Book Description

This volume probes the meaning and significance of military 'professionalism'; considers whether it required the waning of the chivalric ethos or merely resulted in it; and assesses the influence of both value systems on the rise of Western states.

European Military Rivalry, 1500–1750

Book Description

European Military Rivalry, 1500–1750: Fierce Pageant examines more than 200 years of international rivalry across Western, Central, and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean rim. The book charts the increasing scale, expenditure and duration of early modern wars; the impact of modern fortification on strategy and the movement of armies; the incidence of guerrilla war and localized conflict typical of the French wars of religion; the recourse by warlords to private financing of troops and supplies; and the creation of disciplined standing armies and navies in the age of Absolutism, made possible by larger bureaucracies. In addition to discussing key events and personalities of military rivalry during this period, the book describes the operational mechanics of early modern warfare and the crucial role of taxation and state borrowing. The relationship between the Christian West and the Ottoman Empire is also extensively analysed. Drawing heavily upon international scholarship over the past half-century, European Military Rivalry, 1500–1750: Fierce Pageant will be of great use to undergraduate students studying military history and early modern Europe.

Città e guerra : difese, distruzioni, permanenze delle memorie e dell’immagine urbana. Tomo II : tracce e patrimoni

Book Description

[Italiano]: In un momento così significativo per la storia europea e mondiale, questo volume vuole essere la raccolta di riflessioni scientifiche condotte sui rapporti tra le scelte politiche, le azioni militari e la fisionomia delle città e del paesaggio urbano, sull’evoluzione delle strutture e delle tecniche di difesa, sulla rappresentazione della guerra e dei suoi effetti sull’immagine urbana, sul recupero delle tracce della memoria cittadina. Da una parte il campo delle Digital Humanities apre nuove prospettive per studiare l'immagine della città prima, durante e dopo la guerra, dall’altro le tecnologie digitali impegnano studiosi e ricercatori di varie discipline: in particolare nell’ambito del disegno viene esplorato il ruolo della rappresentazione nella formulazione dei progetti urbani di difesa e nella documentazione degli eventi bellici e delle tracce lasciate dai conflitti, mentre nell’ambito del restauro vengono approfondite le sfide teoriche e pratiche imposte dai danni arrecati dai conflitti ai centri storici, passando in rassegna casi studio, soluzioni e dibattiti relativi alla conservazione del patrimonio urbano coinvolto in azioni di guerra, con un'attenzione particolare all'identità e alla memoria collettiva./[English]: At such a significant moment in European and world history, this volume aims to be a collection of scientific reflections about the relationships between political choices, military actions and the physiognomy of cities and the urban landscape, about the evolution of defence structures and techniques, about the representation of war and its effects on the urban image, and about the recovery of the traces of city memory. On the one hand the field of Digital Humanities opens up new perspectives to study the image of the city before, during and after the war, on the other hand digital technologies engage academics and researchers from various disciplines: In particular, in the area of drawing, the role of representation in the formulation of urban defence projects and in the documentation of wartime events and the traces left behind by conflicts is explored, while in the area of conservation, the theoretical and practical challenges imposed by the damage caused by conflicts to historic centres are explored, reviewing case studies, solutions and debates relating to the conservation of urban heritage involved in wartime actions, with a focus on identity and collective memory.

Knowledge Transfer and the Early Modern University: Statecraft and Philosophy at the Akademia Zamojska (1595–1627)

Book Description

This book addresses the teaching and cultural activities of the Akademia Zamojska in the Early Modern Age. The main subject is the development of politics as a university discipline in this school and its relations with philosophical teaching.

Cities at War in Early Modern Europe

Book Description

Martha Pollak offers a pan-European, richly illustrated study of early modern military urbanism, an international style of urban design.

Jesuits and Fortifications

Book Description

This book sheds light on the role of Jesuit mathematicians in the widespread dissemination of ideas about military architecture in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, by means of teaching, writings and consultancy activities aimed at assisting Catholic leaders in their wars against protestants and infidels.