Are There Intrinsically X-Ray Quiet Quasars

Book Description

Recent ROSAT studies have identified a significant population of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) that are notably faint in soft X-rays relative to their optical fluxes. Are these AGN intrinsically X-ray weak or are they just highly absorbed? Brandt, Laor & Wills have systematically examined the optical and UV spectral properties of a well-defined sample of these soft X-ray weak (SXW) AGN drawn from the Boroson & Green sample of all the Palomar Green AGN 00 with z

Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei

Book Description

The latest observations and theoretical models are combined in this clear, pedagogic textbook for advanced undergraduates and graduate students.

Probing Quasar Accretion Physics with Optical and X-ray Spectroscopy

Book Description

Abstract: Black holes, lurking at the centers of distant galaxies, feed on gas to become quasars. The bulk of the powerful emission from radio-quiet quasars originates from two structures close to the central black hole: the accretion disk and the hot corona. The disk-corona relationship and its dependence on the rate of gas accretion onto the central black hole is not well understood, in part because of the lack of knowledge regarding the corona temperature, density and geometry. To gain a better understanding of the accretion physics that affect the growth and evolution of quasars, as well as the evolution of their host galaxies, I perform a large-scale study of quasar optical through X-ray spectral energy distributions (SED). I have cross-correlated optical DR5 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasars with the XMM-Newton archive of X-ray observations to obtain 792 optically-selected quasars with X-ray observations, 473 of which have X-ray spectra. I investigate relations between accretion rate, optical and X-ray luminosity, and X-ray slope. I compare the observed correlations with population synthesis simulations to determine which correlations are intrinsic to the physics of quasar accretion, and which are simply due to selection effects or the consequence of another correlation. I discuss the results with respect to physical models. At low accretion rates, the disk-corona structure may change significantly. I investigate this possibility in the case of red quasars by using optical and X-ray information to disentangle the effect of absorption and low accretion rates on red quasar SEDs. I find that 7 out of 17 of the reddest SDSS quasars are not well described by absorption. Instead, the red optical colors appear to be intrinsic to the accretion physics, and are perhaps related to the low accretion rates ( L/L Edd -0.05) observed for these objects. By extending the intrinsically red quasar SEDs to the infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths, I constrain standard disk models. By combining studies of large-scale trends with case studies of quasar accretion under extreme conditions, I investigate current models of disk-corona interactions.

The Nature of Compact Objects in Active Galactic Nuclei

Book Description

What evidence is there for and against unified schemes for active galactic nuclei (AGN)? How do the AGN populations evolve over cosmological timescales? And what can the variability of their UV and X-ray emission tell us? These are just some of the exciting issues addressed in this volume of papers collected from the 33rd Herstmonceux conference in Cambridge. AGN are among the most spectacular objects known to astronomy. Yet, despite years of intense and wide-ranging research, the debate continues - what is their fundamental source of power? Rapid progress has been made towards answering this question by a variety of large-scale, multi-wavelength monitoring campaigns and the latest generation of satellite-borne observations. This volume provides a valuable overview and timely update of the exciting and rapidly developing field of AGN research - essential reading for graduate students and researchers.

Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei at all Scales

Book Description

This book contains a collection of lecture notes written by recognized experts in the field of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The collection is aimed at providing both an introduction and at the same time an overview of the state-of-the-art of AGN research. This book also addresses the still not entirely understood link of an AGN with its host galaxy and also the related question of the birth and growth of massive black holes in the Universe.

Fifty Years of Quasars

Book Description

The 50th anniversary of the discovery of quasars in 1963 presents an interesting opportunity to ask questions about the current state of quasar research. Formatted as a series of interviews with noted researchers in the field, each of them asked to address a specific set of questions covering topics selected by the editors, this book deals with the historical development of quasar research and discusses how advances in instrumentation and computational capabilities have benefitted quasar astronomy and have changed our basic understanding of quasars. In the last part of the book the interviews address the current topic of the role of quasars in galaxy evolution. They summarise open issues in understanding active galactic nuclei and quasars and present an outlook regarding what future observational facilities both on the ground and in space might reveal. Its interview format, the fascinating topic of quasars and black holes, and the lively recollections and at times controversial views of the contributors make this book both rewarding and a pleasure to read!

From X-ray Binaries to Quasars: Black Holes on All Mass Scales

Book Description

This volume brings together contributions from many of the world's leading authorities on black hole accretion. The papers within represent part of a new movement to make use of the relative advantages of studying stellar mass and supermassive black holes, and to bring together the knowledge gained from the two approaches. The topics discussed include black hole observational and theoretical work-variability, spectroscopy, disk-jet connections, and multi-wavelength campaigns on black holes.