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Excerpt from The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelations of St. John: Viewed in Their Mutual Relation, With an Exposition of the Principal Passages However, the converse holds equally true, and is of even greater importance. The answer we give to the question of criticism depends on our general views of prophecy and escha tology. The real source, from which the present mode of treating Daniel and the Apocalypse Springs, is, that the critic is not in possession of the key, which opens a deeper understanding of prophecy, and, consequently, he divests the sacred books of everything which, in divine sublimity, transcends his own horizon, of the fulness of its superhuman contents, in order to bring it within the narrow circle of traditional or self-invented conceptions and presuppositions. As soon as dogmatic shall attain a clearer insight into eschatology, criticism will view the apocalyptic books of both Testaments in a different light. At present, they are misunderstood and divested of their real meaning and majesty, but then they will be exalted and seen in the dignity which they possess, and in the unique place which they occupy in the Holy Scriptures as revelations given by God to be a guide and light to His faithful people. We do not, however, blame in this instance Rationalism exclu sively. At an early period the Church began to see only indi stinctly the view which the Bible gives of the kingdom, and she lost it in proportion as she conformed to the world. The Reformation brought indeed truths of Scripture to light, which, if followed out consistently, furnish us with the key to prophecy; but the Reformation period did not proceed to this logical deduction. Of a theology, moreover, which has its vital roots in the world (1 John iv. And is akin to it according to its distinctive peculiarity, we cannot expect it otherwise, but that it will be perfectly incompetent to enter into the depth, and height, and breadth, of the divine plan of the kingdom. Such a theology finds it necessary to assume the ungenuineness of Daniel but let it not be denied or ignored, this necessity is not a historical, but a dogmatic one. Once adopt - this supposition of criticism, and you must of necessity adopt an exegesis, dilut ing the text and divesting it of all strength and meaning; the arbitrary and untenable character of which we shall endeavour to show in our remarks on the second, seventh, and ninth chap ters of our prophet. The manner in which modern critics have treated this book, furnishes us with a striking specimen and il lustration of that unevangelical relation in which these theolo gians stand to Holy Scripture, and which we may regard as the very central seat of the disease of our Protestant theology Next to this, and in connection with it, we place the funda mental views of our dogmatic, which are formed from the cur rent opinions of the day; Starting from such principles, the books of Holy Scripture are subjected to criticism, and thus the critic proceeds, and only at this stage, to the exegesis of the text, and, of course, cannot and dare not, find in the word of God anything beyond what the dogmatics of our schools and criticism have left and apportioned to it. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John

Book Description

When Manasses set up a carved image in the house of the Lord, and built altars in the two courts of the house, to all the host of Heaven, and us'd inchantments and witchcraft, and familiar spirits, and for his great wickedness was invaded by the army ofAsserhadon King of Assyria, and carried captive to Babylon; the book of the Law was lost till the eighteenth year of his grandsonJosiah. Then Hilkiah the High Priest, upon repairing the Temple, found it there: and the King lamented that their fathers had not done after the words of the book, and commanded that it should be read to the people, and caused the people to renew the holy covenant with God. This is the book of the Law now extant. When Shishak came out of Egypt and spoil'd the temple, and brought Judah into subjection to the monarchy of Egypt, (which was in the fifth year of Rehoboam) the Jews continued under great troubles for about twenty years; being without the true God, and without a teaching Priest, and without Law: and in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries, and nation was destroyed of nation, and city of city, for God did vex them with all adversity. But when Shishak was dead, and Egypt fell into troubles, Judah had quiet ten years; and in that time Asabuilt fenced cities in Judah, and got up an army of 580000 men, with which, in the 15th year of his reign, he met and overcameZerah the Ethiopian, who had conquered Egypt and Lybia, and Troglodytica, and came out with an army of 1000000 Lybians andEthiopians, to recover the countries conquered by Sesac. And after this victory Asa dethroned his mother for idolatry, and he renewed the Altar, and brought new vessels of gold and silver into the Temple; and he and the people entered into a new covenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers, upon pain of death to those who worshiped other Gods; and his son Jehosaphat took away the high places, and in the third year of his reign sent some of his Princes, and of the Priests and Levites, to teach in the cities of Judah: and they had the book of the Law with them, and went about throughout all the cities of Judah, and taught the people. This is that book of the Law which was afterwards lost in the reign of Manasses, and found again in the reign of Josiah, and therefore it was written before the third year of Jehosaphat. The same book of the Law was preserved and handed down to posterity by the Samaritans, and therefore was received by the ten Tribes before their captivity. For when the ten Tribes were captivated, a Priest or the captivity was sent back to Bethel, by order of the King of Assyria, to instruct the new inhabitants of Samaria, in the manner of the God of the land; and the Samaritans had thePentateuch from this Priest, as containing the law or manner of the God of the land, which he was to teach them. For they persevered in the religion which he taught them, joining with it the worship of their own Gods; and by persevering in what they had been taught, they preserved this book of their Law in the original character of the Hebrews, while the two Tribes, after their return from Babylon, changed the character to that of the Chaldees, which they had learned at Babylon.