Arthur Honegger

Book Description

Arthur Honegger (1892--1955), Swiss by nationality, French by education and residence, was a major composer of the 20th century. Although he earned popular acclaim early in his career, in his later years his consistently tonal musical language was considered outmoded. His most significant works include five symphonies, a large body of chamber music, and several large-scale oratorios that combine choral and instrumental writing with declaimed narrative in a uniquely effective way. HARDCOVER

The Music of Arthur Honegger

Book Description

Studie over het werk van de Zwitserse laat-romantische componist (1892-1955)

Rhythmic and Contrapuntal Structures in the Music of Arthur Honegger

Book Description

This title was first published in 2002. Through analyses of a number of Honegger's compositions, including extended analyses of two of Honegger's orchestral works, "Mouvement symphonique No. 2 (Rugby)" and "Symphonie pour cordes", Keith Waters examines the principles of musical organization in Honegger's music and shows how these principles are based on systematic rhythmic and contrapuntal strategies. Musical form in Honegger's work, the book argues, is articulated by contrapuntal and rhythmic structures rather than by tonal structure, and it is this that provides the source of compositional unity in Honegger's music.

I am a composer

Book Description

Arthur Honegger

Book Description

Dieser Band enthält die Vorträge des Symposiums Arthur Honegger, das am 25./26. November 2005 im Münchener Institut français abgehalten wurde, sowie zwei weitere Studien. Der 50. Todestag Honeggers (1892-1955) bot den Anlaß, auf das ungeheuer vielfältige, rund 200 Werke umfassende OEuvre des Schweizer Komponisten mit Nachdruck hinzuweisen und zu entsprechenden Neu- und Wiederentdeckungen einzuladen. Der Symposiumsbericht bietet dazu vielfältige Möglichkeiten: durch Analysen und Übersichten sowie durch Versuche zu Einordnungen, Positionsbestimmungen und Neubewertungen. Ce volume présente les communications du colloque Arthur Honegger qui s'est tenu les 25 et 26 novembre 2005 à l'Institut français de Munich, augmenté de deux études supplémentaires. Le cinquantenaire de la disparition d'Honegger (1892-1955) a offert une occasion d'attirer l'attention avec insistance sur l'oeuvre, extrêmement diversifiée et riche de 200 titres, du compositeur suisse, et d'inviter à des découvertes et redécouvertes en conséquence. Le présent volume se veut un prétexte à des découvertes variées, au travers d'analyses et de comptes-rendus, d'essais de classification, de prises de position et de nouvelles appréciations.

Arthur Honegger

Book Description

Arthur Honegger

Book Description

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.

Crisis Music

Book Description

Story-like chapters profile six twentieth-century reactive composers; not the most famous pillars of the period but lesser-known, perhaps more approachable, characters whose stories span that 1900-2000 period from decadent fin-de-siècle Vienna (Alban Berg, Alexander Zemlinsky) to war-torn Paris (Olivier Messiaen, Arthur Honegger) to the Cold War tensions of East vs. West (Tōru Takemitsu) and late-century Communism (Arvo Pärt). Their stories were all very different crises, and they produced very different kinds of music; each very telling of their composers life and times. Crisis Music presents each brief biography almost like a detective story looking for motives, then spotlights one particular piece of music from each composer that emerged directly out of hard times maybe a political crisis at the time of composition (Hitler marching into Paris or later Communist crack-downs); or some personal angst such as illness or scandal and how that music contains and expresses crisis. In short, the subject for discussion is how context influences content. Such troubled and especially vivid composition, crisis music, can often be most compelling and meaningful for its composer and for its time. Indeed, their music also seems to have a special resonance to share with our own crisis-prone times. And meanwhile, Western music history played-out its own story from late-romantic style to Serialism and Minimalism to the anything-goes Pluralism we hear today. Crisis Music sparks the discussion about how history, biography and music intersects. At the behest of music teachers at secondary and tertiary levels, Crisis Music contains substantive Discussion Questions geared for classroom use.