Armageddon Apocalypse UFO's and GOD

Book Description

War, famine, and natural disasters.these are the signs of the times that we live in. Today's headlines could have been pulled directly from the book of Revelation in the Bible. The Bible predicted that all of these events would occur in the years leading up to an event commonly known as the Apocalypse. UFO's are related to Bible scriptures. This information gives support thereof; UFO sightings Worldwide will become more prevalent near the end times. As stated in (Chapter 3.) pg. 36 as Quoted in printed INK as of June 2006. Christians worldwide are well aware of these facts and prophesies that predict and foreshadow the end times; but, what about the non-Christians, the non-believers? Whether you are a believer or not, this book will point out and explain that signs of the end times that are so prevalent today. It will answer the questions that many people ask themselves; you will be made aware of not only what is going to happen and how it's going to happen, but also most importantly, when it's going to happen. You will also learn what you need to do to prepare yourself for this event. It's not too late; there is still time for you to do what you need to do to prepare yourself. This book is a last and final warning to mankind. The evilness of mankind is what has brought us to this point in time. Murder, mayhem, sexual perversion and other crime has taken us down the road to ruin. There is another road, though. A good road and it is possible to get on the good road before it's too late. This book will paint a picture for you. It will paint a picture of the past, a picture of the present and a picture of the future. This picture will help you to understand where we are today in present times and what we need to do to prepare for the future. God is great and wonderful, he has everything waiting for you and time is waiting for you. I have been given a mission.My mission is to set the record straight, the record and the writings of the Bible. I am going to explain to you everything what the purpose of life is behind God's great plans and why we are in existence and why there must be another life, you have a right to know everything I know that I believe, which is the entire messages of my mission be told for everyone whose' going to find out any way, during and after the (Armageddon Apocalypse) when God does rule Earth and after Earth is under God's rules. The message is, we're living in the end times and mankind has set himself up for self-destruction. Do you want to know the truth of mankind in life and where that life came from? I'm going to tell you the truth, for I promise to tell you the truth and have been telling you the truth of what I've been told. And I believe that after I tell you these things that my main messages and mission will be completed as (I promised years and years ago) some fortythree years ago. I made a promise to God and I'm keeping it.

Armageddon Apocalypse UFO's & God

Book Description

War, famine, and natural disasters.these are the signs of the times that we live in. Today's headlines could have been pulled directly from the book of Revelation in the Bible. The Bible predicted that all of these events would occur in the years leading up to an event commonly known as the Apocalypse. UFO's are related to Bible scriptures. This information gives support thereof; UFO sightings Worldwide will become more prevalent near the end times. As stated in (Chapter 3.) pg. 36 as Quoted in printed INK as of June 2006. Christians worldwide are well aware of these facts and prophesies that predict and foreshadow the end times; but, what about the non-Christians, the non-believers? Whether you are a believer or not, this book will point out and explain that signs of the end times that are so prevalent today. It will answer the questions that many people ask themselves; you will be made aware of not only what is going to happen and how it's going to happen, but also most importantly, when it's going to happen. You will also learn what you need to do to prepare yourself for this event. It's not too late; there is still time for you to do what you need to do to prepare yourself. This book is a last and final warning to mankind. The evilness of mankind is what has brought us to this point in time. Murder, mayhem, sexual perversion and other crime has taken us down the road to ruin. There is another road, though. A good road and it is possible to get on the good road before it's too late. This book will paint a picture for you. It will paint a picture of the past, a picture of the present and a picture of the future. This picture will help you to understand where we are today in present times and what we need to do to prepare for the future. God is great and wonderful, he has everything waiting for you and time is waiting for you. I have been given a mission.My mission is to set the record straight, the record and the writings of the Bible. I am going to explain to you everything what the purpose of life is behind God's great plans and why we are in existence and why there must be another life, you have a right to know everything I know that I believe, which is the entire messages of my mission be told for everyone whose' going to find out any way, during and after the (Armageddon Apocalypse) when God does rule Earth and after Earth is under God's rules. The message is, we're living in the end times and mankind has set himself up for self-destruction. Do you want to know the truth of mankind in life and where that life came from? I'm going to tell you the truth, for I promise to tell you the truth and have been telling you the truth of what I've been told. And I believe that after I tell you these things that my main messages and mission will be completed as (I promised years and years ago) some fortythree years ago. I made a promise to God and I'm keeping it.

The Late Great Planet Earth

Book Description

The impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. The New York Times called it the "no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade." For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, Hal Lindsey's blockbuster served as a wake-up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding -- all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ. The years since have confirmed Lindsey's insights into what biblical prophecy says about the times we live in. Whether you're a church-going believer or someone who wouldn't darken the door of a Christian institution, the Bible has much to tell you about the imminent future of this planet. In the midst of an out-of-control generation, it reveals a grand design that's unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. These and other signs, foreseen by prophets from Moses to Jesus, portend the coming of an antichrist . . . of a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet.

