The Challenge of Change

Book Description

"The legacy of the Modern Movement has gained legendary status, largely as a result of the appreciation of the masterworks and the visionary architectural concepts. In the reality of everyday life, however, it has been difficult to maintain the architectural creations of the Modern Movement in such a way that they still reflect the original intentions of their designers. Many buildings and ensembles of the Modern Movement have already been saved; the icons amongst these have even become so precious that they are treated like pieces of art rather than as buildings in everyday use. But despite the successes that have been achieved, many buildings and ensembles are still at risk of demolition or maltreatment. The bi-annul international conference is one means by which it is possible to continue furthering the aims of Docomomo. Knowing that many modern architects aimed at functionality and changeability, the challenge for today is how to deal with the modern heritage in relation to its continuously changing context, including physical, economic and functional changes, as well as socio-cultural, political and scientific ones. It is with this in mind that conservation in general, and the conservation of modern architecture in particular, has become a new challenge. Rather than attempting to return a modern building to its presumed original state, our challenge is to revalue the essence of the manifold manifestations of modern architecture and redefine its meanings in our changing world of digital revolution, worldwide mobility and environmental awareness."--Jacket.

The Challenge of Change: Dealing with the Legacy of the Modern Movement

Book Description

Conservation of architecture - and the conversation of Modern architecture in particular – has assumed new challenges. Rather than attempting to return a Modern building to its resumed original state, the challenge of these proceedings is to revalue the essence of the manifold manifestations of Modern architecture and redefine its meanings in a rapidly changing world of digital revolution, worldwide mobility and environmental awareness. This volume aims to provide a variety of platforms for the exchange of ideas and experience. A large, international group of architects, historians, scholars, preservationists and other parties involved in the processes of preserving, renovating and transforming Modern buildings has been invited to investigate the paradox of the Modern monument, and to reflect on the manifold dilemmas of change and continuity. The general theme is elaborated through five sub-themes. The sub-theme ‘Change and Continuity’ addresses the tensions between change and continuity from a historical-theoretical perspective. ‘Restructuring Cities and Landscapes’ focuses on the larger scale of city and landscape, while ‘Shifts in Programme and Flexibility’ draws attention to the scale of the building or building complex, and questions limits of re-use and flexibility. The fourth sub-theme deals with education and the fifth sub-theme ‘Progress, Technology and Sustainability’ considers specific issues of techniques and materials.

Lelé: Dialogues with Neutra and Prouvé

Book Description

The sixth book of "Latin America: Thoughts" collection, with foreword by Abilio Guerra and afterword by Paulo Bruna, brings André Marques' research on the work of architect João Filgueiras Lima, Lelé, in its aspects of technology and interaction with the environment. The author also establishes relationships between Lelé's design strategies with those of the French builder Jean Prouvé and the Austrian architect Richard Neutra.

Arquitetura da Educação

Book Description

A educação é um processo natural, ela se fundamenta no desenvolvimento interno do aluno. As crianças são boas por natureza, elas têm uma tendência natural para se desenvolverem. Existe um distanciamento entre todos os seres humanos, este distanciamento precisa ser reduzido com elementos tirados da realidade conforme diz Pestalozzi. Neste sentido, o arquiteto representa a arte de construir esteticamente e funcionalmente estruturas com embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural, se tornando uma ciência pluridisciplinar. A arquiteto busca saber do distanciamento entre o ser humano e os meios em que vive atuando de forma pluridisciplinar e realizando assim uma exegese para então reformular o espaços, tornando-os confortáveis e contextualizados com a realidade do homem da atualidade. O docente assim como o arquiteto reconhece a distância entre ele e o aluno?, trazendo consigo embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural para construir sua aula, analisar seus alunos, a cultura em que vivem pois hoje existe a necessidade dos professores se adatarem com os alunos diante da distância que os separam.

Architecture, visual culture, art

Book Description

Every year in the highlands of Guatemala, the town of Sumpango celebrates Day of the Dead by flying kites. The kites are massive, the largest measuring 45 feet in diameter. Smaller kites, close 20 feet in height, are flown in a death-defying race down the side of a mountain. From a distance, the kites appear luminous and blissful, but the radiant colors of the kites mask an ominous subtext. On closer inspection, the images on the sails depict people in agony and torment: mutilated bodies, mass burials, kidnappings, and rivers of blood. In graphic illustration, the kites allude to the dark and painful history of Guatemala's 30-year civil war. Originally centered on remembering the dead, the kite festival has become a way for the indigenous community to heal itself from the trauma of the war. Wings of Resistance examines the politics and art of the giant kites, placing this Guatemalan tradition in the context of international kite cultures. The contributors include Alison Fujino, Christopher Ornelas, Jose Sainz, Scott Skinner, and Victorino Tejaxun.

Arquitetura escolar paulista

Book Description

Revisões Historiográficas / Historiographical Revisions

Book Description

Como ensinar e aprender história da arquitetura? Para responder essa inquietação de maneira certeira, são revisitados oito importantes livros panorâmicos sobre a arquitetura brasileira, produzidos em diferentes momentos do século XX e início do XXI. A organizadora e sua equipe de pesquisa exploram a possibilidade de combinar a medição quantitativa com interpretações de natureza mais subjetiva, revelando paradoxos complexos, não intuitivos, e talvez inesperados, dando forma a alguns dos "vazios do cânon" Este livro apresenta um conjunto metodológico de ferramentas para a revisão crítica de ideias repetidas e axiomas convertidos em cânones, possibilitando questionamentos e a abertura de novos caminhos. As tabelas e gráficos produzidos no livro são livremente interpretados e contraponteados pela visão de dezoito autores e autoras que contribuíram para o livro, desde jovens pesquisadores a renomados especialistas convidados/as. How to teach and learn architectural history? To answer this question, eight important panoramic books on Brazilian architecture, produced at different times in the twentieth century and early twenty-first, are revisited. The organizer and her research team explored the possibility of combining quantitative measurement extracted from these books with interpretations of a more subjective nature, revealing complex, non-intuitive, and unexpected paradoxes, shaping some of the "canon's voids". The book presents a methodological set of tools for the critical revision of repeated ideas and axioms converted into canons, allowing for questioning, and opening new paths. The tables and graphs produced in the book are freely interpreted and counterpointed by the views of eighteen contributing authors, ranging from young researchers to renowned guest experts. (Marcio Cotrim, Prof. Dr. Arquiteto, FAU-UFBA).