Arts and Crafts Movement in New Zealand, 1870-1940

Book Description

"Reveals ... the exquisite work and extraordinary skill of a group of New Zealand artists, most of them women, working in a wide variety of art and craft forms ... This flowering of local talent ... originated in the British Arts and Crafts movement and is associated with the growth of art education in this country: its quiet but dedicated character also suggests much about the situation of women in the years before and after 1900"--Jacket.

MoMoWo · 100 projects in 100 years. European Women in Architecture and Design · 1918-2018

Book Description

This publication is aimed to support two MoMoWo traveling exhibitions which will be presented in six European countries in two years (2016-2017): indoor exhibition catalogue “100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018”, and outdoor exhibition “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”. Exhibition catalogue 100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018 brings together a selection of some of the most significant and representative examples of European architecture and design created by 100 women from the end of the First World War up until today. The number of works is symbolic, as ‘one hundred’ could also mean ‘countless’ as in the Latin word centium. While, the number of authors –each work has a different author– derives from MoMoWo’s choice to represent many different creators, consequently popularising lesser known figures, too. It includes biographies of women architects, civil engineers, furniture and industrial designers, urban planners, interior and landscape designers. It represents the main trends and major ‘schools’ of architecture and design all over Europe. The biographical data covers education and training, professional histories, networks women have operated in, including informal societies, memberships in trade bodies and associations, their profile as international, national, local and regional designers, as well as looking at how women have promoted their work i.e. in exhibitions, publications, competition entries, etc. The catalogue entries are followed by thirteen thematic essays on women architects and designers and by the outdoor exhibition catalogue “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”, where photographs by ten finalists of the MoMoWo Photo competition are presented. By seeking to identify women who worked in Europe as well as European women who worked outside Europe over last 100 years, the main aim of this catalogue is to increase the awareness of historians and the general public about their enormous contribution to architecture and design, and indirectly providing accessibility to their works. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Razstavni katalog 100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018 prinaša izbor nekaterih najbolj reprezentativnih primerov evropske arhitekture in oblikovanja, ki jih je sto žensk ustvarilo v obdobju od konca prve svetovne vojne do danes. Izbrano število del je simbolično, saj 'sto' v latinščini lahko pomeni tudi 'nešteto' (lat. centium), medtem ko število ustvarjalk – vsako delo ima drugo avtorico – izhaja iz namena MoMoWo projekta predstaviti čim več različnih avtoric in s tem posledično osvetliti tudi manj znane osebnosti. Katalog vsebuje biografije arhitektk, gradbenih inženirk, oblikovalk na področju notranjega in industrijskega oblikovanja, urbanistk in krajinskih arhitektk iz 26-tih držav. Zastopane so glavne smeri in pomembne 'šole' na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja iz vse Evrope. Biografski podatki obsegajo izobrazbo in šolanje, poklicno pot ustvarjalk, mreže v katerih so ženske delovale, vključno z neformalnimi skupinami, članstvom v institucijah in združenjih, njihov profil na mednarodnem, nacionalnem, lokalnem in regionalnem nivoju, kot tudi kako so predstavljale svoje delo na razstavah, v publikacijah, na javnih natečajih itd. Kataložnim enotam sledi trinajst tematskih esejev o arhitektkah in oblikovalkah ter katalog razstave na prostem “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”, ki predstavlja fotografije desetih finalistov mednarodnega MoMoWo fotografskega natečaja. S predstavitvijo žensk, ki so delovale v Evropi, in Evropejk, ki so delovale izven nje v zadnjih sto letih je glavni namen kataloga razširiti vedenje strokovne in širše javnosti o ogromnem prispevku žensk na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja in jima hkrati približati njihovo delo. Publikacija je izšla v okviru dveh MoMoWo potujočih razstav, ki bosta v dveh letih (2016-2017) predstavljeni v šestih evropskih državah: razstava “100 del v 100 letih. Evropejke na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja. 1918-2018”, in razstava na prostem “Ženska zgodba. Reportaža o oblikovalkah”.

Lady Gardeners

Book Description

The Lady Gardeners are those women who, from the eighteenth century to the present day, have been working in a garden, from imagining and creating it, to sowing, planting, pruning, painting and photographing plants, and moving from garden design to more urgent themes such as landscape conservation and environmental issues.


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Domestic Fiction in Colonial Australia and New Zealand

Book Description

Colonial domestic literature has been largely overlooked and is due for a reassessment. This essay collection explores attitudes to colonialism, imperialism and race, as well as important developments in girlhood and the concept of the New Woman.


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History, heritage, and colonialism

Book Description

History, heritage, and colonialism explores the politics of history-making and interest in preserving the material remnants of the past in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century colonial society, looking at both indigenous pasts and those of European origin. Focusing on New Zealand, but also covering the Australian and Canadian experiences, it explores how different groups and political interests have sought to harness historical narrative in support of competing visions of identity and memory. Considering this within the frames of the local and national as well as of empire, the book offers a valuable critique of the study of colonial identity-making and cultures of colonisation. This book offers important insights for societies negotiating the legacy of a colonial past in a global present, and will be of particular value to all those concerned with museum, heritage, and tourism studies, as well as imperial history.

"Craft, Community and the Material Culture of Place and Politics, 19th-20th Century "

Book Description

Craft practice has a rich history and remains vibrant, sustaining communities while negotiating cultures within local or international contexts. More than two centuries of industrialization have not extinguished handmade goods; rather, the broader force of industrialization has redefined and continues to define the context of creation, deployment and use of craft objects. With object study at the core, this book brings together a collection of essays that address the past and present of craft production, its use and meaning within a range of community settings from the Huron Wendat of colonial Quebec to the Girls? Friendly Society of twentieth-century England. The making of handcrafted objects has and continues to flourish despite the powerful juggernaut of global industrialization, whether inspired by a calculated refutation of industrial sameness, an essential means to sustain a cultural community under threat, or a rejection of the imposed definitions by a dominant culture. The broader effects of urbanizing, imperial and globalizing projects shape the multiple contexts of interaction and resistance that can define craft ventures through place and time. By attending to the political histories of craft objects and their makers, over the last few centuries, these essays reveal the creative persistence of various hand mediums and the material debates they represented.

Women's Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018)

Book Description

Extensive work is a result of four year research within the international project Women's Creativity since the Modern Movement, and brings new insights into women in architecture, construction, design, urban planning and landscape architecture in Europe and in the rest of the world. It is divided into eight chapters that combine 116 articles on topics: A. Women’s education and training: National and international mappings; B. Women’s legacy and heritage: Protection, restoration and enhancement; C. Women in communication and professional networks; D. Women and cultural tourism; E. Women’s achievements and professional attainments: Moving boundaries; F. Women and sustainability: City and Landscape; G. Women ‘as subjects’: Documentation, methodology, interpretation and enhancement; SG. Design drawings. / Obsežno delo je plod štiriletnih raziskav v okviru mednarodnega projekta MoMoWo - Ženska ustvarjalnost od modernizma dalje in prinaša nova spoznanja na področju žensk v arhitekturi, gradbeništvu, oblikovanju, urbanizmu in krajinski arhitekturi v Evropi in širše. Razdeljena je v osem poglavij, ki združujejo 116 prispevkov na temo o njihovi izobraženosti, kulturni zapuščini, vključevanju v stanovska združenja ali njihovim prispevkom h kulturnemu turizmu in stroki ter raziskovanju njihovega dela. Zaključi jo poglavje z grafičnimi prilogami.