The Rapture 2028: America's Countdown to Apocalypse!

Book Description

A Shocking Bible Discovery found in the Dead Sea Scrolls! After forty years of research in the Biblical text, this book came about while studying Biblical manuscripts in their original Greek. I was given a project by my Greek professor to research the Dead Sea Scrolls. This research changed my life, my belief about time and the books of the Bible. While researching the Dead Sea Scrolls, I found two historical books that were in the Bible during Jesus time on this Earth. So I ask this question: Why did man remove these books? The deeper I studied I discovered that our Bible should have seventy books instead of sixty-six. Six is the number of man and a number representing incompletion. Sixty-six doubles its meaning, and the number 666 needs no explanations. "Men do resist God's will today" (2 Peter 3:9). While researching the subject I encountered extreme opposition. The books of the Bible should be divisible by seven. So, we are missing one New Testament book and three Old Testament books to make a seventy book Bible. Have we been deceived by our religious leaders and science community? Does all time truly consist in a 7,007-year window? This book is written from the complete seventy-book Bible which was revealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Do the scrolls reveal angels mating with the daughters of Adam? Where did the giant human originate? Have we all been lied to about Genesis 6 and the events during the days of Noah? Are angels and demons masquerading as aliens and UFOs in a great end of time deception? Will the dollar collapse by 2022? Will the U.S. be destroyed in one day by 2028? "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come," (John 16:13-14).

Alien Intervention

Book Description

The mystifying connection between the occult, the New Age movement, and the UFO phenomenon.From both a Christian and objective perspective, and through his unique approach, the author reveals a complex and ingenious scheme that is rapidly unfolding as

Children of Ezekiel

Book Description

Discussses the relationship between the biblical prophet Ezekiel's vision of "wheels in the air" and the present day end-of-time concept as seen in various religious sects.

A History of the Apocalypse

Book Description

Religion. For thousands of years this thing has dictated which people should live and which people should die, what shape our buildings should have or what colors our garments should contain, what food people should eat or what words people should speak. If religion is the opium of the masses, then beliefs about the end of the world are like overdoses. People touched by such beliefs no longer rely on a hidden, personal and intimate god, contemplated upon from the safe distance of the beating human heart. They live with the promise of divine intervention at a grand scale on the current coordinates of space and time. This can be an exceptional motivator and a game changer in terms of civil obedience, both at an individual and collective level. In the name of an immediate and palpable deity people can commit shocking cruelties. However, such belief can also account for some of the most exceptional social developments in human history.

The Apocalypse of Abraham

Book Description

UFOs, PSI, and Spiritual Evolution

Book Description

Answers all the ancient philosophical questions: about the good, the right, the true, the nature of mind and soul, divinity, immortality, and free will.

The Myth and Mystery of UFOs

Book Description

When United Airlines workers reported a UFO at O'Hare Airport in November 2006, it was met with the typical denials and hush-up that usually accompany such sightings. But when a related story broke the record for hits at the Chicago Tribune's website, it was clear that such unexplained objects continued to occupy the minds of fascinated readers. Why, wonders Thomas Bullard, don't such persistent sightings command more urgent attention from scientists, scholars, and mainstream journalists? The answer, in part, lies in Bullard's wide-ranging magisterial survey of the mysterious, frustrating, and ever-evolving phenomenon that refuses to go away and our collective efforts to understand it. In his trailblazing book, Bullard views those efforts through the lens of mythmaking, discovering what UFO accounts tell us about ourselves, our beliefs, and the possibility of visitors from beyond. Bullard shows how ongoing grassroots interest in UFOs stems both from actual personal experiences and from a cultural mythology that defines such encounters as somehow "alien"-and how it views relentless official denial as a part of conspiracy to hide the truth. He also describes how UFOs have catalyzed the evolution of a new but highly fractured belief system that borrows heavily from the human past and mythic themes and which UFO witnesses and researchers use to make sense of such phenomena and our place in the cosmos. Bullard's book takes in the whole spectrum of speculations on alien visitations and abductions, magically advanced technologies, governmental conspiracies, varieties of religious salvation, apocalyptic fears, and other paranormal experiences. Along the way, Bullard investigates how UFOs have inspired books, movies, and television series; blurred the boundaries between science, science fiction, and religion; and crowded the Internet with websites and discussion groups. From the patches of this crazy quilt, he posits evidence that a genuine phenomenon seems to exist outside the myth. Enormously erudite and endlessly engaging, Bullard's study is a sky watcher's guide to the studies, stories, and debates that this elusive subject has inspired. It shows that, despite all the competing interests and errors clouding the subject, there is substance beneath the clutter, a genuinely mysterious phenomenon that deserves attention as more than a myth.