The Genetic Architecture of High Voluntary Wheel Running in House Mice

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In conclusion, this research supports ideas that the HR trait has a complex genetic architecture, consisting of multiple genes, dominance, maternal effects, and at least one GOME on traits related to wheel running. It also shows that during the artificial selection protocol, changes to the genetic architecture have occurred and that high levels of running can be achieved through different genetic pathways.

Behavioral, Neural, and Life History Correlates of Selective Breeding for High Voluntary Exercise in House Mice

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Secondly, I studied whether the HR and Control linesdiffer with respect to life history characteristics of dams and litters over a 10-generation span. I found that HR did not differ from Control in most measures of reproductive output or measures of maternal care.

The Evolution of Parental Care

Book Description

Parental care includes a wide variety of traits that enhance offspring development and survival. This novel book provides a fresh perspective on the current state of the study of the evolution of parental care, written by some of the top researchers in the field, and taking a broad taxonomic approach.

Animal Models

Book Description

This book deals with a novel aspect of a topical problem that is of widespread concern. Obesity and other eating disorders are significant human health problems that are proving highly resistant to prevention and cure. The recognition of important genotype/environment interaction in the causation of these problems and of the extensive genetic homology of higher animals justifies the importance of cross-species comparisons. The book covers observations made on animals in the wild as well as experimental data on laboratory animals and farm animals in order to lay out the basic genetic and environmental factors underlying the control of appetite (including diet selection) and body weight. Breakdown in these intricate mechanisms are then compared to examine the possible common candidate genes and their interaction with non-genetic factors, particularly the availability of diet choice and of levels of body activity. Animals have much to tell us about these mysteries and may significantly aid progress in dealing with what are still highly intractable and serious diseases of the modern world.