As Migrações Internacionais e o Desenvolvimento dos Países de Origem: Impactos e Políticas

Book Description

Assim, esta dissertação examina as relações entre as migrações internacionais e o desenvolvimento económico dos países emissores, bem como as implicações políticas dessas relações, em três momentos: em primeiro lugar, leva-se a cabo uma análise de tipo dedutivo, com base numa revisão crítica da literatura, dos impactes da emigração sobre o desenvolvimento dos países emissores tal como indiciado pelos seus impactes sobre os stocks dos diversos factores de produção (em particular, trabalho e várias formas de capital). Com vista a alcançar este objectivo, é primeiramente sugerido o recurso à “matriz migrações-desenvolvimento” – uma ferramenta analítica que é apresentada com o objectivo de auxiliar a classificação dos diversos efeitos da emigração sobre a capacidade produtiva, de acordo com o momento lógico do processo migratório em que ocorrem e com o factor produtivo afectado. Em segundo lugar, procede-se a uma tentativa de formalização das conclusões procedentes da discussão realizada nos capítulos anteriores com vista à apresentação de um versão preliminar de um modelo geral “migraçõesdesenvolvimento”. Finalmente, apresenta-se uma recensão de algumas das políticas mais comuns e/ou interessantes que têm vindo a ser adoptadas com o objectivo de maximizar os benefícios e minimizar os custos associados ao nexo migrações-desenvolvimento. O objectivo último deste trabalho consiste, assim, em reexaminar os contributos da literatura “migrações-desenvolvimento” a partir de uma perspectiva especificamente macroeconómica, de modo a contribuir para uma melhor compreensão de um dos mais cruciais e controversos aspectos da globalização.

Translational Medicine

Book Description

Translational Medicine: Optimizing Preclinical Safety Evaluation of Biopharmaceuticals provides scientists responsible for the translation of novel biopharmaceuticals into clinical trials with a better understanding of how to navigate the obstacles that keep innovative medical research discoveries from becoming new therapies or even making it to clinical trials. The book includes sections on protein-based therapeutics, modified proteins, oligonucleotide-based therapies, monoclonal antibodies, antibody–drug conjugates, gene and cell-based therapies, gene-modified cell-based therapies, combination products, and therapeutic vaccines. Best practices are defined for efficient discovery research to facilitate a science-based, efficient, and predictive preclinical development program to ensure clinical efficacy and safety. Key Features: Defines best practices for leveraging of discovery research to facilitate a development program Includes general principles, animal models, biomarkers, preclinical toxicology testing paradigms, and practical applications Discusses rare diseases Discusses "What-Why-When-How" highlighting different considerations based upon product attributes. Includes special considerations for rare diseases About the Editors Joy A. Cavagnaro is an internationally recognized expert in preclinical development and regulatory strategy with an emphasis on genetic medicines.. Her 40-year career spans academia, government (FDA), and the CRO and biotech industries. She was awarded the 2019 Arnold J Lehman Award from the Society of Toxicology for introducing the concept of science-based, case-by-case approach to preclinical safety evaluation, which became the foundation of ICH S6. She currently serves on scientific advisory boards for advocacy groups and companies and consults and lectures in the area of preclinical development of novel therapies. Mary Ellen Cosenza is a regulatory toxicology consultant with over 30 years of senior leadership experience in the biopharmaceutical industry in the U.S., Europe, and emerging markets. She has held leadership position in both the American College of Toxicology (ACT) and the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) and is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Southern California where she teaches graduate-level courses in toxicology and regulation of biologics.

The National Versus the Foreigner in South America

Book Description

A historical and comparative analysis investigating two hundred years of migration and citizenship laws in South America.

