Art of Super-Realization

Book Description

In Art of Super-Realization: Initiation, Paramahansa Yogananda guides readers on a profound journey of spiritual awakening and self-discovery. Through ancient wisdom and practical techniques, Yogananda illuminates the path to realizing one's highest potential and experiencing the ultimate truth of existence. This transformative book offers a gateway to inner peace, divine love, and the art of living in harmony with the universe.

Art Of Super Realization Initiation Hardcover

Book Description

According to Yogananda, "Self-realization is the knowing - in body, mind, and soul - that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God's omnipresence is our omnipresence; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing." According to an Amazon Reviewer: "This is an excellent little booklet which was originally given to Yogananda's initiates after initiation. It is of great value to those researching the legacy of Swami Yogananda. If you've ever wondered whether the techniques currently taught by SRF are the same as the techniques taught by Yogananda to his early disciples, then this booklet is for you. The major differences between the kriya yoga of this booklet and that of the current SRF initiation is as follows: 1) Mantra is "sung" in each chakra 2) Khechari (not by name) is discussed. 3) The path of the breath ("life force") is elliptical as it is explained in Autobiography of a Yogi. The techniques of this little booklet brought many of Yogananda's early disciples to Samadhi and beyond.

Art of Super-realization

Book Description

Art of Super-Realization

Book Description

This 1930 pamphlet is offered in the hope that many people will enjoy once again the insight provided in the Kriya instructions contained herein. In this pamphlet Yogananda gives the Kriya technique, describing the path of the kriya breath as elliptical. However there is no teaching of kechari technique in this 1930 brochure, contrary to what is said in a description of an unOCR'd book of the same name. Interestingly there were changes in this presentation of Kriya which were authorized by Yogananda after he published it. In the 1954 Convocation SRF President James J. Lynn announced that Yogananda had received permission shortly before his Mahasamadhi to change the kriya path from going up inside the spinal column and going down outside the spinal column, to the breath being kept inside the spinal column on the down breath.

The Essence of Kriya Yoga

Book Description

Kriya Yoga is an instrument through which human evolution can be quickened. Learn the essence of this spiritual science from its greatest proponent, Paramhansa Yogananda, in his own words. Heed his vibrant call,"Awaken! Arise from dreams of littleness to the realization of the vastness within you." A compilation and selection of the original writings of the a spiritual Master whose life-work was to spend over 30 years in the West as the Fountain of Life, from which countless have drunk. This volume consists of the complete 1925 versions of "The Science of Religion" and "Songs of the Soul" as well as critical excerpts from the 1946 1st edition of the "Autobiography of a Yogi." Included are also other excerpts from his writings in the 1920's which are still helpful to the spiritual seekers of the world.

Living Nonduality

Book Description

Kriya Yoga

Book Description

"By the correct practice of Kriya fourteen times, Maha Mudra twice, and Yoti Mudra twice, twelve years of evolution of body, mind and soul will be gained in a few minutes. Yoga is the super-method by which the evolution of body, mind, and soul can be quickened. That is how the attainment of wisdom and realization, which usually takes a million years and numerous incarnations of natural evolution, is possible in one lifetime." - Swami Yogananda, Kriya Yoga

Autobiography of a Yogi

Book Description

The autobiography of Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952) details his search for a guru, during which he encountered many spiritual leaders and world-renowned scientists. When it was published in 1946 it was the first introduction of many westerners to yoga and meditation. The famous opera singer Amelita Galli-Curci said about the book: "Amazing, true stories of saints and masters of India, blended with priceless superphysical information-much needed to balance the Western material efficiency with Eastern spiritual efficiency-come from the vigorous pen of Paramhansa Yogananda, whose teachings my husband and myself have had the pleasure of studying for twenty years."

Demystifying Patanjali: The Yoga Sutras

Book Description

What happens as we grow spiritually? Is there a step-by-step process that everyone goes through—all spiritual seekers, including those of any or no religious persuasion—as they gradually work their way upward, until they achieve the highest state of Self-realization? About 2200 years ago, a great spiritual master of India named Patanjali described this process, and presented humanity with a clear-cut, step-by-step outline of how all truth seekers and saints achieve divine union. He called this universal inner experience and process “yoga” or “union.” His collection of profound aphorisms—a true world scripture—has been dubbed Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Unfortunately, since that time many scholarly translators with little or no spiritual realization have written commentaries on Patanjali's writings that have succeeded only in burying his pithy insights in convoluted phrases like “becomes assimilated with transformations” and “the object alone shines without deliberation.” How can any reader understand Patanjali's original meaning when he or she has to wade through such bewildering terminology? Thankfully, a great modern yoga master—Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi—has cut through the scholarly debris and resurrected Patanjali's original teachings and revelations. Now, in Demystifying Patanjali, Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Yogananda, shares his guru's crystal clear and easy-to-grasp explanations of Patanjali's aphorisms. As Kriyananda writes in his introduction, “My Guru personally shared with me some of his most important insights into these sutras. During the three and a half years I lived with him, he also went with me at great length into the basic teachings of yoga. “I was able, moreover, to ask my Guru personally about many of the subjects covered by Patanjali. His explanations have lingered with me, and have been a priceless help in the [writing of this book].”

Kriya Yoga Vichara

Book Description

The practice of Kriya Yoga Vichara integrates techniques based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and the method of Self-Inquiry presented by Sri Ramana Maharshi. In this book, you will find descriptive reviews of the methods taught during Kriya Initiations, how to effectively practice Vichara, and how to integrate the two for optimal results. Beginner, intermediate and advanced routines are provided. This book strips away the fantasy surrounding the spiritual path and describes the intensive, yet subtle, work required to master one's own consciousness and realize our timeless being. Kriya Yoga Vichara is for those advanced individuals willing to put forth the required Self-effort that results in the realization of Eternal Grace. "It is the internal knowledge of the Self, which never waivers or dims, that is the true mark of a realized being. And no one will ever know that but you. This is the way of yoga. This is the result of Vichara (Self-inquiry) supported by Kriya (yogic techniques)."