Arms, Yen & Power

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The Foundation of Japanese Power

Book Description

Recent events in Tianamen Square have made such books abruptly important, though in some aspects outdated. This one examines reforms in higher education from before the republic to March 1988, and focuses on educational and economic relations with groups outside China, and the effect the reforms may

Arms, Yen & Power

Book Description

Japanese Defence

Book Description

This book focuses on the defence policy of the Nakasone administration and attempts to provide an explanation for the policy measures which its administration implemented or initiated. It suggests that the widening disparity between economic interests and political power forced Japan to review the traditional bases for defence policy making and prompted the search for a balance that would allow the country a more active role in the international sphere. The book is organized around the central theme that Nakasone's defence policy can be understood as an attempt to rehabilitate Japan as a 'normal' state and end the state of affairs that had relegated it to a unique, and low, position.

American Power, the New World Order and the Japanese Challenge

Book Description

This book analyzes US-Japan relations amidst the changing nature of power and international relations. Chapters explore the relative successes and shortcomings of American liberalism and Japanese Neomercantilism, the bilateral trade duels over finance, high technology, agriculture, and other industries, and the costs and benefits of foreign investment and military spending. The book concludes with suggestions for a systemic and radical overhaul of American policies toward itself, the global economy, and Japan.

Japan's Defense Policy and Bureaucratic Politics, 1976-2007

Book Description

It is a well known fact that Japan spends only a small percentage of her gross national product on defense. What is not well known, however, is the fact that Japan's defense budget ranks among the top in the world and that her self-defense forces are considered to be amongst the best conventional armed forces in the world. Since empirical studies concerning Japan's military expansion are rare both in Japanese and English, the book takes up this neglected area. It examines Japan's military expansion and the decision-making of her defense policy between 1976 and 2007, focusing on the National Defense Program outline and the guidelines for United States-Japan Defense Cooperation. This book deals with how the bureaucratic politics model applies to the case of Japan's defense policy and demonstrates some similarities and differences between Japanese and United States decision-making.

Japan: Economic Growth, Resource Scarcity, And Environmental Constraints

Book Description

This study evaluates, from a neo-Malthusian perspective, Japan's current status and its prognosis in the context of the country's economic vulnerabilities. Drawing on the theoretical contributions of Malthus, N. Georgescu-Roegen, H. and M. Sprout, and assorted environmental-ecological doomsayers, the author reaches pessimistic conclusions about Japan's very long term prospects, but holds out some slim hope for Japan if international cooperation of nearly Utopian dimensions can be achieved.

NASA in the World

Book Description

Since its inception, NASA has participated in over 4,000 international projects, yet historians have almost entirely neglected this remarkable aspect of the agency's work. This groundbreaking work is the first to trace NASA's history in a truly international context, drawing on unprecedented access to agency archives and personnel.