The Cerrados of Brazil

Book Description

The massive grasslands of Brazil -- known as the cerrados -- which cover roughly a quarter of its land surface and are among the most threatened regions in South America, have received little media attention. This book brings together leading researchers on the area to produce the first detailed account in English of the natural history and ecology of the cerrado/savanna ecosystem. Given their extent and threatened status, the richness of their flora and fauna, and the lack of familiarity with their unique ecology at the international level, the cerrados are badly in need of this important and timely work.

The Atlantic Forest

Book Description

The Atlantic Forest is one of the 36 hotspots for biodiversity conservation worldwide. It is a unique, large biome (more than 3000 km in latitude; 2500 in longitude), marked by high biodiversity, high degree of endemic species and, at the same time, extremely threatened. Approximately 70% of the Brazilian population lives in the area of this biome, which makes the conflict between biodiversity conservation and the sustainability of the human population a relevant issue. This book aims to cover: 1) the historical characterization and geographic variation of the biome; 2) the distribution of the diversity of some relevant taxa; 3) the main threats to biodiversity, and 4) possible opportunities to ensure the biodiversity conservation, and the economic and social sustainability. Also, it is hoped that this book can be useful for those involved in the development of public policies aimed at the conservation of this important global biome.

Biodiversity of Angola

Book Description

This open access multi-authored book presents a 'state of the science' synthesis of knowledge on the biodiversity of Angola, based on sources in peer-reviewed journals, in books and where appropriate, unpublished official reports. The book identifies Angola as one of the most biologically diverse countries in Africa, but notes that its fauna, flora, habitats and the processes that drive the dynamics of its ecosystems are still very poorly researched and documented. This 'state of the science' synthesis is for the use of all students of Angola's biodiversity, and for those responsible for the planning, development and sustainable management of the country's living resources. The volume brings together the results of expeditions and research undertaken in Angola since the late eighteenth century, with emphasis on work conducted in the four decades since Angola's independence in 1975. The individual chapters have been written by leaders in their fields, and reviewed by peers familiar with the region.

Sugarcane Bioethanol

Book Description

In Brazil, sugarcane ethanol supplied, in 2009, 17.6 % of the energy for land transportation (excluding railroads)and about 55% of the total energy supplied by liquid fuel for Otto cycle engines. Besides the lower production costs ethanol produced from sugarcane in Brazil has another important advantage: in Central-South Brazil only 1 unit of fossil energy is used for each 8-9 units of energy produced by ethanol from sugarcane. Carbon emissions reduction also benefits from sugarcane ethanol: for each cubic meter of ethanol used as fuel, there is net saving of around 2 t CO2 not emitted to the atmosphere while, at the same time, no SO2 is emitted. Sugarcane was introduced in Brazil in 1532. The "Brazilian model" of producing concomitantly sugar and ethanol, brought important technical benefits and made possible an outstanding increase in the competitiveness in the international market for sugar and ethanol. Today about 50% of the sucrose of sugarcane produced in the country is directed to the production of sugar while another half is used to produce Ethanol. Industrial and academic R&D has helped to increase the productivity of ethanol steadily over the past 35 years, at a rate of 3.2% per year. Productivity gains implied savings of planted area by a factor of 2.6. In 2009/2010 the area planted with sugarcane for Ethanol production was 4.2 Mha, amounting to 1% of the total arable land available in Brazil. About 60% of the Ethanol produced in Brazil comes from the State of Sao Paulo, where the productivity is the highest (around 86 t/ha.year). Most of the recent expansion is happening in the center-west region of the country, in degraded pasture lands. The FAPESP Program for Research on Bioenergy, BIOEN, aims at articulating public and private R&D, using academic and industrial laboratories to advance and apply knowledge in fields related to ethanol production in Brazil. The BIOEN Program has a solid core for supporting academic exploratory research activities that will generate new knowledge and form scientists and professionals essential for advancing industry capacity in ethanol related technologies. On top of this, BIOEN includes partnerships with industry for cooperative R&D activities between industrial and academic laboratories, which are to be co-funded by FAPESP and industry.Federal agencies, such as CNPq, will also co-fund the research.