Art of War/Art of Chess - Arte de la Guerra / Arte Del Ajedrez

Book Description

"What is my best move?" This question plagues the mind of the chess player in every game. Art of War/Art of Chess makes it easier to find the answer. It works regardless of which color you find yourself playing.This book is written in Spanish and English. Each turn of the page reveals a passage in Spanish on the left and in English on the right. ------Most chess players desire to win more and lose less. Without a chess engine, many chess enthusiasts feel somewhat overwhelmed and helpless when playing a real expert. Chess is hard. Also, there is the growing embrace of Fischer Random and other variations, which put creativity and mastery of the game to new tests and new glories. The personal accomplishment of losing less often than most others is immensely satisfying. The defeats are learning experiences on the path.-------Chess players continue to struggle on the black side. Previous strategies have produced more losses than wins for black. It is unrealistic for black to expect to begin winning more using the white strategy of 'control the center and win the endgame.' It is time for a more effective approach. ------- Part One introduces the reader to Alexander the Great, Hannibal of Carthage, and King Leonidas of Sparta. Each of these Titanic leaders defeated an army which controlled the center and possessed superior numbers. The same strategy has been successfully applied to the black side of the chess board by a handful of Grandmasters. ------Art of War/Art of Chess illuminates the way forward. The specifically black strategy builds on the Hippopotamus Defense. The reason is that, like the Hippo, the Black position develops into something which appears slow and lethargic. However, once it engages with White forces, it is like a combination of behemoth and leviathan. White inevitably will send some pieces to the Black side of the board where they will get tangled up and eliminated. Eventually, the Black juggernaut will grind the White player into submission. The Hippo is quite fierce once it engages with opponents. It is not easily handled and it causes a lot of confusion for White players who have extremely limited experience with it. -------Part Two draws inspiration from the works of Sun Tzu (The Art of War) and Miyamoto Musashi (The Book of Five Rings). Sun Tzu (Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher) wrote the original Art of War 2500 years ago. It is the definitive work on military strategy and tactics. Musashi was undefeated in over 60 duels. The Book of Five Rings is the ultimate guide to one-on-one dueling with an eye towards total victory. ------The author played 15,000 hours of chess before considering writing this book. This experience combined with the knowledge from these two books is synthesized and applied to the game of chess. The reader is introduced to a new way of analyzing the situations which arise on the chess board, and responding forcefully with accurate moves.


Book Description

Filón; el personaje de esta novela, emprende una cruzada en contra de un mundo que se ha sumergido en una total crisis de proporciones apocalípticas, llevado por sus lecturas de metafísica y alquimia tradicional, se vuelve loco, y rompe con todo lo establecido en los tiempos modernos, en una suerte de profeta callejero, predicando el advenimiento de la Edad de Oro, lo que lo lleva a ser perseguido como enemigo número uno del establishment, y de la Bestia; que lo considera un loco peligroso y reo de lesa humanidad, ya que había postulado, contrariamente al pensamiento de Nietzsche, que en realidad, quien había muerto era la humanidad; y no Dios. El poder lo perseguirá, mientras la ciencia siquiátrica tratará de sicoanalizarlo para encontrar las causas de su errática locura. Filón logrará escapar entre las catacumbas de una gran persecución, refugiándose en el Árbol de la Vida, más allá del bien y del mal. Pasando por varias aventuras, hasta probar el mismo infierno.

Censura y recepción de Hemingway en España

Book Description

Aquest llibre és un estudi de la censura i recepció que les obres d’Ernest Hemingway van tenir a Espanya. En el primer capítol es demostra que quan el nord-americà va escriure «Per a qui toquen les campanes» defensava la política cultural de l’Aliança d'Intel·lectuals Antifeixistes per a la Defensa de la Cultura. A més, s’hi ofereix una anàlisi al·legòrica de la novel·la amb l’objectiu de demostrar com el text s’assembla a les al·legories d’Alberti. El segon capítol resumeix la crítica espanyola sobre les obres de Hemingway. Es fa atenció especial a les ressenyes anticipades que es publicaren a Espanya abans que els seus llibres apareguessen en el país. Cinc dels set capítols d’aquest llibre són resultat de la recerca que s’ha dut a terme en l’Arxiu General de l’Administració d’Alcalá de Henares. El tercer capítol és un resum dels expedients compilats pels censors espanyols sobre les obres de l’escriptor publicades a Espanya durant el règim de Franco. El quart comenta l’expedient que els censors franquistes van reunir sobre el llibre «Hemingway, entre la vida y la muerte», de l’autor espanyol José Luis Castillo-Puche. Aquest capítol demostra com els censors controlaren la crítica sobre Hemingway, a més de censurar els llibres de l’escriptor. El cinquè capítol reprodueix i comenta la correspondència sobre el film «Per a qui toquen les campanes» enviada entre l’ambaixador d’Espanya a Washington i els cònsols espanyols als Estats Units. El sisè capítol publica i comenta la correspondència sobre el film «Les neus del Kilimanjaro» enviada entre els diplomàtics espanyols destinats als Estats Units. El setè estudia l’expedient compilat sobre Gustavo Durán, amic de Hemingway durant la Guerra Civil i personatge de la novel·la «Per a qui toquen les campanes». Aquest expedient aporta una nova interpretació de les al·lusions al poble d’Usera en la novel·la de Hemingway.

Passport to Tequila

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The Renaissance Perfected

Book Description

Mussolini&’s bold claims upon the monuments and rhetoric of ancient Rome have been the subject of a number of recent books. D. Medina Lasansky shows us a much less familiar side of the cultural politics of Italian Fascism, tracing its wide-ranging efforts to adapt the nation&’s medieval and Renaissance heritage to satisfy the regime&’s programs of national regeneration. Anyone acquainted with the beauties of Tuscany will be surprised to learn that architects, planners, and administrators working within Fascist programs fabricated much of what today&’s tourists admire as authentic. Public squares, town halls, palaces, gardens, and civic rituals (including the famed Palio of Siena) were all &“restored&” to suit a vision of the past shaped by Fascist notions of virile power, social order, and national achievement in the arts. Ultimately, Lasansky forces readers to question long-standing assumptions about the Renaissance even as she expands the parameters of what constitutes Fascist culture. The arguments in The Renaissance Perfected are based in fresh archival evidence and a rich collection of illustrations, many reproduced for the first time, ranging from photographs and architectural drawings to tourist posters and film stills. Lasansky&’s groundbreaking book will be essential reading for students of medieval, Renaissance, and twentieth-century Italy as well as all those concerned with visual culture, architectural preservation, heritage studies, and tourism studies.

The Spanish Origin of the Checkers and Modern Chess Game. Volume III.

Book Description

Since 1987 we have defended in articles that the Spanish queen Isabella I of Castile (Isabel la Catolica) was the new chess queen (dama) on the chessboard. Other publications were in 1990, 1994, 1997, and 2004. And of course, Marilyn Yalom studied our book during her visit to the National Library in The Hague (Holland) before she wrote Birth of the Chess Queen in 2004. In her book one cannot see that in 1987, 1990, and 1994 we already published material about Isabel la Catolica (Isabel I of Castile) being the new powerful dama or chess queen on the chessboard. In other words we can state here that we have been studying Spanish history and its chess literature for over 30 years. Since 2003 we have also known the development of the new bishop in chess."

Cantos y otras mentiras

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