The Stress Connection

Book Description

This book studies the effects of stress on the human body. The authors examines how the human body handles stress.

Are Your Hormones Making You Sick? the Stress Connection

Book Description

Stress is a universal phenomenon, which affects millions of people each day. Its effects are far reaching and impact men and women of all ages. Stress related illnesses are linked to most physician visits each year and is responsible for countless sick days and absenteeism from work and school. The top ten leading prescription drugs in the United States are associated with stress related illnesses and Americans spend billions of dollars each year on prescription drugs. When stress related symptoms and the results of routine laboratory testing do not add up, symptom based medicine is the usual course of action. Multiple symptoms lead to multiple medications and unfortunately can lead to side effects and drug interactions. Routine laboratory testing is inadequate for identifying stress related illness; therefore, thousands go undiagnosed each year. The failure to recognize adrenal dysfunction, which is associated with many stress related illnesses, results in the misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment of disease symptoms. Until recently, the effects of stress could not be measured. However, with the advent of salivary adrenal cortisol hormone testing, physicians are now able to accurately measure stress related adrenal dysfunction. Identifying and correcting the underlying cause of stress related symptoms leads to the elimination of diseases and the return to optimal health with few, if any, adverse side effects.If you suspect that stress may be making you ill and keeping you from functioning at your very best then this book is a must read.

Is It Me or My Hormones?

Book Description

The four-week plan for hormonal health that will stabilize your hormones and make you feel like yourself again. One of the most common and agonizing problems women face today is hormonal imbalance. Sometimes it’s a nightmarish premenstrual syndrome – depression, cravings, bloating, weight gain, irritability, and even out-of-control rage for up to three weeks each month. Sometimes it’s periods so painful that you have to arrange your entire life around your cycle. Sometimes it’s a rocky passage into perimenopause that changes everything you know about yourself and your body. Luckily, you can resolve these hormonal issues – you just need accurate, actionable information to do so. In Is It Me or My Hormones?, Marcelle Pick, author of The Core Balance Diet and Is It Me or My Adrenals?, delves into the often misunderstood world of female hormonal imbalance. Sharing her personal struggles and her experiences with patients, Marcelle helps you understand how the right diet, exercise, supplements, herbs, and psychological support, occasionally complemented with bioidentical hormones, can free you from hormone disruption. After walking you through the basic science of how your hormones affect your body, mind, and emotions, Marcelle lays out an accessible, easy-to-follow, four-week plan for hormonal health – complete with schedules, exercises, supplements, meal plans, and recipes – that will stabilize your hormones in just one month and make you feel like yourself again. It’s hard to imagine what a huge impact your diet, your lifestyle, your thoughts, and your hormones can have on your health and well-being. Unlike many medical professionals, Marcelle knows that your symptoms aren’t "just a normal part of being a woman" or "not that big a deal." And in this book, she validates your experience of hormonal imbalance and opens your eyes to the power you have over your health. So join Marcelle on this journey to implement simple, natural changes that will help eliminate your cravings, depression, mood swings, and weight gain, and make you feel energized, sexual, and in command of your life! "By paying attention to hormonal balance, you can sail through your 40s and 50s as an energetic, sensuous, and sexually alive woman, reaping the benefits of age and experience while enjoying the vitality of youth." -- Marcelle Pick

Is It Me or My Hormones?

Book Description

The four-week plan for hormonal health that will stabilize your hormones and make you feel like yourself again. One of the most common and agonizing problems women face today is hormonal imbalance. Sometimes it’s a nightmarish premenstrual syndrome – depression, cravings, bloating, weight gain, irritability, and even out-of-control rage for up to three weeks each month. Sometimes it’s periods so painful that you have to arrange your entire life around your cycle. Sometimes it’s a rocky passage into perimenopause that changes everything you know about yourself and your body. Luckily, you can resolve these hormonal issues – you just need accurate, actionable information to do so. In Is It Me or My Hormones?, Marcelle Pick, author of The Core Balance Diet and Is It Me or My Adrenals?, delves into the often misunderstood world of female hormonal imbalance. Sharing her personal struggles and her experiences with patients, Marcelle helps you understand how the right diet, exercise, supplements, herbs, and psychological support, occasionally complemented with bioidentical hormones, can free you from hormone disruption. After walking you through the basic science of how your hormones affect your body, mind, and emotions, Marcelle lays out an accessible, easy-to-follow, four-week plan for hormonal health – complete with schedules, exercises, supplements, meal plans, and recipes – that will stabilize your hormones in just one month and make you feel like yourself again. It’s hard to imagine what a huge impact your diet, your lifestyle, your thoughts, and your hormones can have on your health and well-being. Unlike many medical professionals, Marcelle knows that your symptoms aren’t "just a normal part of being a woman" or "not that big a deal." And in this book, she validates your experience of hormonal imbalance and opens your eyes to the power you have over your health. So join Marcelle on this journey to implement simple, natural changes that will help eliminate your cravings, depression, mood swings, and weight gain, and make you feel energized, sexual, and in command of your life! "By paying attention to hormonal balance, you can sail through your 40s and 50s as an energetic, sensuous, and sexually alive woman, reaping the benefits of age and experience while enjoying the vitality of youth." -- Marcelle Pick

Dr. John Lee's Hormone Balance Made Simple

Book Description

From the bestselling authors of the classic What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You books about menopause and pre-menopause comes an easy-to-use guide on balancing hormone levels safely and naturally. Dr. John Lee will help you answer key questions like: Are my symptoms caused by a hormonal imbalance? Which hormones do I need to regain hormone balance? How do I use hormones for optimal health and balance? Plus, learn how and when to use estrogen, testosterone and progesterone cream, in simple, effective language. If you want the ABCs of using natural hormones, this book is for you.

A Woman's Hormonal Health Survival Guide

Book Description

When it comes to Healthcare, Women are dismissed and disrespected. A Woman's Hormonal Health Survival Guide takes a frank, tell it like it is look at the state of the women's health. Common health conditions and diseases in women of all ages can often be traced to one root cause; hormone imbalances and deficiencies, and women can have them from the onset of puberty. In the short term, these are a serious concern: sapping energy, causing mood disorders, memory problems and putting a damper on libido. In the long term, untreated hormone deficiencies are contributing factors in developing heart disease, diabetes, bone loss, obesity, cancer and other chronic health issues. Find Out Why Women Are Suffering and Dying Needlessly.Most medical professionals aren't trained to properly diagnose and treat hormonal deficiencies and don't understand their impact on overall health. And that's just the beginning! Underlying gender bias in American culture, medicine, and politics, combined with unbridled power and the very deep pockets of the pharmaceutical industry are all working against the best interest of women and their healthcare.

Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life

Book Description

Deepak Chopra meets Christiane Northrup in this women's health guide, which uses Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese Medicine to achieve hormonal balance and optimal well-being.

Mastering the Balancing ACT

Book Description

Are Your Meds Making You Sick?

Book Description

Robert S. Gold, RPh, MBA, a clinical hospital pharmacist and affiliate instructor of clinical pharmacy at Purdue University with over 27 years of experience, shows the reader how to think like a clinical hospital pharmacist. He lists his 16 Rules of Safe Medication Use that, if followed, can help prevent the common problems that medications can cause; gives specific examples and scenarios featuring the thirty-six drugs that are the most common offenders; and explains how even seemingly good drugs can harm a patient's kidney, liver, brain and heart if the patient's medical history and physical vulnerabilities are not taken into account. Are Your Meds Making You Sick? A Pharmacist's Guide to Avoiding Dangerous Drug Interactions, Reactions and Side-Effects is highly accessible and formatted for quick reference by any layperson.