Arms Control and European Security

Book Description

In October 1987 on the eve of the Washington summit, the Committee on Atlantic Studies, a group of European and North American scholars established in 1964 to promote transatlantic dialogue, met in Toronto to discuss the implications of the new arms control for European security. This book is the fruit of that meeting. Incorporating subsequent developments, up to Gorbachev's December 1988 speech to the U.N., it provides a timely assessment of arms control issues from a variety of European and North American perspectives. The contributors to this volume council caution, suggesting that while progress is possible, it will probably be slow. At a time when arms control has arrived at a significant crossroads, the issues raised in Arms Control and European Security are of critical importance to both Europeans and Americans. This volume stresses the interplay of strategic and regional arms control. It includes analyses of nuclear, conventional, and naval arms control questions and embodies a broader conception of arms control. The book links arms control to such political measures as confidence-building, conflict avoidance and superpower agreement to the neutrality of particular states.

Arms Control and Security: The Changing Role of Conventional Arms Control in Europe

Book Description

This title was first published in 2000: The aim of this text is to explore conventional arms control in Europe. The early chapters provide a primarily historical perspective, looking at the context, foundations, main provisions and institutional structure of the main agreements. The later chapters explore the continuing and likely future roles of the OSCE and NATO in the arms control process. The final chapters examine more contemporary developments by looking at the Adapted CFE Treaty and Vienna Documents agreed at the OSCE Istanbul Summit in November 1998 and the challenges posed to existing arrangements by the changing and emergent security threats that potentially face Europe.

Emerging Dimensions Of European Security Policy

Book Description

This book represents an overview of European security affairs as of 1989–1990. It deals with fundamental theoretical and political-strategic considerations; looks at arms-control developments; and examines European defense economies and military industrial capabilities of U.S. .

Security and Arms Control in Post-confrontation Europe

Book Description

The new dangers and challenges to international security in Europe after the Cold War are examined in this book. The changing nature of Europe's security problems has necessitated new thinking among both civilians and the military about arms control, the problems it should address, the purposes it should serve, and even what should be called `arms control' today. Arms control should be seen as encompassing all aspects of the military dimension of the endeavours to mitigate or mediate tensions within states and to keep them from tuning violent. It entails joint management of the cold war legacy of nuclear and conventional weapons. Security and Arms Control in Post-Confrontation Europe examines in particular the role which could and should be played by the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) for the prevention of intra-state armed conflicts.

Arms Control and European Security

Book Description

Vesteuropas forsøg på våbenbegrænsning mellem de to supermagter. Vesttysklands særlige situation i NATO. Atomnedrustningsforhandlinger. Kemiske våben i Europa.

Conventional Arms Control And The Security Of Europe

Book Description

This book is an outcome of the conference on 'Arms Control and Conventional Defense in Europe' held in West Berlin in 1987. The discussion in the conference led to several conclusions regarding the prospects for conventional arms control.