ARS Shipwreck Projects Dominican Republic Volume I

Book Description

Vol. I: The Beginning gives the reader descriptions and photos of the areas ARS (Anchor Research & Salvage) investigated while seeking out the best location to request as a lease (concession) from the Dominican Government for the purpose of surveying and salvaging (rescuing) shipwrecks. The authors traveled around the island diving and investigating leads gained from their research and also from local residents. They selected an undisclosed part of the south side of the island. The book goes into the techniques and equipment used for survey and salvage, and also the artifacts that are often found on old shipwrecks, and how they may help discover information about the wreck.

Phase "A": Interim Report

Book Description

Phase "A" Interim Report is a report of shipwreck projects done by GME and ARS in the Dominican Republic during 2011

GME Publications and Marketing

Book Description

A report of all publications relating to GME activities through 2013


Book Description

Phase 1 initial survey is one of the first reports written by ARS/GME for the Dominican Republic project at Punta Cana it has many artifact pictures and underwater shipwreck pictures, maps, etc.

Report of Artifacts Recovered SW April-Sept 2012

Book Description

A catalog of artifacts recovered from various shipwreck projects in the Southwest Dominican Republic during the April-Sept season by ARS/GME divers and archeologists.

Historic Shipwrecks Of The Dominican Republic And Haiti, Second Edition

Book Description

This Second Edition of this very popular book is a compendium of historic shipwrecks surrounding Hispaniola, with a summary of locations and current/previous notable salvage operations including maps, photos and drawings. This edition contains substantial new material regarding numerous wrecks throughout Hispaniola. Several hundred wrecks are listed and the index contains approximatly 1100 page citations. Bibliography included. 200 pages of content in 22 chapters. Compiled by Dr. Lubos Kordac, an able diver who resides in the Dominican Republic and consults as a marine archaeologist. Local history for each focus area provides valuable information regarding the circumstances for the listed wrecks. 28 maps and more than 50 photos. The Second Edition adds approximately 100 new vessel/fleet disasters to the areas of Samana, Santo Domingo, Azua, Tortuga and Cap-Haitien. New information includes the mystery of the "Opale" and the disappearing island, an expanded overview of the Bobadilla fleet, and more information regarding the "Imperial" and "Diomede".

Anthropology Newsletter

Book Description