Artificial Intelligence Education in the Context of Work

Book Description

This edited volume remedies existing deficiencies in the literature on artificial intelligence and education in the context of work. The topics addressed by this book are: • Supporting formal and informal learning through AI• Human-machine collaboration for learning at the workplace, including the potential of human-AI interaction in professional and vocational education contexts, design, use, and evaluation of human-AI hybrid systems for learning• Intelligent and Interactive Technologies for Learning, including natural language processing and speech technologies; data mining and machine learning; knowledge representation and reasoning; semantic web technologies, chat bot-mediated learning, and conversational learning, • AI-enabled applications for skills management and personalized learning, such as AI-enabled coaching, personalized skill management, and intelligent tutoring systems. • Case studies for the implementation and use of AI-enabled learning and performance solutions, such as personal learning experience platforms, and automated performance feedback.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Book Description

"The landscape for education has been rapidly changing in the last years: demographic changes affecting the makeup of families, multiple school options available to children, wealth disparities, the global economy demanding new skills from workers, and continued breakthroughs in technology are some of the factors impacting education. Given these changes, how can schools continue to prepare students for the future? In a world where information is readily available online, how can schools continue to be relevant? The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has exacerbated the need to have these conversations. Its impact on education and the multiple possibilities that it offers are putting pressure on educational leaders to reformulate the school curriculum and the channels to deliver it. The book "Artificial Intelligence in Education, Promises and Implications for Teaching and Learning" by the Center for Curriculum Redesign immerses the reader in a discussion on what to teach students in the era of AI and examines how AI is already demanding much needed updates to the school curriculum, including modernizing its content, focusing on core concepts, and embedding interdisciplinary themes and competencies with the end goal of making learning more enjoyable and useful in students' lives. The second part of the book dives into the history of AI in education, its techniques and applications -including the way AI can help teachers be more effective, and finishes on a reflection about the social aspects of AI. This book is a must-read for educators and policy-makers who want to prepare schools to face the uncertainties of the future and keep them relevant." --Amada Torres, VP, Studies, Insights, and Research, National Association of Independent School (NAIS) "The rapid advances in technology in recent decades have already brought about substantial changes in education, opening up new opportunities to teach and learn anywhere anytime and providing new tools and methods to improve learning outcomes and support innovative teaching and learning.Research into artificial intelligence and machine learning in education goes back to the late 1970s. Artificial intelligence methods were generally employed in two ways: to design and facilitate interactive learning environments that would support learning by doing, and to design and implement tutoring systems by adapting instructions with respect to the students' knowledge state.But this is just the beginning. As Artificial Intelligence in Education shows, AI is increasingly used in education and learning contexts. The collision of three areas - data, computation and education - is set to have far-reaching consequences, raising fundamental questions about the nature of education: what is taught and how it is taught. Artificial Intelligence in Education is an important, if at times disturbing, contribution to the debate on AI and provides a detailed analysis on how it may affect the way teachers and students engage in education. The book describes how artificial intelligence may impact on curriculum design, on the individualisation of learning, and on assessment, offering some tantalising glimpses into the future (the end of exams, your very own lifelong learning companion) while not falling victim to tech-hype. The enormous ethical, technical and pedagogical challenges ahead are spelt out, and there is a real risk that the rapid advances in artificial intelligence products and services will outstrip education systems' capacity to understand, manage and integrate them appropriately. As the book concludes: "We can either leave it to others (the computer scientists, AI engineers and big tech companies) to decide how artificial intelligence in education unfolds, or we can engage in productive dialogue."I commend this book to anyone concerned with the future of education in a digital world." --Marc Durando, Executive Director, European Schoolnet

AI and education

Book Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and ultimately accelerate the progress towards SDG 4. However, these rapid technological developments inevitably bring multiple risks and challenges, which have so far outpaced policy debates and regulatory frameworks. This publication offers guidance for policy-makers on how best to leverage the opportunities and address the risks, presented by the growing connection between AI and education. It starts with the essentials of AI: definitions, techniques and technologies. It continues with a detailed analysis of the emerging trends and implications of AI for teaching and learning, including how we can ensure the ethical, inclusive and equitable use of AI in education, how education can prepare humans to live and work with AI, and how AI can be applied to enhance education. It finally introduces the challenges of harnessing AI to achieve SDG 4 and offers concrete actionable recommendations for policy-makers to plan policies and programmes for local contexts. [Publisher summary, ed]

Artifical Intelligence, Culture and Language: On Education and Work

Book Description

This book springs from a conference held in Stockholm in May June 1988 on Culture, Language and Artificial Intelligence. It assembled more than 300 researchers and practitioners in the fields of technology, philosophy, history of ideas, literature, lin guistics, social science, etc. It was an initiative from the Swedish Center for Working Life, based on the project AI-Based Systems and the Future of Language, Knowledge and Responsibility in Professions within the COST 13 programme of the European Commission. Participants in the conference, or in some cases researchers related to its aims, were chosen to contribute to this book. It was preceded by Knowledge, Skill and Artificial Intelligence (ed. B. G6ranzon and 1. Josefson, Springer-Verlag, London, 1988) and will be followed by Dialogue and Technology (ed. M. Florin and B. Goranzon, Springer-Verlag, London, 1990). The contributors' thinking in this field varies greatly; so do their styles of writing. For example: contributors have varied in their choice of 'he' or 'he/she' for the third person. No distinction is intended but chapters have been left with the original usage to avoid extensive changes. Similarly, individual contributor's preferences as to notes or references lists have been followed. We want to thank our researcher Satinder P. Gill for excellent work with summaries and indexes, and Sandi Irvine of Springer Verlag for eminent editorial work.

Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education

Book Description

This book brings together the fields of artificial intelligence (often known as A.I.) and inclusive education in order to speculate on the future of teaching and learning in increasingly diverse social, cultural, emotional, and linguistic educational contexts. This book addresses a pressing need to understand how future educational practices can promote equity and equality, while at the same time adopting A.I. systems that are oriented towards automation, standardisation and efficiency. The contributions in this edited volume appeal to scholars and students with an interest in forming a critical understanding of the development of A.I. for education, as well as an interest in how the processes of inclusive education might be shaped by future technologies. Grounded in theoretical engagement, establishing key challenges for future practice, and outlining the latest research, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the complex issues arising from the convergence of A.I. technologies and the necessity of developing inclusive teaching and learning. To date, there has been little in the way of direct association between research and practice in these domains: A.I. has been a predominantly technical field of research and development, and while intelligent computer systems and ‘smart’ software are being increasingly applied in many areas of industry, economics, social life, and education itself, a specific engagement with the agenda of inclusion appears lacking. Although such technology offers exciting possibilities for education, including software that is designed to ‘personalise’ learning or adapt to learner behaviours, these developments are accompanied by growing concerns about the in-built biases involved in machine learning techniques driven by ‘big data’.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Book Description

The nature of technology has changed since Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) was conceptualized as a research community and Interactive Learning Environments were initially developed.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Book Description

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Fundamentals for Educators presents those issues in artificial intelligence (AI) that are of concern to teachers when coming to understand the various aspects involved with the field, and how they relate and can be applied to those in education. This includes developing a working knowledge of the key concepts behind AI, and an understanding of the characteristics and evolution of the field itself. The benefits, risks, bias, and ethics involved with AI design, development, and deployment are also considered, and this includes aspects of AI and human perception, and how these differ, and what this means practically. The manner in which we can naturally come to interact with AI systems, along with an understanding of the differences and similarities between human machine learning is also explored. After these fundamentals are established the five big ideas in AI for education are introduced, and the more integral aspects of each, including their implications for society, are examined. This establishes a grounding for presenting what it now means to be teaching and learning in the era of the fourth industrial revolution; how digital assistants and voice user interfaces, along with chatbots and robots can be applied in the teaching and learning context, particularly that of English language learning; and, how the design thinking process can assist in the development of pedagogical projects in educational workplaces. The text also has a companion workbook, in which all of the activities presented can be completed.

AI and Work Ethics

Book Description

The rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of work at a rapid pace. In this context of automation and significant changes in professional dynamics, it is essential to reflect on the ethical and social implications of this technological revolution. The book "AI and Work Ethics: Navigating the Frontiers of Responsible Automation" dives deep into this complex theme and presents a comprehensive overview of the crucial issues that permeate the intersection of AI and work. With an educational and informative approach, this reference work explores the impacts of AI on the workplace, from the automation of tasks and processes to the reskilling of the workforce. Through informed analyses and practical examples, the challenges and opportunities that arise with the growing adoption of AI in organizations are discussed. Chapters cover everything from the fundamentals of AI to the ethical and social implications of job security, labor rights, and socioeconomic challenges. The book also explores the crucial role of AI regulation and governance, highlighting regulatory initiatives, ethics in research and development, and the responsibility of both developers and users. Throughout this intellectual journey, reflections are presented that aim to stimulate critical thinking and invite readers to ponder on the ongoing transformations. In addition, suggestions for actions and measures to ensure a more ethical and humane future in an increasingly automated world are proposed. "AI and Work Ethics: Navigating the Frontiers of Responsible Automation" is a comprehensive guide for students, practitioners, and researchers interested in understanding the impact of AI on work and the associated ethical implications. This book is an invitation to explore the frontiers of AI in a conscious and responsible way, contributing to building an equitable, inclusive and prosperous future.

Management and Business Education in the Time of Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are one of top investment priorities in these days. They are aimed at finding applications in fields of special value for humans, including education. The fourth industrial revolution will replace not only human hands but also human brains, the time of machines requires new forms of work and new ways of business education, however we must be aware that if there is no control of human-AI interaction, there is a risk of losing sight of this interaction’s goal. First, it is important to get people to truly understand AI systems, to intentionally participate in their use, as well as to build their trust, because “the measure of success for AI applications is the value they create for human lives” (Stanford University 2016, 33). Consequently, society needs to adapt to AI applications if it is to extend its benefits and mitigate the inevitable errors and failures. This is why it is highly recommended to create new AI-powered tools for education that are the result of cooperation between AI researchers and humanities’ and social sciences’ researchers, who can identify cognitive processes and human behaviors. This book is authored by a range of international experts with a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives hopefully bringing us closer to the responses for the questions what we should teach (what the ‘right’ set of future skills is), how we should teach (the way in which schools should teach and assess them) and where we should teach (what implications does AI have for today’s education infrastructure). We must remember as we have already noticed before “ institutions would need to ensure that that they have an appropriate infrastructure, as well as the safety and credibility of AI-based systems. Ultimately, the law and policies need to adjust to the rapid pace of AI development, because the formal responsibility for appropriate learning outcomes will in future be divided between a teacher and a machine. Above all, we should ensure that AI respect human and civil rights (Stachowicz-Stanusch, Amann, 2018)”.