Are You Rapture Ready?

Book Description

Where will you be when the Rapture comes? In the last few years, the term “Rapture” has become an integral part of our national consciousness, fascinating everyone from businessmen and political leaders to media personalities and cultural icons to true believers. Now a noted writer on prophecy together with the creator of (with over 300,000 visitors a month) share invaluable advice on how to prepare for a future that might strike at any moment. The analyses, insights, and predictions contained in this indispensable self-help guide date back to the teachings that were foretold in the Bible, and will help readers prepare for the Endtime.

Rapture Ready!

Book Description

What does it mean when a band is judged by how hard they pray rather than how hard they rock? Would Jesus buy "Jesus junk" or wear "witness wear"? What do Christian skate parks, raves, and romance novels say about evangelicalism -- and America? Daniel Radosh went searching for the answers and reached some surprising conclusions. Written with the perfect blend of amusement and respect, Rapture Ready! is an insightful, entertaining, and deeply weird journey through the often hidden world of Christian pop culture. This vast and influential subculture -- a $7 billion industry and growing -- can no longer be ignored by those who want to understand the social, spiritual, and political aspirations of evangelical Christians. In eighteen cities and towns throughout thirteen states -- from the Bible Belt to the outskirts of Hollywood -- Radosh encounters a fascinating cast of characters, including Bibleman, the Caped Christian; Rob Adonis, the founder and star of Ultimate Christian Wrestling; Ken Ham, the nation's leading prophet of creationism; and Jay Bakker, the son of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, and pastor of his own liberal, punk rock church. From Christian music festivals and theme parks to Passion plays and comedy nights, Radosh combines gonzo reporting with a keen eye for detail and just the right touch of wit. Rapture Ready! is a revealing survey of a parallel universe and a unique perspective on one of America's most important social movements.

Rapture Ready...Or Not?

Book Description

Read the detailed, precise frame of reference of where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline Discover how each chapter points specifically to what the strange, troubling things happening in a world seemingly gone insane with unstoppable violence means for the immediate future and beyond Reflect on the very Word of God —the Bible— in pointing to the only hope the reader and those he or she loves has for escaping God’s righteous judgment that is about to fall on a rebellious world. Rapture Ready...or Not is for this generation of readers who are confused and look upon a world that seems to have destroyed opportunity for a bright, abundant future. The Rapture is about to catastrophically strike an unsuspecting world of both unbelievers and believers. Jesus Christ is the Shelter from the coming Tribulation storm of God’s wrath and judgment.

Essays in Apocalypse

Book Description

A tense world struggles in chaos…and the clock is ticking. Events are aligning as mankind spirals into anger, war, fear, and hopelessness. Nations are at odds with populism and globalism. Political leaders and dictators vie for power and influence. Looking back, you wonder “how did we get here?” Yet, these events are only signposts to the real future of mankind…the prophetic end of days. Globalism and Israel remain the two important factors to understanding key biblical prophecies. Signals abound that this generation is on the edge of experiencing a transition into the Tribulation. There may be no more dramatic proof that this sudden change is about to happen than what has resulted from the election of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States. In addition to being staunchly anti-globalism, Trump is stridently pro-Israel; moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is proof. Now discover: Why Israel is such an important target for Satan How America is part of the biblical prophecies Which country is Babylon the Great – and why it will be destroyed Follow prophecy expert Terry James as he shares a collection of pivotal essays from 2015 to 2017 that reveal and highlight the prophetic clues that have brought us to this point in the countdown to a coming judgment. It all comes down to a single question — are you prepared for what is to come?

Rapture Ready

Book Description

Discover what the Bible really says about the Rapture. The Bible is the only book known to be 100% accurate in prophecy, because men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, 2Pet 1:21. Rapture Ready will give you enough information to form a godly opinion about the rapture. You can have hope for the rapture, instead of fear of the tribulation. The rapture is more than just an escape from the earth. Discover through the chapter on, Why the Rapture? that God does not do anything without a reason. Rapture Ready reveals how through the word of God you may adorn yourself and prepare for what is to come. You will have justification to stand on the word with pillar faith, and hope of the coming of the Lord. By using these principles and precepts you will answer these questions. Is all of the church going in the rapture? What is the rapture? Where will you spend eternity? How close is the rapture? Why must the rapture take place? How is the rapture to take place? What must you do to prepare? Its time to: Get Right or Get Left


Book Description

When people keep turning their backs on God, they eventually become so wicked that He stops pleading for them to repent. Their hearts and minds simply can't be returned to Him. Soon after that point, His judgment begins.Thankfully, Christians have a God-given, spiritual gift of being able to discern the signs indicating how soon that judgment might be. So, it's up to believers to step up and shoulder the responsibility of being "watchmen on the wall" during these confusing and troubling times.Discerners: Analyzing Converging Prophetic Signs for the End of Days does just that.In this book, eighteen authors - including noted broadcasters, teachers, and Bible scholars - tackle issues that are critical for this generation of believers to understand. Each contributor examines, under the microscope of Scripture, a specific topic, from anti-God movements within religion and culture to satanic geopolitical rearrangements. This, we believe, will help make understandable the madness taking place in this generation.Discerners helps shine Heaven's light on these strange but exciting times so near when Jesus will step out on the clouds of glory and call all who are born again to Himself (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).Authors include Todd Strandberg, Dr. Larry Spargimino, Don McGee, Jeff Kinley, Nathan Jones, Daymond Duck, Tom Hughes, Phillip Goodman, Grant Phillips, Jim Fletcher, Bill Salus, Pete Garcia, Gary Stearman, Ryan Pitterson, Jan Markell, Tim Cameron, and Dr. David Reagan.What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch. (Mark 13:37)

Rapture Ready...Or Not?

Book Description

Read the detailed, precise frame of reference of where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timelineDiscover how each chapter points specifically to what the strange, troubling things happening in a world seemingly gone insane with unstoppable violence means for the immediate future and beyondReflect on the very Word of God —the Bible— in pointing to the only hope the reader and those he or she loves has for escaping God’s righteous judgment that is about to fall on a rebellious world. Rapture Ready...or Not is for this generation of readers who are confused and look upon a world that seems to have destroyed opportunity for a bright, abundant future. The Rapture is about to catastrophically strike an unsuspecting world of both unbelievers and believers. Jesus Christ is the Shelter from the coming Tribulation storm of God’s wrath and judgment.

Are You Rapture Ready?

Book Description

ARE YOU RARTURE READY? Is the most important question we should be asking our self today. Jesus is coming soon and we all need to be ready. Don't get left behind. Don't get caught sleeping. Wake up! Open your eyes and look around you for the signs are every where.


Book Description

Indoctrination disguised as education. The religion of climate change enshrined. Witchcraft and the occult made mainstream. Fake news. We live in a world where deception is rampant and true agendas are rarely revealed. Jesus foretold of this time as He answered His disciples’ question: What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Bible prophecy experts present analysis of today’s issues and events in Deceivers, revealing that Christ’s prophecy is literally unfolding before us today. A collection of 12 leading experts. Discover false prophets hiding behind the thin veneer of religious half-truths Unveil the globalist agenda behind diplomatic, judicial, and political hypocrisy Go behind misleading headlines and entertainment illusions to discern the truth.


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