Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the Principle of Systemic Integration in International Investment Law and Arbitration

Book Description

Das Werk zeigt Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern am Beispiel der Diskriminierungsverbote, dem Verbot der rechtswidrigen Enteignung und dem Gebot der fairen und gerechten Behandlung Möglichkeiten auf, wie die wohl wichtigste Problematik des internationalen Investitionsschutzrechtes, der faire Interessenausgleich zwischen Investitionsschutzrechten und dem Regulierungsbedürfnis des Gaststaates, im Wege der harmonischen Vertragsinterpretation auf Grundlage des Artikel 31(3)(c) WVK und dem sogenannten "Prinzip der systematischer Integration" gelingen kann bzw. wo dieser Ansatz seine Grenzen hat. Dazu wird zunächst die Relevanz "systemfremder" Normen im Investitionsschutzrecht erläutert herausgearbeitet. Nach einer detaillierten Darstellung der oben genannten Interpretationsmethoden, werden vor allem die Ansätze in der Rechtsprechung auf Grundlage der verschiedensten Vertragsregime und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeiten analysiert.

Article 31(3)(c) VCLT and the Principle of Systemic Integration

Book Description

In Article 31(3)(c) VCLT and the Principle of Systemic Integration: Normative Shadows in Plato’s Cave the author tackles a provision on treaty interpretation that has risen in prominence, Article 31(3)(c) VCLT. This article, which enshrines the principle of systemic integration, and its exact scope has become and continues to be a hotly debated subject in academic and judicial circles. Through an examination of both its written and unwritten elements, the author argues that the ‘proximity criterion’ is the optimal way of understanding and utilizing this provision, that conflict resolution principles may be of use within Article 31(3)(c) and finally, that the principle of systemic integration is indispensable not only for interpreting treaty provisions but customary international law as well.

International Investment Law and Legal Theory

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A theoretical analysis of the structure of expropriation in investment law, investigating the foundations for contemporary scholarship and practice.

Proportionality in Investor-State Arbitration

Book Description

While international investment law is one of the most dynamic and thriving fields of international law, it is increasingly criticized for failing to strike a fair balance between private property rights and the public interest. Proportionality is a tool to resolve conflicts between competing rights and interests. This book assesses its current role, its potential, and its limits in investor-State arbitration. Proportionality is often lauded for reconciling colliding interests. This book identifies three factors arbitrators should consider before engaging in a proportionality analysis: the rule of law, the risk of judicial law-making, and the availability of a value system that guides the proportionality analysis. Apart from making suggestions when arbitrators should apply proportionality and when not to, the book outlines what States can do to recalibrate the balance between private property rights and the public interest if they wish to do so without dismantling the current system of investor-State arbitration. Proportionality in Investor-State Arbitration considers whether and to what extent the notion of general principles of law within the meaning of Article 38(1)(c) of the ICJ Statute and the concept of systemic integration enshrined in Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides a valid legal foundation for applying proportionality in investor-State arbitration.

The Principle of Systemic Integration in International Law

Book Description

International law has greatly expanded in reach and density over the past few decades and its fragmented and decentralized nature is causing anxiety among those who need to resolve legal dilemmas in a system that lacks vertical hierarchy. Although the principle of systemic integration is embodied in Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention 1969, its operation and significance has not been fully assessed. The Principle of Systemic Integration in International Law fills this research gap by analysing the manner in which the principle has been applied in the judicial decisions of international courts and tribunals, together with the practice of states and international organizations in the framing of international instruments and their application. Building upon the framework he first pioneered in 2005 and the culmination of two decades of academic research and practical experience in international law, the author Campbell McLachlan KC closely examines legislative texts and cases to reflect on the principle's theoretical foundations and actual application in practice. The book argues that the principle of systemic integration contributes to an orderly framework within which conflicts between institutions and between legal norms may be addressed. It explores how disparate parts of international law are integrated in the development of bilateral and multilateral treaties and, finally, analyses the operation of the principle in international courts and tribunals. The reasoning and larger questions presented by the book will bring fresh insights to researchers and practitioners undertaking any international law project.

The Origins of International Investment Law

Book Description

An examination of the origins of international investment law and their continued resonance in the twenty-first century.

Reassertion of Control over the Investment Treaty Regime

Book Description

Driven by public opinion in host states, contracting parties to investment agreements are pursuing many avenues in order to curb a system that is being perceived - correctly or not - as having run out of control. Reassertion of Control over the Investment Treaty Regime is the first book of its kind to examine the many issues of procedure, substantive law, and policy which arise from this trend. From procedural aspects such as frivolous claims mechanisms, the establishment of appeals mechanism or state-state arbitration, to substantive issues such as joint interpretations, treaty termination or detailed definitions of standards of protection, the book identifies and discusses the main means by which states do or may reassert their control over the interpretation and application of investment treaties. Each chapter tackles one of these avenues and evaluates its potential to serve as an instrument in states' reassertion of control.

The Evolutionary Interpretation of Treaties

Book Description

If a treaty from the 1850s regulating 'commerce' or forbidding 'degrading treatment of persons' is to be interpreted 150 years later, does 'commerce' or 'degrading treatment of persons' have the same meaning at the time of interpretation as they had when the treaty was agreed? The evolutionary interpretation of treaties has proven one of the most controversial topics in the practice of international law. Indeed, it has been seen as going against the very grain of the law of treaties, and has been argued to be contrary to the intention of the parties, breaching the principle of consent. This book asks what the place of evolutionary interpretation is within the understanding of treaties, at a time when many important international legal instruments are over 50 years old. It sets out to place the evolutionary interpretation of treaties on a firm footing within the general rule of interpretation, as codified in Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. The book demonstrates that the evolutionary interpretation of treaties - in common with all other types of interpretation such as good faith, the text of the treaty, context, object and purpose - is in fact a based upon an objective understanding of the intention of the parties. In order to marry intention and evolution in this way, the book argues that, on the one hand, evolutionary interpretation is the product of the correct application of Article 31 and, on the other, that Article 31 is geared towards the establishment of the intention of the parties. The evolutionary interpretation of treaties is therefore shown to represent an intended evolution.

Interpreting WTO Agreements

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This second edition identifies the problems of interpreting WTO agreements, addressing the legislative developments and updating the case law.

General Principles of Law and International Investment Arbitration

Book Description

General Principles of Law in Investment Arbitration surveys the function of general principles in the field of international investment law, particularly in investment arbitration. The authors’ analysis provides a representative case study of how this informal source operates alongside and in the absence of other sources of applicable law. The contributions are divided into two parts, devoted respectively to substantive principles and procedural ones. The principles discussed in the book are selected for their currency in the practice, their contested nature and their relevance.